IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

Man, even Eochaid has gone over to the light side. Just me and A88 left to fight for the darkness.
It's just one song... The same happened with the end and the album was total shit. At least I can listen to this song without feeling totally ashamed :D
It's just one song... The same happened with the end and the album was total shit. At least I can listen to this song without feeling totally ashamed :D

Don't curse it! At least (so far) we don't have the immediate red flag of the way they described battles, telling us how it was more upbeat and whatnot, this one is compared to (dare I call it) a modern classic IF record, and it has a noticeably darker tone to the art direction (the less said about the neon battles affair the better) as well as a creepy name in "I, the mask"

As of yet we've not really had a statement from a member that puts any apprehension in my mind, unlike the last one (despite how damn good the end was)
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So far the only red flags have been the lyric teasers. After listening to the song, I don’t care about the lyrics so we’re all good. Also, like someone pointed out the lyrics are typical post RTR so even then it doesn’t matter.

So, we have no clear indication the new album will definitely suck. It might be dark and totally brutal. This might be the happiest and most poppy song on the whole album. Maybe in a few months we will be breaking our fucking necks to the sickest GBG death post 1999.

As a side note.

I really don’t get why Anders doesn’t try a return to weird and cool lyrics again. They toy with the music, production, riffs, vocals all the time. Why not the lyrics? The music can still be the new school Depeche Mode Berlin craft brew flat brim hat wife beater off duty lumberjack complete with auto tune choruses. Just change it up, bro.

Where The Dead Ships Dwell was pretty cool. I could go for more of that.
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Hey Everyone! So I took a couple of days and listened a couple of times. Within the first few seconds I was disappointed because it instantly reminded me of "Drained". However, this is my general opinion. Just mine. I am not trying to tell anyone else on here that their opinion is wrong. Everything until now, hate it or like it, has felt like movement forward with each album. This is the first time it just felt run of the mill and or stale, minus a couple cool musical nuances. I realize this is only one song with the rest of the album to come. I am not a "Battles" hater although I did not want "Battles" number two. The best way I can describe how I feel about the new track here is with the use of an analogy to Metallica's "Load" and "Reload" albums. With the different tonal qualities and vibe, the energy, the sonics, the direction, etc, "I Am Above" feels to me like the difference of "Reload" compared to "Load". A little heavier, more polished, a little darker, etc.
Hello everyone, I've been lurking around on this forum for a while now in search of news and last night (special thanks to Vermyn, i got to hear the new song) I love reading what you guys have to say about IF and so I wanted to share my opinion on "I Am Above" and the band in general.

I personally love the song. I can easily say this might be my favorite In Flames song in the past three or four albums. It feels very dark and aggressive, yet pacey and insanely catchy. I think the solo is also probably the best solo Bjorn has written in a long time, its really energetic and chaotic. Generally I have to agree with a lot of people that the best part is that bridge to the solo, it finally feels like they started getting a little bit more creative. I'm not a big fan of the lyrics but its whatever at this point, you start singing along at some point anyway. I cant say there's a single part of this song that I hate
and I think it has a lot of potential to be a great performing live song.

A little bit about myself. I was introduced to in flames when I listened to "Cloud Connected," and to this day, I am convinced that the album "Reroute to Remain" is an absolute masterpiece and hands down their best to date. While I have no problem whatsoever listening to old In Flames, I just think that their sound now incorporates a lot more elements, which I personally think is a good thing. Don't get me wrong, songs like Zombie Inc., December Flower, The Hive, Scorn, Swim, Jotun, etc... are majestic, but I still prefer their newer stuff. I think Siren Charms was a huge let down with the exception of a couple songs (Everything's Gone, In Plain View, The Chase) but I really don't get all the hate that Battles gets. While I do think the production is a bit subpar, there's several songs that I really like (The End, Through My Eyes, Drained, Us Against the World, Greatest Greed). I do find that I cannot listen to "Save Me' whatsoever its such a piss poor song. I'm a little scared that "I Am Above" might be like one of two heavy songs on the new album, and most of them will feel like filler songs. Siren Charms had Everything's Gone, and Battles had Through My Eyes, so this might be it for "I, The Mask" Let's hope I'm wrong and there's at least 3-4 songs like this one on the new album
(P.S. I think songs like Dark Signs, Dismiss the Cynics, Dead Alone, Disconnected, Through My Eyes, March to the Shore, are extremely underrated)
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Hello everyone, I've been lurking around on this forum for a while now in search of news and last night (special thanks to Vermyn, i got to hear the new song) I love reading what you guys have to say about IF and so I wanted to share my opinion on "I Am Above" and the band in general.

