IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

Dead Alone sounds so much better live than on STYE. I didn't give a shit about that song until I heard it live on the Used & Abused DVD, then I realised it was actually really good, just seriously neutered on the album.
The interesting one for me now is what sort of song they choose to release as the second single (which I would expect mid to late January), whether they keep it up with a heavier song or if they choose a more radio song

Well, with SC and Battles the second single was a more radio friendly song ( Through Oblivion, The Truth )
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It’s shocking to see the amount of positivity regarding the new song, I never thought I would see this with a new track being discussed on here.
You guys can be pretty ruthless in regards to the later IF releases. :rofl:
With that said I think this new track is a breath of fresh air and what perhaps they’ve been trying to achieve for a while in later albums, it’s good to see agressive Anders back in business, why it’s been such a long absence with his style of low growls is beyond me but he absolutely nails it, puts the rest of the kids in the biz to shame imo.
I haven’t been able to listen to the song again since earlier today from the YT rip but thanks for that sis.
I got a lot of nostalgia from the track, the riffs around the solo mark reminds me a lot of Crawl Through Knives, anyone else get that vibe?
Can’t wait to hear more, exciting times.

I definitely got a little bit of a Come Clarity feel from the bridge, yeah. That ascending riff struck me as in the same vein as "Crawl Through Knives" and "In Plain View" from SC so that was definitely my favorite part.

I played this for my sister, who's mostly a R2R-era fan who skipped Battles. She liked that Anders was screaming again (didn't like how stripped-down Siren Charms was) but hated the chorus.
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The first couple listens the growl at 2:25 didn’t stand out to me but now, yeah he did great. I wish he closed the song with another. Or modified the singing in the last chorus to go totally brutal. Obviously holding back since he’s crazy AF and would throw his voice out at the first show.
It’s shocking to see the amount of positivity regarding the new song, I never thought I would see this with a new track being discussed on here.
It’s cuz we are so thirsty for new IF and the recent albums have set the bar so low that we are now surprised by anything more aggressive than the last John Tesh album.
It’s shocking to see the amount of positivity regarding the new song, I never thought I would see this with a new track being discussed on here.
You guys can be pretty ruthless in regards to the later IF releases. :rofl:
With that said I think this new track is a breath of fresh air and what perhaps they’ve been trying to achieve for a while in later albums, it’s good to see agressive Anders back in business, why it’s been such a long absence with his style of low growls is beyond me but he absolutely nails it, puts the rest of the kids in the biz to shame imo.
I haven’t been able to listen to the song again since earlier today from the YT rip but thanks for that sis.
I got a lot of nostalgia from the track, the riffs around the solo mark reminds me a lot of Crawl Through Knives, anyone else get that vibe?
Can’t wait to hear more, exciting times.

I thought I heard a little Come Clarity in there, but I couldn't quite put my finger on what exactly.
I have downloaded it locally as well but have been playing it with the app so they haven’t totally retracted it yet.

Well there is the synth at the beginning of each chorus. And the intro. But yeah, much more dialed back. Looks like the keyboard guy is also on questionable status like the drummer and bassist?
They were fine jamming their songs with electronics long before they even had a dedicated keyboard player, so I wouldn't worry.
I don't really get a SOAPF vibe from I am Above at all. More like a weird mixture of CC and Battles. Give the guitars and vocals a harsher production and the verses wouldn't sound out of place on Come Clarity, whilst pretty much all the clean parts could have come straight off Battles.
Oh boy, can't wait till the 14th! This song sounds promising!

edit: jokes aside, it's cool to read how people who have life and not dwell in this piss of a place have no idea about the leak from yesterday, and are genuinly curious about it.

Lmao yeah, I want to see the album art so bad, and a track list. "I, the Mask" is such a cool title, if indeed that is the title
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Oh boy, can't wait till the 14th! This song sounds promising!

edit: jokes aside, it's cool to read how people who have life and not dwell in this piss of a place have no idea about the leak from yesterday, and are genuinly curious about it.
I don't really get a SOAPF vibe from I am Above at all. More like a weird mixture of CC and Battles. Give the guitars and vocals a harsher production and the verses wouldn't sound out of place on Come Clarity, whilst pretty much all the clean parts could have come straight off Battles.
As I said, the chorus reminds me a lot to SOAPF. The guitar work has similarities to Fear is the Weakness and the vocals could fit into that album.
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As I saidm the chorus reminds me a lot to SOAPF. The guitar work has similarities to Fear is the Weakness and the vocals could fit into that album.

As long as nobody starts talking about hearing The Jester Race/Whoracle/Colony/Clayman in the melodies then it's fine :D the biggest plus point for me on I am Above is Anders' growls. I didn't expect him to be going back to such guttural sounding vocals. Haven't really heard that since ASOP with songs like Drenched in Fear.

I just went back to listen to a few songs on Battles and the production on I Am Above is definitely crisper and clearer. Vocals sound a lot better. Even the autotuned cleans sound more powerful and confident. Feels like "I, the Mask" (if that is what the album is going to be called) will be a mixture of CC-SOAPF and an improved version of the Battles formula. It might be alright.

As an aside, "Save Me" from Battles actually had a lot of really cool melodies. Shame that the song as a whole sucks. That fucking chorus. Ugh.
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Looks like we won't get a proper music video once again...They have a guy from Mr Robot ( according to fb comments ) lip syncing the song.
I don't really get a SOAPF vibe from I am Above at all. More like a weird mixture of CC and Battles. Give the guitars and vocals a harsher production and the verses wouldn't sound out of place on Come Clarity, whilst pretty much all the clean parts could have come straight off Battles.
The main thing from SOAPF is the modern guitar tone and riff style on the second part of each verse, first seen at 0:40. Could’ve been straight off of many of the more generic SOAPF songs (you know the ones — puzzle, darker times, all for me, etc.)
I guess if the production was wider then maybe, yeah. Wish it wasn't quite so thin, but that seems to be what they prefer.

Just listened to "The End" and was reminded how good that song is. Easily the best track they've released, for me anyway, since SOAPF. I remember being really hyped for Battles after they released The End, then The Truth happened and things went downhill from there. Hopefully it won't be the same for this album.
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