IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

I meant more like others parrotin what you said.

It's just funny how a mediocre record like SOAPF gets so much praise, like give me a break.

It's mediocre to you, but clearly most others feel differently or it wouldn't get so much praise. You obviously have different tastes to most other people. Nothing wrong with that but at the same time lashing out at others and talking about your opinion as "fact" just makes you look a bit silly.

I actually think a lot of the songs on ASOP have massive potential. Mirror's Truth could be great. Sleepless Again could be great. Condemned is good but could be immense. I just can't get past the production or vocals. It's frustrating for me because I want to like ASOP, I know that at its core there is something good there, but its flaws just make it impossible for me to appreciate. At least with STYE we got Used & Abused, which really allowed those songs to shine, whereas on the record they had all been dulled by the production. If ASOP got live DVD treatment I think I'd have a similar reaction, but it obviously wasn't to be.
Slave is right about one thing... The guitarwork alone on ASOP is very traditional IF. More so than anything post-Clayman.

With a different sound, vocals and lyrics, that could have been a great album.

Also, pretty much the best drumming in IF history.

But again, as a whole, minus a few repetitive riffs or filler songs, SOAPF works much better, and it sounds much more mature and serious. Even Door thingy and Liberation have their place in the context of the whole record.
I'm a bit critical sometimes of Anders' cleans, but I have to say there are times when I really like his cleans. I think they sound good on Reroute and STYE. They have a raw, untrained quality which comes across as very earnest. Technically they aren't great, but I still dig them. CC & SOAPF have some great clean vocals too. Hit and miss on both, but still largely enjoyable. ASOP I just think he sounds bad all around, screams/growls sound tired and weak, cleans sound really rough too.

My biggest problem with cleans on SC/Battles/ITM is when they're excessively autotuned. There are songs on these albums when he sounds good too (With Eyes Wide Open, Through Oblivion, Us Against the World, Before I Fall, I The Mask, I Am Above, Burn) but when the autotune goes into overdrive it's just really annoying to me. I prefer his cleans to sound more raw and natural. What it lacks in quality it makes up for in delivery, usually. We know he can't perform these cleans live, but on record he can sound okay without the need to ProTool his voice to crazy levels.
It might just be that I'm in a good mood today, but I'm really digging "Burn" and "I, the Mask". I'm not saying they're anything special, but damn if those choruses aren't getting stuck in my head. If there's one thing IF knows how to do well in modern albums it's write dat catchy chorus.

Well, I just decided to say fuck it and book tickets to see these assholes live on April 9th. They better not disappoint.

Well, I thought I saw every possible thing on this site, guess I was wrong. Welcome to Anders manlove crew my brother, it was meant to be!

DE4life, you haven’t gone to a show in years though right? I wouldn’t say online videos does much justice so I guess you’ll have to decide after going to the show.
Although, ironically I’ll still post this video, I think the important thing is that he’s gained more confidence singing live which is equally as important executing it because even people who sing full time fuck up if they’re not confident, like on singing shows or whatever..
I think he’s sounding great these days live, and his cleans are always improving, considering they’ve toured for 20+ years and he’s screamed his ass off all that time he has nurtured his voice well imo.

DE4life, you haven’t gone to a show in years though right? I wouldn’t say online videos does much justice so I guess you’ll have to decide after going to the show.

Last time I saw them was 2010, I believe, so yeah it's been nearly ten years. Damn. Last time I saw them Jesper was still in the band, I think. Can't remember if Niclas was subbing for him during that tour though. I do know that they played a TJR medley and Satellites & Astronauts which was just awesome. Never thought I'd hear TJR or S&A live, especially in 2010, so it was really cool. Unfortunately they started the show with a full rendition of TCP, but hey, at least they don't do that any more.

It'll be the ITM world tour I guess, so I'll be expecting to hear IAA, ITM, Burn and unfortunately probably House as well. I'm hoping there won't be many songs from SC or Battles. One from each would be enough, although I expect there will be at least three from Battles. Anything pre-Reroute will be a huge bonus.
The power, sound, intensity of CC was unmatchable, and as great as it was, it strayed very far from traditional IF? even farther than STYE in many aspects.
No. It did not. It recovered many aspects of "traditional" In FLames and mixed them with what was new In Flames. That album is like a compilation of everything they did before. The grand plan.
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Hmm, if Niclas is sitting this tour out, I might just wait until the next time the band comes around to go see them. Too many new/stand-in members to make it worth it, imo (I consider Niclas sort of the unofficial sixth member of the classic IF lineup). Same reason I haven't seen Dark Tranquillity live lately.
Hmm, if Niclas is sitting this tour out, I might just wait until the next time the band comes around to go see them. Too many new/stand-in members to make it worth it, imo (I consider Niclas sort of the unofficial sixth member of the classic IF lineup). Same reason I haven't seen Dark Tranquillity live lately.
Chris Broderick is a beast, not just a no name stand in.

