IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

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I checked out Numb as well. Good stuff, but how the fuck did you find it? He uploaded them just today.
There is a very easy method to decide whether there is a possibility you have seen me online in a pic or a video.

Is the guy handsome?
1. Yes ---> he's possibly me
2. No ---> he's not me

I checked out Numb as well. Good stuff, but how the fuck did you find it? He uploaded them just today.
I was looking for the new interviews/cover of in flames and I have found this gold :rofl:
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The Everdying excerpt isn't his style, but honestly the part from Biosphere wouldn't feel that much out of place in Disconnected or Sleepless again. :D

Not to bash Anders the lyricist - usually I find his stuff to be okay at worst and brilliant at best, but ASOP just wasn't his prime moment.

Anders' lyrics are usually fine. ASOP was terrible and the last two efforts were poor, but everything else ranges from good to great. Even Bottled, as mind-numbing as the song is, has good lyrics.

He's gone downhill in the last few years though. It's weird because it feels like he's putting the effort into the vocals themselves, but seems to have gone the opposite direction with the lyrics. Super basic, totally uninspired stuff. "Drained" is a prime example. Drained of fucking lyrical talent, yes. I'm not expecting world class poetry or mind-blowing metaphors, but I expect more than "you ripped the heart out, you ripped the heart out of my will to survive" or "we are, we are we are we are we are we are".

Hoping for a bit more effort in the new album. A lot of people don't give a shit about lyrics, but good lyrics add a strong dimension to a song for me personally. If the lyrics suck I find it hard to ignore that.
I was disappointed with Anders' performance on ASoP, obviously, and I didn't find his vocals on SoaPF to be that much of an improvement. Lyrically, SoaPF was pretty alright and he had a great overarching theme. Siren Charms was, in terms of vocals, the closest he's come to replicating his performance in Passenger, which is why I think it's his best album as far as cleans go. Solid lyrics, too, imo, but of course there are cheesy moments. Comes with the territory. But Battles was just a regression to stereotypical Sirius XM Octane lyrics and his cleans were so auto-tuned and inauthentic.

I know people give Anders shit for the whiny delivery, but that's Anders. When I was getting into IF I actually dug that. "He sounds like a nerd" my brother and I would say, and it was appealing because it was different and lacked the bravado that made metal seem so cheesy to us then. And there's a certain charm to it. That's why Battles bothers me. Hoping for better from the new album.
Hey guys. I've been stalking you at least since beginning of the Battles topic, so perhaps it's time to step out of the shadows.

I can see why some may dislike LS, but at least show some appreciation. It's super raw, it's intense, it has amazing vocals in terms of harshness - damn, I can't think of many vocalist who could pull that off, probably the reason why Stanne had to switch to this current emotionless strange fry. Great album, could be easily compared to At The Gates efforts.

Hey man, do you have a minute to talk about our savior and great vocalist Anders Friden and our community, Anders Manlove Crew? :D :D

Jokes aside, welcome mate! :)

OMG i think I lost in The internet :rofl:DDDD
JesterSlave is that you?

When he was doing his "growls" I was like, ok atleast he's trying but then he started on cleans.. That was a good burst I must say. :D @DE4life see how important vocals are? :D
I hardly ever find myself listening to LS. There are some good ideas there, but nothing more for me. Mikael Stanne is a great and respected vocalist, but I don't like his work on LS.

Also, Ι would like to join Anders Manlove Crew. Where do I need to sign? :rofl:
Nowhere, you just need to cover your walls in Anders posters (if you haven't already done so) and tell everybody that due to Anders' "unique" vocal abilities you consider him the best singer of all time. Then you're set.
Something like this (real picture of slave's room)

Something like this (real picture of slave's room)


Lol :D yeah, but instead of random yaoi posters it'd be photoshopped posters of Anders & Bjorn. Plus the customary dartboard with Jesper's face on it.

Tbf this sounds more like Krofius' room than Slave's though.
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Lol :D yeah, but instead of random yaoi posters it'd be photoshopped posters of Anders & Bjorn. Plus the customary dartboard with Jesper's face on it.

Tbf this sounds more like Krofius' room than Slave's though.
In fact, I also found a picture of Krofius in his room.

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:rofl: not sure I'd want all those floating Bjorn's above me, but whatever floats your boat.


This is the poster above my bed :cool: mah boiz.

Btw, if you type "N'Flaymz" into google search and go to images, most of the links are to this forum, and our avatars :D
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I don't have any anime posters or figures so I guess I'm not a weebo :D anime makes for good avatars and banners though. Although banners are basically obsolete in the modern age.

I'd definitely get a Steins;Gate poster, but they're so fucking expensive.