IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

Still too expensive, I'm not paying more than £8 for a poster :D nonetheless, we better stop throwing anime stuff into this thread or Krofi-kun is going to come steaming in to lay the smackdown.
I noticed In Flames posted a song requests thread for their live shows on Twitter. Not seeing too many requests for stuff off Battles or SC :D oddly a lot of Ordinary Story requests. I guess people dig that one. There are some strange replies.

Episode 666, Pinball Map, Clayman, Food For The Gods, Zombie Inc, Bullet Ride, Cloud Connected, Reroute To Remain, The Quiet Place, Crawl Through Knives, The Chosen Pessimist, Fear Is The Weakness, et Al

All those great songs and then TCP? Wut?

All the songs, I wish a complete show

You also apparently wish death upon Anders as by the end of the show his throat would probably have exploded :D

Will die to hear "Here until Forever" live

Really isn't worth your life.

Save Me Ropes Sounds of a Playground Fading A New Dawn Take This Life The Quiet Place Cloud Connected

Save Me?

The System

Ah yes, that awesome track The System. Maybe follow it up with The F(r)iend and The The End.

nothing from the last 12 years. Im kidding, but seriously tho.

:D this guy. Fuck Come Clarity, but please play STYE songs. OK.

I am surprised nobody mentioned the chosen pessimist.

You must be surprised by a lot of things then.

Starforsaken, mirror's truth, all for me

How the fuck do you go from requesting Starforsaken to the Mirror's Truth and All For Me? Play this random old song that none of you were actually in the band for, then fast forward fourteen years and go from there. Good idea.

System or Delight and Angers

Asking for either gold or a turd. Interesting tactic.

Anything off Clayman. But most importantly open with Rusted Nail!! This track was made for this very purpose. Keep it low key until first chorus. Then unleash!!

Anything off Clayman, but open with Rusted fucking Nail?

how about beyond space?

Beyond Space. Is this an alternate title demo nobody has heard of?

Pallar Anders Visa

:D "please play a song with no vocals"

There are also a scary amount of people wanting Here Until Forever on the setlist. Wtf.
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Still too expensive, I'm not paying more than £8 for a poster :D nonetheless, we better stop throwing anime stuff into this thread or Krofi-kun is going to come steaming in to lay the smackdown.
Yes, the 1 thread we have is already 1 to many.
I could count the number of In Flames songs I think are legitimately bad on one hand, and "Here Until Forever" is one of them. I appreciate that it's dedicated to Anders' son, and I'm pretty sure they'll look back on it fondly years from now (probably unlikely he'll be like "ugh that song my dad wrote sucked," you jokers). But for me, it's just no good.

Although "It's No Good" is tight. Straight Passenger material. Love it.

"Save Me" is one of the five or so songs on my shit list, too, but I thought the music video was entertaining, so it's a little bit redeemed.

I thought "Rusted Nail" was great when I saw them live in '14, and it got a lot of hype from the crowd. It's one of those IF songs that works better live than on the album, I think, although it's hard to glean that from a live recording. You kind of have to be there.

I want to see them play the title track from Siren Charms live before I die (or they die). That one's on my unshit list. One of the few modern IF tracks that manages, for me, to capture the atmosphere of their classics without actually sounding like them.
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So I was just watching this Cyhra interview with Peter and Jesper and some part of it when Jesper talks about IF was weird. I dont know if its Jesper's English or anything. He said something Swedish in between, hope @krofius can help translate it. Starts at 9:00, weird part at 9:38.

All that remains just announced their new album after teasing for the last week and a half. They have a November 9 release date.

That still gives me some hope we might have an IF release this year, but seeing as there has been absolutely zero talk or hints at it recently by their posts, doesn’t seem likely.
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I noticed In Flames posted a song requests thread for their live shows on Twitter. Not seeing too many requests for stuff off Battles or SC :D oddly a lot of Ordinary Story requests. I guess people dig that one. There are some strange replies.

There are also a scary amount of people wanting Here Until Forever on the setlist. Wtf.
For the past few years they played songs from SC and Battles a lot. We had at least 6-7 songs from those albums in their respective tour cycles, right? You are reaching extremely hard, if you want to imply that not requesting songs from these records must mean that they are not liked by the people. I mean, if I had to pick a setlist, I gladly omit everything I've already heard live, except Trigger. Not because the other songs weren't great, but if I had such an opportunity, I'd put togethera setlist I know I'd never ever have the chance to see again.

