IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

Depends on your definition of overpriced, then. If it was cheaper or even similarly priced as it's main rivals, I say it wasn't. Of course it could be 10$, because of small chinese hands being forced to do it, but you are paying for years of experience of the guys who made it possible. And still, it was affordable for so many in USA, that it just became super popular. So not really overpriced. Reasonable and affordable, that's my term.

Of course it's so much different now, but it's not like they are really making new fans with this policy.
An iphone is a mini computer that you can use to make phone calls. If you can make, with the same amount of money, another minicomputer with better components then it's clearly overpriced.

What apple sells is social positioning, exclusivity. If you buy an iphone, a macbook pro or whatever other think they sell then you're buying this.
They are literally teasing old fans and reminding them of their favorite music every single night they tour.
Do you believe that the audience consists mainly of old fans going for a good old Scorn and Colony and use earplugs for the rest of the set?
Or perhaps they are playing those, because new fans like old IF songs as well? I'd bet my money on the latter.
This is why their sales have been droping of. Because they're becoming more and more popular.
Yes because all bands sales haven't collectively massively dropped down within the genre the last decade rofl, are you stupid? There's a reason all bands have to tour 24/7 nowadays, and it's not because their records suck, it's because people don't buy records anymore (including me 95% of the times).
They deserve it. They continue to play old songs and their reputation is based on being godly Guitar Heroes. Would they be a Guitar Hero based on their Come Clarity work? Absolutely not. Good album, good composition, but not Guitar Hero level. If they don’t want to be associated with old music then draw the line and stop playing it. But as long as they are playing it, maintaining their metal reputation and foundation, and benefiting from it they absolutely should expect to hear these questions. They are literally teasing old fans and reminding them of their favorite music every single night they tour.
You probably meant siren charms. Because, you know, come clarity is not easy work.
Popularity nosedived? On what parallel universe did you find that metric? Quality of records we can speak about, but they haven't lost popularity in the slightest lol, only increased
Prove it with numbers. They’ve been coasting. I wouldn’t be surprised that they increase in future years but not because their new stuff is that good. Once a band reaches ~20-25 years they start to be looked on like a benevolent grandpa and everyone treats them with respect. But reality is they were an asshole sometimes when they were younger and went through several bitter break ups. Once you reach a certain age people forget that. If IF can keep it together another couple years they might reach that level. Especially if their next album was a true metal album “for the fans” and “back to the roots”. They would cement their legacy. For a band so good at making business decisions, they should strongly consider that to fund their retirement.
Yes because all bands sales haven't collectively massively dropped down within the genre the last decade rofl, are you stupid? There's a reason all bands have to tour 24/7 nowadays, and it's not because their records suck, it's because people don't buy records anymore (including me 95% of the times).
Until asop Peter stated that they've never fell on thw record sales. Saying that peiple do not buy records anymore is saying too much. Maybe younger generations or lazy fans. But people that does care about the bands keep on buying albums.

You just see how here people is saying that they're going to buy the new album after listening to a fee songs. It's a matter of quality and expectations.
Do you believe that the audience consists mainly of old fans going for a good old Scorn and Colony and use earplugs for the rest of the set?
Or perhaps they are playing those, because new fans like old IF songs as well? I'd bet my money on the latter.
The effect of what they are doing is teasing. Their purpose is the latter but the effect is also the former.

And if they are playing old music to attract new fans to it then they are even more active in choosing those songs. If the new fans like the old music why wouldn’t they ask questions about the old music? Maybe new fans like the old music better? They are just young fans? (Which IF admitted before)
An iphone is a mini computer that you can use to make phone calls. If you can make, with the same amount of money, another minicomputer with better components then it's clearly overpriced.

What apple sells is social positioning, exclusivity. If you buy an iphone, a macbook pro or whatever other think they sell then you're buying this.
Shit, you just skipped every bit of a software specialist. Do you really think the iOS is just an Ubuntu distribution packed to an iPhone? It was miles ahead of Symbian, not to even mention custom Samsung or Blackberry systems, nowhere near that advanced.
And what minicomputer with better components at a same price was out there?
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You probably meant siren charms. Because, you know, come clarity is not easy work.
No I meant Come Clarity. I judge by the air guitar test. How many songs on CC do you air guitar to?

