IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

Eyy, House wasn't utter shit, but it reminded me too much to SC, and they already play Monsters and EG from it, so it seems like a waste in such a setlist.

But what's your issue with the setlist? I mean, I know why it's not perfect, and they will obviously rotate the ITM songs at the very least, but if it's not your first IF show, this is pretty ... okay. Pinball Map, All for me (rare), Leeches, Scorn, TMT. Also, My Sweet Shadow has not been a staple either, so you should be happy if you catch that one.

I don't get HUF either, and I hope it will be replaced by ITM's ballad or something. It should be used as a rarity.

edit: holy shit, Leeches was intense af!! Anders having fun during the solo, haha, Björn was like wtf u doin man.

also, Anders saying before Scorn that we should listen to Colony everyday :O damn. WIsh he loved Whoracle as well.

according to Scorn was last played in 2008. Whew.

Btw I don't like it, but to be fair, Colony either has fucking great or fucking boring songs in it, no in-betweens.
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Really like the setlist, finally a chance for me to hear My Sweet Shadow. Screw My House, Truth and HUF, other than that, super neat. Whatever ITM will turn out, their live performance is usually pretty fucking great.
Voices was alright, screaming/growling though the choruses made them suck a bit less imo?
But IIA was fucking boring. He just unemotionally growled through it and that's it, lol. Don't like that performance at all.
IDK what I expected from House, but probably something like what we got, he didn't even attempt to sing or scream half of the song, lol (although Anders surprised me with Monsters in the Ballroom, even though the performance sucked ass and he sounded bad, he at least tried to sing every part)

Overall, I still don't get it why they insist on putting these super pitch-corrected high vocal parts in their songs in the studio when Anders obviously can't and won't even try to replicate all of that live
Eyy, House wasn't utter shit, but it reminded me too much to SC, and they already play Monsters and EG from it, so it seems like a waste in such a setlist.

But what's your issue with the setlist? I mean, I know why it's not perfect, and they will obviously rotate the ITM songs at the very least, but if it's not your first IF show, this is pretty ... okay. Pinball Map, All for me (rare), Leeches, Scorn, TMT. Also, My Sweet Shadow has not been a staple either, so you should be happy if you catch that one.

I don't get HUF either, and I hope it will be replaced by ITM's ballad or something. It should be used as a rarity.

edit: holy shit, Leeches was intense af!! Anders having fun during the solo, haha, Björn was like wtf u doin man.

also, Anders saying before Scorn that we should listen to Colony everyday :O damn. WIsh he loved Whoracle as well.

according to Scorn was last played in 2008. Whew.

Btw I don't like it, but to be fair, Colony either has fucking great or fucking boring songs in it, no in-betweens.

Colony has no boring songs. It's great from start to finish.

As for the setlist.

Voices - not a great way to start the set tbh
Everything's Gone - shit
Pinball Map - fine, although I'd prefer OFTW
Dead Ships - cool
Monsters - shit
All For me - shit
House - shit
Here Until Forever - shit
Leeches - cool
Scorn - cool
My Sweet Shadow - better as a closer
The Truth - don't mind it on record, don't want to hear it live
I Am Above - fine
Cloud Connected - fine
Mirror's Truth - fine
The End - fine

So basically, bad start, a huge lump of shit in the middle and a a decent if not amazing ending. There's a lot I'd change. OMG SCORN doesn't make up for that dump they're taking midway through the show starting from Monsters and ending with HUF.
Also, you know that high note Anders usually "does" live at the end of the last chorus of Where the Dead Ships Dwell? You know, DYYYing inSIIIIde? Did he finally train himself to actually do this not on the backing track so he decided to do it ALL the time?
I think Anders was pretty neat on Monsters. But yeah, it so weird to see how he ignores all the cleans in the 3 ITM songs. I know there are songs where it is literally impossible to replicate the singing without backing vocals, but these songs could have been done easily. I mean, I was even thinking about how smartly they did these songs, because the cleans and the growls never go simultaneously, so all you need to do is to go from one pitch to another, and you can even cheat, like finishing up half a tempo earlier or something.

Leeches is one song where it's impossible to repeat, because there are numerous vocal tracks happening at once. Go figure, it was the best performances among the ones I watched. I highly recommend you guys to check it out, Anders enjoyed himself a lot too.
Wow, that Monsters-AFM-House-HUF part. Utter shit.

But then... Leeches, MSS, IAA, CConn, TMT, The End. Quite solid, if it weren't for The Truth to fuck things up.

Hell yeah for Scorn, hell no for EG.

It annoys me very much that they tend to play this wannabe hit songs (truth, house...) when the bigger part of the fanbase likes stuff like iaa or the end much more. I haven't met a person in my life that's like: "You know what, The Truth is the best!"
I think Anders was pretty neat on Monsters. But yeah, it so weird to see how he ignores all the cleans in the 3 ITM songs.
He can sing it at the studio. He can't so it live. His voice is a mess due to years of untrained screamings. This is why.
The setlist seems pretty boring. A collection of mid tempo songs with some highlights here and there. And with highlights I don't mean great songs but sings that break the overall pacing of the setlist.
Poor Broderick. Once he was playing with Loomis and W.Dane, and now he has to suffer through House while Anders is butchering those cleans the whole show.

But, he DID survive MegaDave and years of his live "singing", so he'll be fine I guess.
That setlist makes me sad. I hope there are some changes before April. Why even play Here Until Forever? It's fucking shit.
Can you claim your money back and use it for something more productive like burning it or using it as toilet paper?
Also I don't consider Niclas an official or unofficial member of the band. To me he's no different to Tanner Wayne or Bryce Paul, just a stand in.
Yep. That reaction like "oh no, Niclas has such an important role in the band being the smiling guy and appearing at the studio just to ask how things are going on".
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Well, I'd definitely like to jump around to TT :D

Yeah, every time that songs comes on I think of you standing at the front of a crowd of dancing idiots, throwing up middle fingers and screaming "HELL YEAH, FUCK LUNAR STRAIN"

Can you claim your money back and use it for something more productive like burning it or using it as toilet paper?

Technically I probably could still cancel my ticket and get a refund, but this also might be my chance to give Anders the middle finger when a shit song like House or Truth starts, so I'll probably go anyway.
Niclas didn't join the tour due to drinking problems.
He leaves to fight his personal demons.
Jesper is healthy and joins the band again.
Niclas asks Bryce to create a new band together.

Nah, just kidding. I'm wishing Niclas to get well soon. He doesn't contribute in writing ( I don't know if he doesn't want to or if he is not allowed to or if he simply can't), but I'm sure he is very professional and reliable.
Somewhat weird setlist. I'm surprised they're performing Voices 3 weeks before album when the song hasnt even been released, instead of playing I The Mask or Burn. Cool with Scorn though, don't think they've played that in at least 10 years.

Also if he's going to continue growling like that live like he did on I Am Above, I'm all for it
It looks like Voices wasn't leaked but officially released only on Deezer.

IAA growls are so great :cool: