IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

Where's avenged mentioned? Last time i checked it was breaking benjamin?

And yes. I'm calling them mimor bands. And, if if is a lesser band than them then it tells you their actual relevance.

Once upon a time if had the chance to open for slayer. Now they open for whatever and who the fuck.

But I agree. All of them, avenged included, are shit.
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My bad confused breaking benjamin with Avenged, IF did open for Avenged last year or 2016 I believe though. You're still embarassing yourself though, they aren't minor bands in any stretch, they are huge. Not Metallica huge because no one can be that big except them, but in Metal standards they're huge bands, popularity wise. To compare IF and DT, I would call Dark Tranquillity a minor band, you can just compare the two's slots they have at festivals, one of them are usually the headlining bands or playing on the biggest stages (like on Wacken), and the other one is somewhere in the middle at best.

You can have your opinion but it's it's a fact they're huge bands. You calling them minor bands doesn't make them minor bands, it just makes you looks stupid for believing that. And you also don't seem to understand US touring market whatsoever.
I understand us market very well. Or, at least, I think so. In my opinion, european bands have little chances there. Why? I don't know, because quality should be all that matters.

I know that those bands are quite popular. More than in flames. Why? I also don't know. I think that even in their current state in flames deserves better.

Are they big bands? I don't think so. Being popular and being big are two different things. Popularity comes and goes. Big bands defeat time.

Are they minor bands? I'm not talking about sales. I'm talking about influence or differentiation. Those bands are whatever bands in terms of music. They do what many others do and oeople will probably not remember them in ten years, though I might probably br wrong. The fact that they are more popular right now must be, I suppose, due to their presence in yhe media, and the presence in the media is ususally thanks to the work of the record label behind the bands.

I considere minor bands those who do not have influence in other bands and those who are not well known everywhere in the world.

Maybe in flames is not as popular as they are, but I'm pretty sure that they are more known to different people around the world that whatever and who the fuck.

Fuck, their songs aren't even good. They lack a personality. They were packaged to mass media consumption. In flames is still better than that shit. So I'm disappointed that they cannot be the main act in a shitty tour.

Also I wouldn't call them huge bands. Huge is something that only a few bands deserve to be called right now.

But this is what metal is right now. Just another label devoured by the pop culture. It is not metal anymore. It is not alternative anymore. It is not harsh or dirt anymore. It's a product like any other.
I also think that in flames would've been a far better known or followed band if they had not played with the more commercial and american sound. Old time followers are abandoning them and it has not served to gain a large mass of new followers. Only or almost only casual ones.

You need people to care about your whole career, not people divided by the steps that you make into your career.

And thanks for the insults. Next time remember to add dick, moron, asshole or something like that. Or try to be original. I think that it says more about you than about me. But it's ok. I can deal with it as long as it serves to make you feel happy.
Maybe it's a problem of spaniard isolationism. After all, the most metal act that you can watch in the media is maluma.

And yes, huge metal bands like slipknot did not sell more than 3000 tickets by show when touring Spain. Why? I don't know.
I'd portray mainstream metal as desperate, trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator (or nostalgia), even more so than pop imo.

Metal outside the mainstream? So much quality stuff I can't keep count. Thankfully it's easy to find from Reddit, Spotify and Youtube.
I think that mainstream metal is, today, what the record labels sell to the masses. It all started with nu metal. They found a way to sell tons of albums to people that never cared about metal. Now it's all pop music disguised behind a label. There's no substance. There's nothing new. It's all packed horseshit.
Back in early 2000 Nu Metal was super fucking popular though. Everybody was into Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit and Korn.

Nowadays? I could be wrong but the market for metal music feels much more limited and maybe that's why labels that focus on metal music
are more desperate.
Just after writing my last comment I checked how many views does Five Finger Death Punch have on youtube. One video has god damn 200 million. That's like 10 times more than I expected. Maybe there's more mainstream appeal for metal than I thought.
My question is: Which line-up is making upcoming album? Only 3 IF members + hired guys like concerts? Or some different studio musicans? I think, they should at first complete the line-up and then start work on new album.
Just after writing my last comment I checked how many views does Five Finger Death Punch have on youtube. One video has god damn 200 million. That's like 10 times more than I expected. Maybe there's more mainstream appeal for metal than I thought.
A few months ago there was an increase on the numbers on youtube. Some in flames videos went from thousands to millions. That makes me think that those are not real numbers.
My question is: Which line-up is making upcoming album? Only 3 IF members + hired guys like concerts? Or some different studio musicans? I think, they should at first complete the line-up and then start work on new album.
Line up doesn't matter. Bjorn and Anders are in flames now. Niclas is a happy guest that sometimes collaborates in the writting. In the last album the producers were an important part in the writting process. Lets see what happens now
My question is: Which line-up is making upcoming album? Only 3 IF members + hired guys like concerts? Or some different studio musicans? I think, they should at first complete the line-up and then start work on new album.

I guess they can program the drums and Björn can record both quitars.
Compare boring Cradle of Filth albums done only by Dani, Paul Allender and Marthus plus hired guys and girls with great last two recordings done in stable line-up. You can feel the chemistry between members in it.
Programmed drums - biggest shit in metal music. Metal should be music made by the people, not fucking machines.
Compare boring Cradle of Filth albums done only by Dani, Paul Allender and Marthus plus hired guys and girls with great last two recordings done in stable line-up. You can feel the chemistry between members in it.
Programmed drums - biggest shit in metal music. Metal should be music made by the people, not fucking machines.
I agree with you. But I'm talking about current in flames. Bjorn and Anders is all that matters. Anyine else is a guest, a friend or a session musician.

To be fair, the autotune should be considered a member of the band.
Niclas is a member from 2011!
And when I pay big money for some band, I want to see band members on stage. No replacement guys or hired musicians! My last In Flames concert was 2014 (Siren Charms tour) I gave up all two concert after last album Battles in our country. Concert on Battles tour would have sense for me with Battles Line Up (Fridén, Gellote, Engelin, Iwers, Rikard). Not with Fridén, Gellote, Engelin and hired drummer, bass player and keyboardist).
Niclas is a member from 2011!
And when I pay big money for some band, I want to see band members on stage. No replacement guys or hired musicians! My last In Flames concert was 2014 (Siren Charms tour) I gave up all two concert after last album Battles in our country. Concert on Battles tour would have sense for me with Battles Line Up (Fridén, Gellote, Engelin, Iwers, Rikard). Not with Fridén, Gellote, Engelin and hired drummer, bass player and keyboardist).
Yes yes. But what I'm saying is that the rest of the guys doe not matter. Niclas, as a member, only cowrote a few songs in the last album. He was not even a part of the soapf recording. And the rest... They do not matter. They're replacements.

Also you cannot expext seeing a band without changes. In many bands members come and go and it does not matter. In flames is just as any other band.
It is not about normal changes. It is about situation, that five-members band have now only three members ant it is not good a they should at first do something with line-up, and then continue.
Should they? Maybe yes. Does those changes affect their music or their live performances? I seriously doubt it.

Is it normal? No. It's not.
And yes. Despite of what i thought those are big popular bands. And this makes me even more disappointed. I seriously don't understand what's happening to metal music and I think that I don't want to know.