IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

Fuck Sonic Syndicate. Poser shitheads.

Another underrated IF classic :cool: might be my favourite off Come Clarity actually.

Amazing song. My favourite along with crawl through knives.

I was listening yesterday to dead eyes. Ot as bad as I remeber but, wvdrything that could be right about that song is destroyed by the overdued synths during the guitar solo and the end of the song. An example of how bad choices downgrade a song. Also, I think, that song would've gained by being acoustic instead of electric.
Nah first album was actually good man, it's essentially a melodeath album. Agree about Vanishing Light however, one of my favorites along with Vacuum. The lead guitar melody in Vanishing reminds me of older IF melodies, but with different production obviously, maybe different tuned guitars as well I believe. But it's similar in a way imo.

Well, I was half joking. I got their debut album and remember thinking it was okay. Everything after that is anal gravy though. Unfortunate but looking at them it's more of a surprise they made a small amount of good music.

Oh fuck you :rofl:

No need for the swearing, Tsundere of Destruction. What's your beef with Vanishing Light?

Amazing song. My favourite along with crawl through knives.

I was listening yesterday to dead eyes. Ot as bad as I remeber but, wvdrything that could be right about that song is destroyed by the overdued synths during the guitar solo and the end of the song. An example of how bad choices downgrade a song. Also, I think, that song would've gained by being acoustic instead of electric.

They did Dead Eyes acoustic on one of those live sets... sucked a dick. They need a good singer first and foremost to make that work.
They did Dead Eyes acoustic on one of those live sets... sucked a dick. They need a good singer first and foremost to make that work.
Of course that it sucked, because of Anders. And he's going to make a mess of that song being acoustic or being electric. That's not my point. My point is that it's more suitef for acoustic than for electric. And that the synths do not suit the song. Tbey should now when electronics are not needed.
Of course that it sucked, because of Anders. And he's going to make a mess of that song being acoustic or being electric. That's not my point. My point is that it's more suitef for acoustic than for electric. And that the synths do not suit the song. Tbey should now when electronics are not needed.

An acoustic version of Dead Eyes with a different vocalist would probably sound pretty good. As an In Flames song with Anders on vocals, though, it's probably better off as it is. Honestly, it's one of the better tracks on SC imo. As far as being a slower paced IF ballad-type song it's okay. Not a patch on Satellites & Astronauts, Metaphor, Dawn of a New Day, Evil in a Closet or even Liberation, but it's not terrible. The synths are unnecessary, but there's a ton of IF tracks you could say that for, even going back to Colony and Clayman. It's even a problem on Cyhra's Letters to Myself. I guess if there's one thing Anders and Jesper have in common it's using synths when they aren't really needed.
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The synth fixation is a result of these guys having an affinity for 80's pop. Some bands do it well, some don't. DT's Haven was synth central. DT has good keyboard/synth sensibility, but Haven was just oversaturated with it. That's why I'm hoping that Niels guy actually joins the band as a full-time member so the keys have more a professional and focused direction, rather than being something they just throw in.

Try being a fan of Theatre of Tragedy. Those guys went from gothic metal to fucking unironic Europop in the course of one album. Granted, I still even liked that.

"Dead Eyes" is great. I'm okay with the synths, personally — the song makes me visualize a futuristic city skyline in evening and the whole thing just feels really cool, imo — but it's the key change in the bridge that kind of bothers me.

Anders notwithstanding, the acoustic version of the song is excellent. The hammer-ons translate so well to acoustic guitar and instrumentally it resembles classic IF to me. It's good in my book. "With Eyes Wide Open" is the superior SC ballad, however.
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Better than Sonic Syndicate. Also:

After releasing new songs, it was announced that Blinded Colony would change its name to The Blinded. This change was due to the idea that the band consisted of completely different members and therefore was not the same blinded colony.

So despite cries to the contrary on here, stuff like that does happen.
I saw an interesting commend on Youtube today abot Clayman:

"It's funny everyone seems to really miss this era of In Flames, because at the time, the underground metal community at large was calling the album "Gayman", accusing the band of selling out etc."

This commend reminds me this forum somehow..

We will get the new album artwork soon apparently. Looking forward to it

Getting hyped!
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Yep, I remember it well. Gayman, Penis Ride, Only For the Wank, etc. Good times I guess.