I personally love the song. I can easily say this might be my favorite In Flames song in the past three or four albums. It feels very dark and aggressive, yet pacey and insanely catchy. I think the solo is also probably the best solo Bjorn has written in a long time, its really energetic and chaotic. Generally I have to agree with a lot of people that the best part is that bridge to the solo, it finally feels like they started getting a little bit more creative. I'm not a big fan of the lyrics but its whatever at this point, you start singing along at some point anyway. I cant say there's a single part of this song that I hate
and I think it has a lot of potential to be a great performing live song.

Hello mate, welcome! You just got here in time, with new songs coming it'll be all chaos here so you didn't miss the fun. :D But I don't think new songs solo is that good, at least I wouldn't call it one of the best. SOAPF had a lot of good solos, title track,Deliver Us and Fear is the Weakness comes to mind. Then Björn tried to copy them at SC but couldn't do it and that was bad. Battles had some nice solos, In My Room comes to my mind first. This new one is meh for me.

P.S.: Totally agree with your last sentence, specially Dead Alone I think extremely underrated.

I heard this bands name but never checked them out. This one sounds awesome actually, will check other ones for sure.
I just watched the video teaser, didn't like it. Looks weird, cringy maybe? I don't know. I like when bands just play do song, you know the standard one. Maybe I'm a boring person but it does it for me.

BTW what do you guys think about the title? (Don't know if its the real one but assuming it is.)
Hello mate, welcome! You just got here in time, with new songs coming it'll be all chaos here so you didn't miss the fun. :D But I don't think new songs solo is that good, at least I wouldn't call it one of the best. SOAPF had a lot of good solos, title track,Deliver Us and Fear is the Weakness comes to mind. Then Björn tried to copy them at SC but couldn't do it and that was bad. Battles had some nice solos, In My Room comes to my mind first. This new one is meh for me.

In my room’s solo is by far my favorite on that album. Possibly my favorite for the last few albums.
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In my room’s solo is by far my favorite on that album. Possibly my favorite for the last few albums.
Second this. In My Room has the most cringe worthy title and even some lyrics ever. But musically it is possibly the best song on Battles to me.

Before I Fall is good too. Both solos actually take the song somewhere.
Hello everyone, I've been lurking around on this forum for a while now in search of news and last night (special thanks to Vermyn, i got to hear the new song) I love reading what you guys have to say about IF and so I wanted to share my opinion on "I Am Above" and the band in general.

Hey there! Nice to meet you! I started with Reroute, too, and it’s still one of my favorites. Just a perfect blend of everything that came before and everything after, with an added touch of mid-era In Flames weirdness. I love it.

“I Am Above” is pretty good, and I’m warming up to it considerably. Took a few listens for it to really stick with me.

I disliked Battles because it sounded way too much like the typical modern metal that high schoolers are into these days, and lacked the In Flames charm that I always felt in every album before. But that’s just my take — I’m a fan of Siren Charms so take that with a grain of salt. “Before I Fall” has to be my favorite from that one, though. Lyrics aside, I love it.

Speaking of solos, I still say that the one in “Paralyzed” is my absolute favorite solo In Flames has put out this decade. So satisfying, and the rhythm section underneath it is simple but so effective. Like “The Puzzle”, every note fits — no filler at all, and the wah is put to perfect use. Criminally underrated.

“Filtered Truth”, “Become the Sky”, and “The Chase” are no slouches in that department, either.
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Listened to "I Am Above" again.

I'm revising my initial take. This song is, basically, picking up from where Sounds of a Playground Fading left off, while incorporating elements of Siren Charms and Battles, which, honestly, makes it excellent. I even like this more than most of Sounds. It's the closest they've been to 2000's In Flames so far this decade. It legit gives me nostalgia pangs. The only thing that really makes it feel "new" to me is the fact that the Anders singing this has short hair and a beard.

Great track. It's a grower. I'm happy that they're back.
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Just want to say 'thanks' to all of the thread's contributors. As always, I really enjoy the dialogue and analysis leading up to the release.

Really enjoy the new song too, great energy!
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