I'd like to hear Free Fall, Reflect The Storm and Move Through Me for example, even though they would probably not sound as good as Take This Life, WTDSD or OFTW. I'd also pick already overplayed songs like TQP and MSS simply because I haven't seem them live yet.

TCP should be on everyone's wishlist, who have never seen it live. It's a great experience.

Rusted Nails (among other SC tracks) is unjustly forgotten by the band. It's a really good song, even if it doesn't blow you away after the first listen. I probably wouldn't put it on my dream setlist simply because I've already heard it, but that's the curse of the tour cycles for a new release. You either catch them there and then, or you won't ever hear those songs again.

I don't get the HUF hype either, CC is much better, but it's cool to know that there are other layers of IF fans out there.

Also, you guys keep harping into some of the live shows posted, like HAHA LOL NO MOVEMENT IN THE CROWD FOR THE END XDD, but that's festivals for you. You have to be really dumb not to know that there are crowds which simply suck, even if you'd play your heart out. On the other hand, some crowd would cheer for you, even if you played shit music like Lunar Strain.

Hell, there is a very exclusive Nine Inch Nails tour going on in the US right now. You could only get tickets if you buy them physically, and some people had to wait 7 (!!!) hours. However, they are playing songs which have not been played for 20 years. Hell, they have debuted their most iconic never-have-been-played song as well. It was released 24 years ago as a SINGLE with an own MUSIC VIDEO, yet it has never been played before, and legends have been around for ages why it could've been. And they fucking played it now. You think the crowd went nuts? Nah, some of them (who waited hours for their ticket, so they weren't some random peasants) had no idea they are witnessing history.

It's just the way it is. The only way to know that a band sucks live if they don't sell tickets, simple as that.
I could count the number of In Flames songs I think are legitimately bad on one hand, and "Here Until Forever" is one of them. I appreciate that it's dedicated to Anders' son, and I'm pretty sure they'll look back on it fondly years from now (probably unlikely he'll be like "ugh that song my dad wrote sucked," you jokers). But for me, it's just no good
Shhhhhhh. You shouldn't say this here.
So I was just watching this Cyhra interview with Peter and Jesper and some part of it when Jesper talks about IF was weird. I dont know if its Jesper's English or anything. He said something Swedish in between, hope @krofius can help translate it. Starts at 9:00, weird part at 9:38.

Maybe it's the inteerview where he said that he's not talking about IF anymore.
Also, you guys keep harping into some of the live shows posted, like HAHA LOL NO MOVEMENT IN THE CROWD FOR THE END XDD, but that's festivals for you. You have to be really dumb not to know that there are crowds which simply suck, even if you'd play your heart out. On the other hand, some crowd would cheer for you, even if you played shit music like Lunar Strain.
In a festival, usually, the people in the front is the peiple more interrsted on seeing a specific band. You can just watch any old live show of in flames at wacken and see how the reaction was different.

And it's not only the crowd. The only one who seems to be enjoying the song is Niclas. Even anders looks bored as fuck.
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And it's not only the crowd. The only one who seems to be enjoying the song is Niclas. Even anders looks boring as fuck.
Oh please, it's armchair psychology at its worst. How can you seriously tell who enjoys it or not? Yes, when he was absolutely boozed out of his mind, Anders jumped around like a retard, but that's the definition of being drunk.

It reminds me of how people try to overanalyze players reaction in soccer. Cristiano Ronaldo did not hug Bale after a goal, and the internet exploded. Absolute nonsense.

Also, Björn is smiling 0-24 so I'm not even sure how you reached the conclusion that he's not enjoying the shows.
The song. Not the shows. You just cannot admit, to yourself, that there's not a goid response to the song. But there's not.
You should have been around for the beards & cocks era of the SOAPF thread. Good times.
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I could count the number of In Flames songs I think are legitimately bad on one hand, and "Here Until Forever" is one of them. I appreciate that it's dedicated to Anders' son, and I'm pretty sure they'll look back on it fondly years from now (probably unlikely he'll be like "ugh that song my dad wrote sucked," you jokers). But for me, it's just no good.

Agree. I'm not going to rag on it too much, but the intro is the only good thing about that track. Everything else is just plain bad. No idea why anybody would want to see it live when there are so many better songs, even from that same album.