IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

You can do this with rock and heavy metal because both use a drummer, bass player, at least one guitar... And that makes Bruce Springsteen the most successful metal musician ever.

Hard rock is more blues orientes. Its lyrics are lighter. The scales are different. The rythms are different. The themes are different. Metal tends to use darker themes and the music is heavily influenced by classic music. Their influences, the bands that they listen at are also different.

Also, if yhey use the word babe then it's definitely hard rock. Unless they say kill the babe. You will never see a heavy metal band talking about rock and roll in their lyrics as you will never see a hard rock band talking about heavy metal in their lyrics.

Wikipedia says that In Flames is a melodic death metal band. Period.

Yes there are bands that sometimes deal with both genders. But this is why both terms exist. As there is one melodeath, one trash, one death, one gothic, there is hard rock and there is heavy metal.

With hard rock you can dance and grab your gf and kiss her. It's sexy and glamurous. With heavy metal you raise your hands and shake your head. Heavy metal it's not sexy. It's noisy. It's sweaty. It's dark. It's profound. - "Glam metal can be traced back to music acts like Alice Cooper, Cheap Trick, Kiss, The New York Dolls, and Van Halen."

It's quite hard to not find the difference between Led Zeppelin and Slayer, but with acts like Kiss or Alice Cooper, you are really dancing the line. It's dark, it's daring, it's borderline provocative, while still being heavy. I seriously doubt that any record label told them ever to change a guitar riff or the pacing of a song, because it sounds too metalish, and not rockish. No, they've played their music, and we can argue whether it was heavy metal or hard rock, but the fact that it's not clear at all goes to show that it's not as simple as you put it.

You say that the "corruption" of metal started with nu metal, but I'm willing to bet some serious money that people talked about Kiss or Bon Jovi as sellout acts, because they strayed so far from the more complicated rock sound of the likes of Led Zeppelin for example. I mean what the hell is this, a handful of guys in mascara singing about sex and girls??? How dare they!! Where are my 6-10 minutes long, perfect songs? What are these 3 minutes long, extremely catchy songs?

Rappers literally died for their macho-ghetto songs, then in comes the 2000s where a white (!!!) dude hits the top of the charts with silly songs like My Name Is and Without Me.

So no, metal reaching popularity thanks to nu metal was nothing unheard of or unexpected in the music industry. Also, I doubt it hindered any non-mainstream metal acts, as there was literally an entire generation, which grew up with metal being blasted in every single music and radio station. Me and my friend were both listening to stuff like LP, Slipknot, Korn or SOAD, and now he's also into acts like Nile or Meshuggah, while I went down the ways of In Flames or Soilwork.

Maybe if it's not for those acts, many of us would miss out on these bands. It's absolutely hilarious seeing you guys yawning at these bands, like they hurt you any way, or made the life of your favorite bands miserable. Even the face of the beginning of the emo-era, the Black Parade by MCR is actually a great record. It's just people only remember that a bunch of teens fell in love with it, so it obviously have to be shitty, because if a 14 year old can't appreciate the demo cassette of Lunar Strain, then they don't know what good music is.
I would like to hear the opinions from the rest of you people. Are hard rock and heavy metal the same? Yes or no.

Remember that yhe difference is that you can soend an eternity in hell listening to Iron Maiden or listening to Bon Jovi.
You can also spend an eternity in hell listening to Limp Bizkit and Dark Tranquility, yet both of them are metal.
This reminds me of the time when someone registered a new account with the same name as mine, but added two extra 4s at the end of it (I already had 2), took the same avatar as me, and started posting on the same threads as me. :D It was in the heyday of internet boards, but still, It's always validating when people are willingly put their free time and in a way, their creativity to get to you. Now I even got nostalgic and remembered my MMORPG adventures, and how far some people went to try to combat me, the public enemy. Good times! :)

But to be on topic: yes, it's a very nice record in its genre. There are "cool" songs which can't really stand the test of time, because singing a chorus that goes "I did it for the nookie" is erm... yeah, edgy and the wrong kind of that. But others did age great, and even listening without your teenage angst or just to be "cool", they still hold up. System of a Down is another good example of that.
Bon Jovi is not metal. Kiss is not metal. They're hard rock bands. They have nothing to do with bands like Iron Maiden or Metallica. Nothing.