But I hear you. Actually they are going to be around my area this tour but heading into the city on a weeknight doesn’t sound appealing to me. I’m a crappy fan :(
Not sure if you are joking, because it's a rare sight to see you jesting around.
Sounds plausible doesn’t it?

I do joke around though, because I AM NOT A ROBOT. Obligatory Family Guy.

Fuck, dudes what am I doing with my life? My only non-passive internet activity is debating the merits of a band whose best music is from 20 years ago. And while posting all I can think of are pop culture references from... 20 years ago.

I’m living in the past. I need to be like Anders and move on with my life. I’m living in 1999.
Chris Broderick is a beast, not just a no name stand in.

But I hear you. Actually they are going to be around my area this tour but heading into the city on a weeknight doesn’t sound appealing to me. I’m a crappy fan :(

Oh, 100% agreed on Chris Broderick. I think Chris Amott is filling in for Niklas Sundin in Dark Tranquillity right now, and he's amazing, too. So maybe it'd be a good chance to see Broderick live.

Fuck, now I'm reconsidering.
I meant more like others parrotin what you said.

It's just funny how a mediocre record like SOAPF gets so much praise, like give me a break.
Like honestly you're a fucking asshole.

You can respectfully admit that SOAPF isn't your taste, but give ME a break, with saying it's a bad album, you twat.

Nothing on ASOP challenges the listener, all the songs sound too similar and all the riffs sound like a metalcore band trying to cover In Flames.
Like honestly, do I have to repost the fucking starwars riff again?

summary: ASOP is incredibly uninspired, SOAPF is ambitious and challenging both the band and the listener.

Get over yourself.
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DE4life, you haven’t gone to a show in years though right? I wouldn’t say online videos does much justice so I guess you’ll have to decide after going to the show.
Although, ironically I’ll still post this video, I think the important thing is that he’s gained more confidence singing live which is equally as important executing it because even people who sing full time fuck up if they’re not confident, like on singing shows or whatever..
I think he’s sounding great these days live, and his cleans are always improving, considering they’ve toured for 20+ years and he’s screamed his ass off all that time he has nurtured his voice well imo.

Wait... this performance is terrible, lol.

Like honestly you're a fucking asshole.

You can respectfully admit that SOAPF isn't your taste, but give ME a break, with saying it's a bad album, you twat.

Nothing on ASOP challenges the listener, all the songs sound too similar and all the riffs sound like a metalcore band trying to cover In Flames.
Like honestly, do I have to repost the fucking starwars riff again?

summary: ASOP is incredibly uninspired, SOAPF is ambitious and challenging both the band and the listener.

Get over yourself.

Not bad, just mediocre.

And miss me with the ultimate bullshitery of "challenges the listener". Expressions like this are the very definition of being artsy. What's next? Brings you to new dimensions? Breaks the laws of music? Redefines In Flames as we knew it?

But yeah, ASOP is just simply good. It's not some coded bullshit you need to solve in order to appreciate something that isn't even there. It has great melodies and great intensity.
First show btw :

Pinball Map? Monsters??!! Scorn??????!!!!

Okay. Also, no "traditional hits" aside from CC, though I guess it's debateable. But Leeches! Why the fuck are they always playing Leeches in the US? Ffs, bring it to Europe.

More vids on the guys' channel. I just linked this one, not sure if it's gonna be good or nah.


Ok, it wasn't that great live, but Anders sounds nice. But the lazy motherfucker did not sing the ending part, hahaha, fuck you man.

Okay, listening to Voices now. Anders is growling the clean parts too, lol. All these years of bashing him, and now he's like fuck you, i'M gonna growl 0-24.

ok, this is what we've all been waiting for. lets seeeee
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That setlist makes me sad. I hope there are some changes before April. Why even play Here Until Forever? It's fucking shit.

Also I don't consider Niclas an official or unofficial member of the band. To me he's no different to Tanner Wayne or Bryce Paul, just a stand in. IF is basically the Anders, Bjorn and sometimes Howard Benson show these days.