IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

Anders said in a recent interview that Bjorn and Jesper was giving him the music and then he was writing alone in a room the lyrics and the vocal melodies. Now they write everything together with Bjorn. Bjorn has a say on the vocal melodies and Anders on the riffs.
I watched a bunch of the live videos from yesterdays concert, and it seems like Anders has progressed into now using his mid-pitch growl very prominently, probably more than the screams. I don't mind, I think they're awesome. I saw performance of Monsters in the Ballroom and his cleans in the chorus actually sounded really good IMO. Also just remembered that Anders is 46years in a month, they're officially getting fucking old.

1.So now we know that Anders and Björn didn't let Niclas to contribute to ITM because they don't want too many chefs like Battles.
2. Anders writes his vocal melodies on a piano. I have respect for him...he has created lots of awesome melodies through these years.
3. There's a little comic-story along with the booklet of ITM. He explained it a bit.
I thought Discord was more of a chat/voice server? Or is that Twitch? (I’m old... #oldguysrule)

It can be used as both. I have the app on my phone. Someone would have to make a channel but you can utilize the voice chat if desired, but multiple text channels can be created to discuss certain topics. Like beer, Metal, and games for instance lol.
What about Anders Manlove Crew? Girls are also allowed, but only if they can grow a moustache.
I was thinking, keyboard synths aside, there hasn't been a Piano in an In Flames song that I can remember, except in The Chase. They should mess around with it more. It worked when they tried strings in A New Dawn!