Talking about metallica i think thst was the first big sellout. The black album. That was the first time that i remember thst mass media promoting a metal band.

Heavy metal, or metal, was, or seemed to be, democratic. People was listening to it no matter what the media said, or even against the media. When grunge came to be the inmediate reaction was a lot of new extreme metal bands sith new genres.

Now, the companies understoos that they could package the metal sound, sell it to the regular media viewers while catching the attention of lots of metal fans. That's a win win. They sell it to the people that they always sold the music while being able to capture the more traditional metal fans to their market.

That day, when the mtv started telling peiple what was metal and what to but, that's the day that metal became mainstream.

There's still a lot of space for us but we know that now the bands do not sell because of their quality but because of what the companies want.

An example can be in flames and disturbed. In flames is many thousand times better than that band of posers but theu do not have the support of the mass medis so they'll never sell shit even among the metal fans. And this having in mind that selling 500 thousand copies of every album is a bif success for a band without external support.

And I say it again. Bon Jovi and Kiss are not metal bands.
. Me and my friend were both listening to stuff like LP, Slipknot, Korn or SOAD, and now he's also into acts like Nile or Meshuggah, while I went down the ways of In Flames or Soilwork
Even from a great evil can come something good.
Bon Jovi is not metal. Kiss is not metal. They're hard rock bands. They have nothing to do with bands like Iron Maiden or Metallica. Nothing.

Talking about metallica i think thst was the first big sellout. The black album. That was the first time that i remember thst mass media promoting a metal band.

Heavy metal, or metal, was, or seemed to be, democratic. People was listening to it no matter what the media said, or even against the media. When grunge came to be the inmediate reaction was a lot of new extreme metal bands sith new genres.

Now, the companies understoos that they could package the metal sound, sell it to the regular media viewers while catching the attention of lots of metal fans. That's a win win. They sell it to the people that they always sold the music while being able to capture the more traditional metal fans to their market.

That day, when the mtv started telling peiple what was metal and what to but, that's the day that metal became mainstream.

There's still a lot of space for us but we know that now the bands do not sell because of their quality but because of what the companies want.

An example can be in flames and disturbed. In flames is many thousand times better than that band of posers but theu do not have the support of the mass medis so they'll never sell shit even among the metal fans. And this having in mind that selling 500 thousand copies of every album is a bif success for a band without external support.

And I say it again. Bon Jovi and Kiss are not metal bands.
Well, what makes Disturbed bad? Or to be more precise, what makes The Sickness bad?

I think that the shit bands of a popular genre appear AFTER said genre hits the mainstream. Nu metal was there before Linkin Park, but without a doubt it was Hybrid Theory that headbutted the genre into the radio stations, but that record was still pretty fucking good and original. The executives wanted Mike [Shinoda] to be gone, so it's only Chester with some cheesy choruses, but the band refused, so that record still has the soul of the original LP demos like Carousel which sounds very underground-ish. But after LP broke the way, copycat bands started to appear, and they had nothing to bargain against big executives; they either did what they told to, or their record was not released.

Similar thing with the aforementioned Black Parade. It's an amazing and extremely dark concept record. A record with a song titled Cancer on it is never meant to be as successful as it did, but for whatever the fuck reason it did, and suddenly bands with metro-sexual frontmen started popping up.

Even Marilyn Manson was making pretty (no pun intended) dope music, but when he became mainstream he made songs literally titled This is the New Shit. That's a pretty fucking long way to come from the concept record of Antichrist Superstar, which was provocative as well, but it had actual meaning and effort put into it. Then he only kept the provocative part.