I mean, really, there were even people complaining about Whoracle and Colony. The trve old school elite fans were total dickheads, although there are hardly any of them left these days. Generally speaking those who are left from the older generation of fans are the ones who loved everything up until R2R.
I cannot accept Clayman as "the sellout album". Of course, it all depends on one's definition of "selling out". I remember Peter saying that from Clayman on they intentionally started making their music more accessible so I guess that to some, that alone suffices for admitting to having "sold out."

In my opinion though, "selling out" equals "changing only because of money." But even Jesper, who was probably the most old school metal guy of them all said, in an interview I recently read, that the spirit and essence of In Flames (or something like that) only went missing after Reroute. (He said the rest of the albums are still decent but missing something.) For this reason I disagree with anyone saying IF sold out with Clayman, or even with Reroute... whether they "sold out" with STYE or some later album I do not know and I don't really care either. I wasn't there, as a fly on the ceiling (does this idiom exist in English?) listening to their conversations about musical direction.
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Yep, I remember it well. Gayman, Penis Ride, Only For the Wank, etc. Good times I guess.

I mean, really, there were even people complaining about Whoracle and Colony. The trve old school elite fans were total dickheads, although there are hardly any of them left these days. Generally speaking those who are left from the older generation of fans are the ones who loved everything up until R2R.

I agree.

I'm not saying this forum is completely without elitist overtones, but compared to those folks we're a bunch of fanboys. :D
Clayman was a sell out but it still sounded good. Reroute sounded like a sell out but it’s obvious they were all into it. So I could agree that STYE was the true sell out album.

I agree.

I'm not saying this forum is completely without elitist overtones, but compared to those folks we're a bunch of fanboys. :D

Pretty much :D some of the doomlords on the old Everdying forums were vicious. Basically if it wasn't Lunar Strain it was a pile of shit. They were only into the darkest of black/death metal and as soon as any band gained mainstream attention they instantly became terrible.

Clayman was a sell out but it still sounded good. Reroute sounded like a sell out but it’s obvious they were all into it. So I could agree that STYE was the true sell out album.


STYE is definitely the "sellout" album for me, if there is one at all. It's not a bad album but it's very obviously (imo anyway) orientated towards a specific market that significantly deviates from anything they put out before or afterwards. Clayman was still way too outside of the mainstream for me to consider it "sellout", although they were moving in that direction.

Clayman was a border between old if and new..

I think it's hard to put broad borders on In Flames' work.

Lunar/Sub - would class this as "early era" In Flames, didn't include most of the well known band members so more like demos than actual albums.

TJR/Whoracle - these two flow well into each other, similar themes and overall sound. IMO Whoracle was the last real MDM album IF put out.

Colony/Clayman - moving more towards traditional heavy/melodic metal than melodic death metal at this point. Cleaner sound with more straightforward songwriting, lyrics starting to become more introspective. Dual guitar melodies still taking precedent over vocals.

R2R - mixture of older IF melodies (scaled back and buried in the mix) and newer focus on vocals, particularly clean. Lyrics are also now much simpler. The last album that, imo, had those 'old school' melodies across the record. I'd still classify this as traditional heavy metal but the sound is a depature from the previous two albums.

STYE - total stab at the alternative metal market. Dual guitar melodies significantly reduced. Lyrics embarrassing at times. The only thing I will say about STYE is that it has a very unique sound, particularly with the keys, which identify its tracks almost as soon as they come on. You would never mistake a STYE song for being anything other than a STYE song. Not a bad album but at the time it was released if you were to take Anders' vocals out nobody would have said this was In Flames.

CC - Not sure what to make of this album as far as the direction it ended up going in. Guitars are much more involved, keys reduced, powerful screams/growls along with the usual cleans in the chorus. Lyrically the best album since Clayman with much more focus on external, interesting stuff rather than Anders complaining about how shit his life apparently is. Sounds totally different from STYE. Back to being heavy metal w/MDM influence.

ASOP/SOAPF - much softer production than CC. Moving more towards a rock/metal hybrid sound. Clean vocals becoming much more prominent. I always saw SOAPF as a much improved version of ASOP, with vocals & production fixed.

SC - No idea what they were thinking here. Don't know how to define this. A total 180 on SOAPF.

Battles - Take SC out and the progression from SOAPF to Battles wouldn't have been that surprising. Similar type of album, just without the inspiration, creativity or passion.

Next album - who fucking knows? Probably ska/reggae. Anders will grow his dreads back and start smoking blunts at shows. "hey mons, dis be clayman ya?" - Krofius says it's amazing and the best work they've ever done. Slave becomes a rastafarian. Ciko says Anders is the second coming of Bob Marley. I sigh and resume listening to Colony.