IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

It might just be that I'm in a good mood today, but I'm really digging "Burn" and "I, the Mask". I'm not saying they're anything special, but damn if those choruses aren't getting stuck in my head. If there's one thing IF knows how to do well in modern albums it's write dat catchy chorus.
Every day I log onto these boards to expand my mind.............

@Clay-Man I like STYE. And ITM sucks if you compare it to the older one's quality. My joy is for their return to a sound where they have actual fast-paced, interesting metal elements (which has always been there until SOAPF). I don't mind them incorporating the SOAPF sound as well, because it has its place, but when a whole fuckin record is based off of that, it's boring. Something cool like the Stand Ablaze solo (or breakdown, you know what I mean) could never have happened on a record like SOAPF with its fat, puffy sounds. The only exception is Ropes.

I can get behind this. Just give "puffy shit" next to SOAPF as well, and I'm all for this description.
Yes. ASOP only sounds less heavy because of the thin production. Not much power in the sounds.

asop is less heavy because the guitar work sounds like mallcore garbage.
ASOP guitar tone is fucking horrible. I have no idea why they thought that was OK.
ASOP guitar tone is fucking horrible. I have no idea why they thought that was OK.
Jesper made that decision. Then he tried to cover it up and that he “didn’t understand why people didn’t like it”. And that’s why they fired him.

And that’s why SOAPF sounds so puffy or chunky. Anders told Bjorn to make it sound fucking thick so if you averaged the two albums together it would be a normal guitar tone. And so he did. Otherwise Bjorn would have been fired next. Anders don’t play.
Jesper made that decision. Then he tried to cover it up and that he “didn’t understand why people didn’t like it”. And that’s why they fired him.

And that’s why SOAPF sounds so puffy or chunky. Anders told Bjorn to make it sound fucking thick so if you averaged the two albums together it would be a normal guitar tone. And so he did. Otherwise Bjorn would have been fired next. Anders don’t play.
Not sure if you are joking, because it's a rare sight to see you jesting around.
A sense of purpose was really good album in my opinion and very successful especially in the USA, maybe guitar tone and production su☆☆☆ but it's depends what you prefer. Melodies and riffs on this album are pretty amazing, some of them are very catchy. I think Anders fu☆♡♡☆ up a little bit with his vocals..
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ASOP has some great melodies and guitar work in general. It just sounds shit because of that awful mix. It's a huge shame. As for Anders, it's the worst screams, cleans and lyrics of any album he's ever done, imo. He even sounds better on SC and Battles.
Jester Slave has turned to the dark side of the force, while DE4life has returned to the light side. Weird things are happening...
Jester Slave is now Kylo Ren, who whorships Darth Vader ( DE4life ) and speaks to his (I, The)mask, admiring how evil he used to be and wishes to be like him. However DE4life is now part of the light side of the force, cause with his final acts ( liking the songs Burn and ITM, buying tickets to In Flames' concert ) he redeemed himself.
Jester Slave has turned to the dark side of the force, while DE4life has returned to the light side. Weird things are happening...
Jester Slave is now Kylo Ren, who whorships Darth Vader ( DE4life ) and speaks to his (I, The)mask, admiring how evil he used to be and wishes to be like him. However DE4life is now part of the light side of the force, cause with his final acts ( liking the songs Burn and ITM, buying tickets to In Flames' concert ) he redeemed himself.
Yeah, definitely something had to change in his life, I remember that he was more aggressive and rude, now he is totally different person.. strange :rofl:
Jester Slave has turned to the dark side of the force, while DE4life has returned to the light side. Weird things are happening...
Jester Slave is now Kylo Ren, who whorships Darth Vader ( DE4life ) and speaks to his (I, The)mask, admiring how evil he used to be and wishes to be like him. However DE4life is now part of the light side of the force, cause with his final acts ( liking the songs Burn and ITM, buying tickets to In Flames' concert ) he redeemed himself.

In my defence I'm not THAT bad :D I re-evaluated SC a few months back and said it was better than I remembered. I was digging the instrumental version of SC too. I also had praise for some of the songs on Battles (production is still shit but some of the songs are fine pop-metal). I like to think I'm harsh but ultimately fair. I'm sure if Anders and Bjorn read these boards they'd know I was generally just kidding around by calling them hipster fucks and making fun of the lyrics, vocals, guitar sound and choice of producer... wouldn't they?
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The saddest thing in this board is the underappreciation of ASOP. Everyone just follows the herd of blahblah with better production it eould've been okay blahblah, which is true, but the truth is, it's an outstanding record to follow up CC with.

The power, sound, intensity of CC was unmatchable, and as great as it was, it strayed very far from traditional IF? even farther than STYE in many aspects. ASOP was of the humblest return to their older style, and I rarely see people appreciate that.

The fact is, on an individual basis, every song beats out SOAPF songs. SOAPF is a good record to listen from start to finish, it has everything a record needs to have, unlike ASOP which is "just" a bunch of great songs thrown together without much connection between them. Would it be weird if March to the Shore opened the record, and TMT closed it? Not at all. Try the same with Liberation and SOAPF and it doesn't work at all.

But I myself am not big on listening to albums from start to finish. It's very rare that I feel an urge to pop in a record to listen to it start to finish. I jump around a lot, and there is barely any reason to listen to many songs from SOAPF. But ASOP just works perfectly. ASOP is the modern day TJR/Whoracle.

The only bad thing for me is Anders, as he is just weak there, and I don't know why. Like, how the fuck can this quality go through post-production? "From into neeeeeeeeeeeew groooouuuuuunddddsssssssssssssssss" no, just no.

And honestly, it says a lot about how fuckin great of a record ASOP is, when basically everything great on that record is pure guitar work. I'm really not the type of guy, who gets an erection some very technical, cool metal track, like yeah, cool, nice, how about some not shitty vocals so I could enjoy this trash, eh? But ASOP is great, probably the best guitar work since Clayman, and I highly doubt there will ever be a record where they can über it.

And it honestly saddens me how many people fail to see this. Clayman was the last record you can hear remnants of old IF, but even that record took it in a weird direction. ASOP is like in TJR/Whoracle where it did not want to be anything special. It's so pure.
The fact is, on an individual basis, every song beats out SOAPF songs. SOAPF is a good record to listen from start to finish, it has everything a record needs to have, unlike ASOP which is "just" a bunch of great songs thrown together without much connection between them. Would it be weird if March to the Shore opened the record, and TMT closed it? Not at all. Try the same with Liberation and SOAPF and it doesn't work at all.

It's impossible for that to be a fact. It's just your opinion. Personally the vocals and lyrics ruin ASOP for me, alongside the shitty guitar tone. If you like all of those things then more power to you, but I much prefer how everything sounds on SOAPF.

Also I've been bashing these aspects of ASOP for over a decade, with my post history as proof, so I'm certainly not following any crowd :D I think you just get annoyed when people don't share your opinion, and start blaming it on hive mind, sheep, etc, when the reality is that you just have a minority opinion. Accept and embrace it.
I meant more like others parrotin what you said.

It's just funny how a mediocre record like SOAPF gets so much praise, like give me a break.