In Flames was featured in the Guitar Hero games because of their old music. The new songs were adequate enough. But they relied on their legacy to get in.
They deserve it. They continue to play old songs and their reputation is based on being godly Guitar Heroes. Would they be a Guitar Hero based on their Come Clarity work? Absolutely not. Good album, good composition, but not Guitar Hero level. If they don’t want to be associated with old music then draw the line and stop playing it. But as long as they are playing it, maintaining their metal reputation and foundation, and benefiting from it they absolutely should expect to hear these questions. They are literally teasing old fans and reminding them of their favorite music every single night they tour.
Yeah how dare they play their own material live, what a bunch of teaser sellouts
The effect of what they are doing is teasing. Their purpose is the latter but the effect is also the former.

And if they are playing old music to attract new fans to it then they are even more active in choosing those songs. If the new fans like the old music why wouldn’t they ask questions about the old music? Maybe new fans like the old music better? They are just young fans? (Which IF admitted before)
If it is not intentional, then it is not really teasing.

Perhaps they are doing it to attract new fans to old music, sure, but how come you are always going with the tough solution? The simple answer to why they are playing old music live is, because people enjoy listening it. I know I do. It is not meant for me to quickly go back home and listen to Colony, it is to enjoy the moment of listening it live. IMO you are overthinking it.

In Flames was featured in the Guitar Hero games because of their old music. The new songs were adequate enough. But they relied on their legacy to get in.
Isn't Take This Life the only IF track in Guitar Hero? :D
Yeah how dare they play their own material live, what a bunch of teaser sellouts
My whole point is if you play old music don’t be surprised when people like it and ask questions about it. Simple as that.

It gets so much attention because it is actually better than the new stuff. IF takes it like it is an affront and they feel offended by these questions. Maybe if the new shit was actually good we would have something new to talk about.
My whole point is if you play old music don’t be surprised when people like it and ask questions about it. Simple as that.
Playing some old stuff live = Should be asked about returning to their old sound in most interviews
If it is not intentional, then it is not really teasing.

Perhaps they are doing it to attract new fans to old music, sure, but how come you are always going with the tough solution? The simple answer to why they are playing old music live is, because people enjoy listening it. I know I do. It is not meant for me to quickly go back home and listen to Colony, it is to enjoy the moment of listening it live. IMO you are overthinking it.

Isn't Take This Life the only IF track in Guitar Hero? :D
That’s my point. They used their legacy to get in and then used it to promote the new music to make them appear to be legends to the kids (look! They’re on the game! They are gods!). It’s marketing. It’s not like Guitar Hero can just use any music. It’s all licensed. I’m sure the creators would have loved to feature some old school tunes in there but their labels wanted to use the new stuff. Plus that’s how you make money. By featuring, not celebrating.
That’s my point. They used their legacy to get in and then used it to promote the new music to make them appear to be legends to the kids (look! They’re on the game! They are gods!). It’s marketing. It’s not like Guitar Hero can just use any music. It’s all licensed. I’m sure the creators would have loved to feature some old school tunes in there but their labels wanted to use the new stuff. Plus that’s how you make money. By featuring, not celebrating.
''Used their legacy to get in and then used it to promote their new music'' what the fuck are you talking about
Playing some old stuff live = Should be asked about returning to their old sound in most interviews
If IF doesn’t want to talk about it then they should stop bringing it up.

Now I don’t think Anders has ever lost his shit and screamed “don’t ever fucking ask me that again!!!!” because even he realizes he is obligated to not piss off old fans. Truly he is a politician in the best way (I say this as a compliment) because does work hard to appease everyone. Just goes to show they DO rely on old fan support.
That’s my point. They used their legacy to get in and then used it to promote the new music to make them appear to be legends to the kids (look! They’re on the game! They are gods!). It’s marketing. It’s not like Guitar Hero can just use any music. It’s all licensed. I’m sure the creators would have loved to feature some old school tunes in there but their labels wanted to use the new stuff. Plus that’s how you make money. By featuring, not celebrating.
Holy shit this is so fucking dumb. Take This Life is the most liked IF song among my acquintances, and they range from metalheads to EDM addicts to 50 cent lovers. Take This Life is fucking featured because it's a great fucking song and reaches much more people than useless shit like Scorn.

Holy shit, the absolute ignorance here. I should just chill until the album drops.
That’s my point. They used their legacy to get in and then used it to promote the new music to make them appear to be legends to the kids (look! They’re on the game! They are gods!). It’s marketing. It’s not like Guitar Hero can just use any music. It’s all licensed. I’m sure the creators would have loved to feature some old school tunes in there but their labels wanted to use the new stuff. Plus that’s how you make money. By featuring, not celebrating.
You do realize that is not how you make a videogame?