IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

Sacrilege is sick. I've listened a lot to their two albums, personally prefer the first album of the two though. I've said it before, Daniel on vocals is a fucking beast. It's a shame they never did another album. They did reunite and was gonna do another album around 2007, even had album name and album artwork concept I believe but nothing ever happened due to Daniel being too busy with IF. Don't know if any of you remember or even know but they did have like 5-6 demos of songs on their Myspace page that was gonna be on the album, without vocals though, and drums was programmed as well. It was about 10 years ago, and they sounded fucking sick.
Sacrilege is excellent. Both of their albums are definitive melodic death metal and my favorite albums in the genre. Lost in the Beauty You Slay has better melodies, I think (holy fuck @ "Without Delight" and that part halfway through "Fettered in Shackles of Light") but I love how insidious The Fifth Season is ("Summon the Masses" is just a fucking tour-de-force and "Feed the Cold" is a melodic death classic). I can't choose between them but I think I prefer The Fifth Season. Both albums are just so confident.

I really liked their demo tracks, too. "Breathing Death through a Straw" was so hype. "Love for Lust" was a little modern Dark Tranquillity-esque, too.

That's a strange way to write The Sickness and Indestructible.

Believe has some nice tracks, like Liberate, Intoxication or Mistress, but these two records are just superior. The Sickness has a bunch of powerful, angry songs like Fear, and Indestructible is possibly the most solid record they've ever put out. The average song quality is just gr

I dig The Sickness but I think I'd dropped out after Ten-Thousand Fists, which I also enjoyed. I think I'd just moved on at that point so I never heard much of Indestructible. I like Believe because it sacrifices heaviness for interesting melodies, and the chord progressions are pretty impressive ("Breathe" being an excellent example — love that main riff). And yeah, "Mistress" is good. I think the creativity of the guitar playing is what gets me on that album. It just feels good, y'know?
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New slipknot. They also started the recording of the album after IF. I'm starting to wo der if the delay of the album is due to aome kind of lazyness, because there's simply no justification for it and for the lack of news about the album.

New slipknot. They also started the recording of the album after IF. I'm starting to wo der if the delay of the album is due to aome kind of lazyness, because there's simply no justification for it and for the lack of news about the album.

Well I dunno about Slipknots recording schedules, haven't they worked on a fucking album for like 2years+? I'm pretty sure I remember a photo or an article where Slipknot said they were recording music from early 2018 meaning they recorded it previous to IF, and they're also releasing it in 2019. I do agree it's fucking ridiculous that IF's album isn't released in 2018 though, but it has nothing to do with lazyness from the band, it's clearly about labels since there's so many other bands having the same seemingly long delay on releases.

Could also be the band wanted a couple months break to the end of the year before starting a new world tour cycle as well I guess, considering all of the guys have lots of sideprojects in life. I guess we'll find out in some interview later.

Never been a huge fan of Slipknot though, but I can somewhat see the appeal, it's ''release your anger'' type of music, good for gym I guess.
They've been saying for two years that they needed to sit and start a new album. At the beginning of this year clown said that some of them were working on it and it was about one or two months ago that they confirmed to be working on it.
. I do agree it's fucking ridiculous that IF's album isn't released in 2018 though, but it has nothing to do with lazyness from the band, it's clearly about labels since there's so many other bands having the same seemingly long delay on releases.
Yes but, no fucking news like an album title or something like that? I don't understand the current situation.
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Being brutally honest I'm not exactly anticipating the latest release from In Flames. It's really sad as they're really the only band from back in the day who I loved, who are still active, that I have hardly any interest in hearing new music from. They're still my favourite band historically, so I'll always have time to discuss them, but I can only describe my interest in their latest music as morbid curiosity. It's like driving past a car crash - you're compelled to look, but you really know you should just keep going and hope the occupants are going to be okay.

I don't even have the smallest hope that they'll ever release an album even on the level of SOAPF. I genuinely think that will be their last decent output. It's possible they'll release a song or two in future that will be worth listening to, but I don't foresee there ever being another great In Flames album.
The new Slipknot song has decent instrumentals, but Corey gives absolutely nothing to the song. In fact, I wish he'd shut the fuck up.

Sad, because Grey Chapters were really good.
I don't even have the smallest hope that they'll ever release an album even on the level of SOAPF.
Damn bro. I mean, they should be able to do SOAPF again. It wasn’t that long ago and basically Bjorn did it by himself and he’s still in the band. I think there is still hope.

Now is that going to happen this album? Not likely. Very likely this album is going to seriously suck. Maybe they will even break up after this. But if they do reform I could see another SOAPF getting recorded.
Damn bro. I mean, they should be able to do SOAPF again. It wasn’t that long ago and basically Bjorn did it by himself and he’s still in the band. I think there is still hope.

Now is that going to happen this album? Not likely. Very likely this album is going to seriously suck. Maybe they will even break up after this. But if they do reform I could see another SOAPF getting recorded.

I think that's the only scenario where they create another decent album. Disband, take a good amount of time off (years), recharge and come back with something strong, rather than churning out rushed, below average experimentation or cookie cutter, bland, formulaic crap. I'd be surprised if that happened though.
On the other hand, what if this new album is where IF recognize the flaws in Battles and went back to Benson to “do it right” this time? SOAPF2 baby. There’s hope.
I think That they still can make great music. They just need to put their effort on it. Specially Bjorn who's been procastinating for the past two albums.
The new Slipknot song has decent instrumentals, but Corey gives absolutely nothing to the song. In fact, I wish he'd shut the fuck up.

Sad, because Grey Chapters were really good.
Isn't he emo enough? Maybe if he grows a beard and bears some hipster glasses...

Slipknot is the prove that you can sell lots of albums while making aggressive music.
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Isn't he emo enough? Maybe if he grows a beard and bears some hipster glasses...

Slipknot is the prove that you can sell lots of albums while making aggressive music.
Yea but Slipknot kinda pioneered a sound, a bit like System of a Down did. Has a big influence of why they got so big at the time. Just like Linkin Park as well, they all came up with a new type of music in the early 2000's and as a result all of them got really big.