My point is, a genre becoming mainstream is not shit on its own, it's mainly the aftermath that sucks. And many bands had redeeming records since then, once again, I have to mention Avenged Sevenfold's Hail to the King, which could have been named as We Can Make Good Music Too, Fuckheads.
I have never understood why lame bizcuit are even considered a metal band. But they are.
I mean it's heavy hip-hop + metal, or a nu metal that is heavily on the hip-hop spectrum if you like. They made some good music, as Wes Borland is a talented guy, but to me it was really hit and miss. I like songs like Re-Arranged or Boiler, but the Nookie side... not so much.
. Nu metal was there before Linkin Park, but without a doubt it was Hybrid Theory that headbutted the genre into the radio stations,
In spain it was Kunt, Lame Bizkuit and Slipknot before liking dicks. But i have never understood how come all of this bsnds fit into the same gender. I see much more differences than similarities. It's as saying that iron maiden and at the gates belong to the same gender.
I mean it's heavy hip-hop + metal, or a nu metal that is heavily on the hip-hop spectrum if you like. They made some good music, as Wes Borland is a talented guy, but to me it was really hit and miss. I like songs like Re-Arranged or Boiler, but the Nookie side... not so much.
More like hip hop with heavy guitars. I cannot stand them.
Their music.
Fair enough.
In spain it was Kunt, Lame Bizkuit and Slipknot before liking dicks. But i have never understood how come all of this bsnds fit into the same gender. I see much more differences than similarities. It's as saying that iron maiden and at the gates belong to the same gender.
You think so? Rap + metal is a good start to understand why those bands were labeled under the same genre. They were pretty groundbreaking, as it did not supposed to work. People listen to rap or hip-hop, because they want to hear rap or hip-hop, and people listen to metal because they want to hear metal; nothing indicates that mixing these elements should result in the success it did. Even the acts which weren't so rap-heavy, like SOAD or Slipknot had very non-traditional flow to their music.

Just listen to Sugar or Eyeless and hear it for yourself how chaotic and rule-bending they sound. It's clear to me that you never dug deeper into nu metal than hearing In The End in the radio and turning it away immediately. :D You can hear this kind of flow to an extent in almost every original nu metal band. There's Forgotten from Linkin Park for example, which never saw commercial play, but very interesting nonetheless and mixes a bunch of styles. There's a reason these records are critically acclaimed even today, when no one has to pretend they like these artists or records. One has to be really bitter to call Iowa from Slipknot some nu metal sellout record with songs like Skin Ticket on it.

I wonder in your time what bands were considered shit for being popular, as I guess every generation has to face with this problem of listening to their elders complaining that "THIS IS NOT MUSIIIIIIC, THIS TAKES 0 TALENT!!!!!"
You think so? Rap + metal is a good start to understand why those bands were labeled under the same genre

I still see too many differences. The only band that seems to have a real metal sound is slipknot. Even with the rap thing. The rest of them... More hip hop, more pop... I don't know. They just don't fit together.

I wonder in your time what bands were considered shit for being popular, as I guess every generation has to face with this problem of listening to their elders complaining that "THIS IS NOT MUSIIIIIIC, THIS TAKES 0 TALENT!!!!!"

Mozart was a popular cunt. I pLudwig. But he sold himselfreferred the darker sounds from Ludwig. But he sold himself to the mainstream medoa of the time, that is, the emperor cunt.
Classical music trivia is actually interesting as fuck. Rockstars of the past.

I recently took a liking to a Hungarian metalcore band, and I think they have a lot of talent, but man, they steal sooooooooo many riffs, and there's even a song which is a complete rip-off of a Good Charlotte chorus. Drives me nuts. It's nothing unusual, even our emo bands back in the day shamelessly copied mainstream acts.
Classical music trivia is actually interesting as fuck. Rockstars of the past.

The best.

I recently took a liking to a Hungarian metalcore band, and I think they have a lot of talent, but man, they steal sooooooooo many riffs, and there's even a song which is a complete rip-off of a Good Charlotte chorus. Drives me nuts. It's nothing unusual, even our emo bands back in the day shamelessly copied mainstream acts.

Then they're talented players but terrible composers.
@eochaid you talked shit about Disturbed, so they released their new single...

... which is garbage, so you can rest well now. The Sickness was a good record and hating on it is just as hip as fanboying over it. Sadly, they are good examples of artists who never change their music. They want to release the same shit they did on The Sickness, but it just sounds faker and faker. I can totally get how a relatively new band fueled with rockstar dreams can make The Sickness, but it's getting real fucking annoying now.

You guys don't know how lucky you are that you got to complain about records like SC and ASOP. I won't even link their new single, you can check it out, it's called are you ready. After 2 minutes I just fast-forwarded it in hopes that there is some epic breakdown or solo, but no. I'm actually upset now.
Disturbed's new single is not that bad. I'm far from excited about it, it lacks the strength of The Vengeful One, but after a couple of listenings I think it's passable. It is true that Disturbed are a good example of artists who don't evolve and I think Immortalized was to confirm that. However, according to David Draiman their new album Evolution is half full of ballads. That's something different...