IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

Why do we hate JesterSlave? Why do we hate Anders?
Disappointment? Understandable. Anders is my nigga though
This I always knew. And krofius is his wife and you're his daughter. Though I still don't know if clay- man is his son. But my guess is a yes.
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Also, because there was some Disturbed talk a few pages back: never been a big fan, but Believe is by far the best thing they’ve ever done.
That's a strange way to write The Sickness and Indestructible.

Believe has some nice tracks, like Liberate, Intoxication or Mistress, but these two records are just superior. The Sickness has a bunch of powerful, angry songs like Fear, and Indestructible is possibly the most solid record they've ever put out. The average song quality is just gr
OK boys and girls I come with big news. I was missing like 2 weeks cause I was trying to solve this puzzle. We all thought about it at some point but now we know it for sure. You ready? Here we go:

Fact: Jester Slave is the biggest Anders Friden lover (beside me) and big fan of Nine Inch Nails.
I was watching a new interview with Anders today and he mentioned that one of best concert he attended is Nine Inch Nails and how Nine Inch Nails are perfect band. Big mistake Slave, big mistake! With my Sherlock skills, I went inside my mind palace and remembered it.The only other person loves Nine Inch Nails like this is Jester Slave. The rest is as you know. So you can understand why Slave is so protective about Anders because he IS Anders!

Here's that interview, no news about new album though.

To be fair even popstars copied NIN's groundbreaking visual extravaganza, so I if you are among the chosen one (aka lives in the USA), you should definitely check one of their shows out.

My only excuse as to why I can't be Anders is that I'm tattooless. I'm not opposed to it, but many tattoo just looks hideous. It especially looks weird on Anders, because he looks like a normal, everyday fella, not some rockstar.
To be fair even popstars copied NIN's groundbreaking visual extravaganza, so I if you are among the chosen one (aka lives in the USA), you should definitely check one of their shows out.

Still sounds like Anders to me..

My only excuse as to why I can't be Anders is that I'm tattooless. I'm not opposed to it, but many tattoo just looks hideous. It especially looks weird on Anders, because he looks like a normal, everyday fella, not some rockstar

Actually I was thinking about a tattoo. I dont have one but IF has so big impact on my life, I wanna get one IF tattoo. But cant really decide one, was thinking jesterhead logo to my arm but still thinking about other options. Any suggestion guys?
This I always knew. And krofius is his wife and you're his daughter. Though I still don't know if clay- man is his son. But my guess is a yes.
Wow rude. Just keep in mind you like Battles more than I do fanboy
Excuse me mofo? :D I rated Battles a 6 or 6.5/10, can't remember, but considering Krofius' IF rating scale's lowest value is 9.5/10 there's no way my rating could be higher.

Re: Slave being Anders, I don't think so. More like his non-tattooed little brother. I've always had my suspicions that Krofius is an IF band member. His sudden change in demeanour to actually criticising the latest album makes me think maybe Peter? But then he shit on the Chyra album so maybe not. Could be Daniel.

Still hilarious to see Bryce Paul and Tanner Wayne as IF members :D it's like a parody one of us would have come up with years ago for "the future of IF" - Anders and Bjorn become evil dictators pushing a terrible mix of 80s synth pop and generic 70s rock as the band's main sound, recruiting Engelin for pretend authenticity and then bringing in a couple of random American bros to make themselves hip and cool. Let's just call them Bryce Paul and Tanner Wayne (just going for stereotypical American frat boy names).

This band. You have to laugh.
Excuse me mofo? :D I rated Battles a 6 or 6.5/10, can't remember, but considering Krofius' IF rating scale's lowest value is 9.5/10 there's no way my rating could be higher.
Keodius rates them higher but he diea not listen to them at all. Since You're still listening to 4-5 songs that makes you a fanboy and a candidate for the Anders manlove crew.:D
Honestly I don't listen to anything off Battles these days. I'd genuinely be more likely to listen to a song off Siren Charms, although realistically I'm not going to be listening to either album on purpose. The only thing I can say in SC's defence is at least they (mainly Anders) tried something different. The end result pretty much sucked as an In Flames record, but its' faults are unique enough to discuss with some interest. Battles is just nothing. There isn't anything particularly wrong with anything they did on that album, but it's so hollow that it isn't really worth discussing. It's the blandest album in their discography by some distance, although Wallflower gets an honourable mention as a break from the norm.
Daniel never came across to me as a person who would patiently sit down in front of his computer, and explain his points in an argument in great details.

By the way, whatever happened to his side-project?

You're thinking of Leinad.

Do you mean Sacrilege, or something else?
Nah, Daniel is pretty fucking crazy.

Yeah. I never knew about it, but when he left IF, I believe it came up that he might return to it. Not sure if it was an official statement or just rumors here.
That would explain a lot if Krofius is actually Daniel. He knows way too much about the band and was a big supporter all the way to Battles.
Daniel never came across to me as a person who would patiently sit down in front of his computer, and explain his points in an argument in great details.

By the way, whatever happened to his side-project?

I guess you're talking about Sacrilege, they were inactive after Daniel left for IF. I guess they were going to release new album at 2007 but dont know what happened after that.

Sacrilege is the definition of underrated in my opinion. Their album "The Fifth Season" is big as TJR, Slaugter Of The Soul in my eyes. They could've been big as IF or At The Gates if they didnt disband at that time. I mean check this one, catch as fuck! MDM at its finest.