IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

I wish they'd done Stand Ablaze '99 instead of Clad in Shadows '99. I don't mind CiS, but Stand Ablaze is a much better song.
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I wish they'd done Stand Ablaze '99 instead of Clad in Shadows '99. I don't mind CiS, but Stand Ablaze is a much better song.

Why not SA '19? Feat H.Benson, children choir and everpresent spirit of N.Engelin.
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That Anders does not make the music. He needs a producer to do so. Obviously this has changed in the past few years.
That's not what I said. I said Anders doesn't write riffs cause he can barely play guitar as far as I know. I have seen him play around with some synthlike instrument before, but no idea if he's written stuff for In Flames, since I still think Örjan does all the keyboard/synth stuff. I know Anders is credited with ''Additional Percussion'' on Whoracle, but I don't know what instrument that specifically means.
I was thinking, keyboard synths aside, there hasn't been a Piano in an In Flames song that I can remember, except in The Chase. They should mess around with it more. It worked when they tried strings in A New Dawn!

Only ones I can think of aside from that are “Ordinary Story” and “Your Bedtime Story”.
That's not what I said. I said Anders doesn't write riffs cause he can barely play guitar as far as I know. I have seen him play around with some synthlike instrument before, but no idea if he's written stuff for In Flames, since I still think Örjan does all the keyboard/synth stuff. I know Anders is credited with ''Additional Percussion'' on Whoracle, but I don't know what instrument that specifically means.
Ok. Then I will rephrase. Jesper says that Anders cannot write shit without the help of a producer.
Ok. Then I will rephrase. Jesper says that Anders cannot write shit without the help of a producer.
When did Jesper say that? Or are you talking about when Jesper talked about Anders vocals having effects? Otherwise it does't make sense at all, producers have never helped any member of In Flames write any of their music (Except for last 2 records then).
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That song alone worth all the utter garbage on LS.
Dude, don’t even compare the two. Totally different albums. LS is a demo. Subterranean is a real release.

This is why I think the labels did wrong to re-release Subterranean with LS. The good stuff, Subterranean, is always at the end. It should have been separate.
When did Jesper say that? Or are you talking about when Jesper talked about Anders vocals having effects? Otherwise it does't make sense at all, producers have never helped any member of In Flames write any of their music (Except for last 2 records then).
How bad is your memory? We've been disussing this here when this happened.

: "Anderssays as it is breaking news. He [has] never been a songwriter. Trying to 'sing' with a vocal producer doing his best to polish the turd. And most importantly, I had no impact on the songwriting whatsoever *crying*... Sorry guys, I just could be quiet for once. Just happy I left the sinking ship."
Found this gem talking about the truth

This is truly horrible. Too bad, I cant even say anything about it. They just made a song that only have chorus and it repeats like 3 minutes. Worst IF song ever. I cant say if its a IF song anyway.