IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

There are people who would consider I Am Above melodeath though, hell, there are some people who consider ITM melodeath. I think it's just because they can't find another category for it, and since IF did melodeath in their first few albums it's just what everything they've done since is labelled. People may be able to make a case for Colony and Clayman, even though for me they aren't melodeath, but nothing they've done after that is melodeath. Alternative Metal is a vague label but it's the best I can think of for modern IF. It's like a weird mix of heavy metal and metalcore with vocals that you'd struggle to categorise as anything specific.

Either way, IAA barely belongs in the melodeath category at all, let alone top ten. Out of curiosity what were the other picks?
There are people who would consider I Am Above melodeath though, hell, there are some people who consider ITM melodeath. I think it's just because they can't find another category for it, and since IF did melodeath in their first few albums it's just what everything they've done since is labelled. People may be able to make a case for Colony and Clayman, even though for me they aren't melodeath, but nothing they've done after that is melodeath. Alternative Metal is a vague label but it's the best I can think of for modern IF. It's like a weird mix of heavy metal and metalcore with vocals that you'd struggle to categorise as anything specific.

Either way, IAA barely belongs in the melodeath category at all, let alone top ten. Out of curiosity what were the other picks?
I cannot figure why.

A member that wants to post shit.

I, the Mask has percolated and its newness has worn off. It's now part of my typical In Flames rotation. How does it fare? I know you care.

"Voices" and "I, the Mask" should be concert staples for the rest of the band's career. I consider them classics. This album was worth it for those songs alone.

I tried to learn "Call My Name" on guitar and I'm probably really rusty, but damn, that pre-verse riff is not easy. I still like this. The band went for anthemic on Battles and it didn't work for me. They did it with "Call My Name".

"I Am Above" is still good shit.

I've grown a little cold toward "Follow Me". I love the intro, verses, etc. But I think starting from the bridge the song loses me. I hate when I just love parts of a song and not the others.

"House" has grown on me. I really like it. I've grown so desensitized to the stupid parts of it that it's just become another typical IF quirk to me. Keep in mind, I'm a fan of "The Truth". You know you love me.

"We Will Remember" sucks.

"In This Life" has charming verses. That's it.

I've grown to like "Deep Inside" a lot. I used to think it was pretty weak but idk, it has a nice vibe to it. It has that R2R-esque weirdness that I've always liked about IF. That clean bridge is fucking inspired.

"All the Pain" is so good. As a Siren Charms sycophant, they threw me a bone. Bask in it.

"Stay With Me" kinda lost its charm over time. It's alright.

LMAO I forgot about "Burn". Forgettable. Anders lyrics are so bad here, imo, that I can't even ignore them.

The bonus track I have not listened to beyond the first time.

That said, I now like Battles more than I used to. lolololololo
It's their best effort (kind of) since SOAPF... I still play a song or two from time to time.

But, the more important thing is - Insomnium have recorded a new music video, and that means we're soon getting a new single.
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I used to think Voices was really average, but after hearing it live my opinion has changed a lot. I really like it now. The title track is great too, and I Am Above is a very solid song. I wouldn't go so far as to call them classics but they're very good modern IF songs, far above anything they did on the last couple of albums.

Call My Name is average at best, Follow Me has some very good parts and some very average parts. I still hate House and In This Life. Deleted them from the playlist entirely. We Will Remember is okay but uninspired.

The last four songs finish the album pretty strongly. Burn is nothing special but I dig it anyway. Deep Inside is one of the best songs on the album. All The Pain has grown on me, although I don't really see any Siren Charm comparisons to it. I still think the chorus is kind of shit, but the rest of the song is pretty good. Stay With Me becomes a little repetitive but still their best ballad style song since Come Clarity.

Overall other than House and ITL, a good album that's not quite on the SOAPF level but it's getting there. Lose Benson and with Anders' vocal renaissance there is still the possibility of another last great album before IF are done.
"House" has grown on me. I really like it. I've grown so desensitized to the stupid parts of it that it's just become another typical IF quirk to me. Keep in mind, I'm a fan of "The Truth". You know you love me.
There is people specialized on treating this kind of mental illness. Just letting you know.
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Nah, me and Anders are cool these days.

So apparently Andre Matos has died. Sad news. I really enjoyed his vocals with Angra and Avantasia.

RIP bro.
So there I was, checking up on the latest setlists of IF, and out of curiosity I checked which songs they had played this year. As I am scrolling through the results, the last one caught my eyes: Free Fall, played once. I knew something was up, so looked it up, and it was included as track 21 at a show, after The End.

Okay, someone tried to pull a funny of us, but here I come to save the day, and deleted it. I even had to reclaim my password to setlist fm cuz I hadn't loggen in for years. Then the guy had the audacity to edit it back, and told me that they played it somewhere near the end due to the crowd's demand. It was on from that point.

IF is not the band who improvise songs like that, in fact, barely any big bands do. Even if they wanted to, you need backging tracks, especially for a keyboard heavy song for Free Fall, not to mention the chorus transitions, which is impossible to do alone, as the scream overlaps with the start of the chorus on the studio version. But all right, I've played the devil's advocate, searched for videos from that show, and even asked a guy who uploaded some of the songs to youtube whether he remembers FF being played. He said no. So I deleted it again, gave him my reaoning and told him that if he can present a video evidence of FF being played live, I let him edit it back. Haven't heard from him for a few days now.

So don't worry, just because I am not here, doesn't mean I am not looking out for you. Just Call My Name if you need me!
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I must say ITM holds much better than the previous two albums. Has 4 solid songs in the beginning, has 4 solid songs in the end. A few stray shitty riffs or choruses here and there. But fuck, those 4 songs in the middle are just pure garbage.

Still, I don't know if this will make sense, but a bunch of Colony-Clayman-RTR stuff underneath the surface. All the Pain is a good example, the riffing in pre chorus, the whole solo, clean guitars... Very Clayman-like. Too bad Anders fucked it up with the most generic autotuned chorus in the book.
ITM is definitely a step in the right direction. Obviously impossible to know what they'll do next time around, but it probably can't be any worse than the SC/Battles duo.
I think it's our way of dealing with our midlife anyway, so with that by being hammering down on a band who we know very well we never ever be what they were, but if we admit it, we admit that we are old fucking losers who hinge onto past glory, so we pretend it may come back eventually.
I heard that at one Gothenburg show many years ago they passed a paper sheet and a pen to the audience and asked for song requests. But for understandable reasons, they refused to play anything truly rare. So yeah, the Free Fall thing is most likely BS.

Further, wasn't there this interview where Anders and Peter said they tried rehearsing the song but somehow it just didn't sound right? If it didn't work out with practice I very much doubt they'd improvise it.
I heard that at one Gothenburg show many years ago they passed a paper sheet and a pen to the audience and asked for song requests. But for understandable reasons, they refused to play anything truly rare. So yeah, the Free Fall thing is most likely BS.

Further, wasn't there this interview where Anders and Peter said they tried rehearsing the song but somehow it just didn't sound right? If it didn't work out with practice I very much doubt they'd improvise it.
Yeah Peter said that