IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

I was pretty much aware of the negativity from day one. I didn't realise it at the time but the people online who introduced me to In Flames were the stereotypical metal elitists. I can remember when Reroute was released one of them told me he'd snapped the disc in half after listening to the first song :D I'm guessing he was just being dramatic but who knows. It didn't really affect my experience with Reroute, I still enjoyed it, even though my elitist friends hated it and my normal friends thought it was some kind of crazy satanic shit - I guess because of the screaming vocals. Not common at all in those days.

I was very down on STYE when it came out, but appreciated it more after hearing it live on the Used & Abused DVD. I was fully on board with Come Clarity from the beginning. That era was pretty much peak In Flames, it felt like they were everywhere. Their touring schedule was ridiculous. They were at all the major festivals, headlining all over the world, on magazine covers, had metalcore bands spawning all over the place worshipping them. You couldn't walk into a metal bar or club without hearing Cloud Connected, Trigger or Take This Life. Sometimes The Quiet Place too but it was mainly the first three. Dem boys made it big.

Then ASOP happened.

My brother and I would watch Headbanger’s Ball every time it came on in 2004 just for a chance to see “Cloud Connected.” I think the first time we saw it we were waiting for some Papa Roach video, then this Swedish band came on and we were like “wait a second, this is incredible.” The rest is history.

I remember spending the last year of high school listening to both Come Clarity and DT’s The Gallery. Such a good time. I think I would’ve continued to love the rest of IF’s material to this day if I hadn’t seen all the negative comments on the “The Mirror’s Truth” video premiere in 2008. I still like the music just as much as I did back then, but now I’m always subconsciously aware of all that negativity when I listen to any IF these days. It spoils the experience a little.

People will express their discontent with anything online now a days much more then they will express their enjoyment. Negativity spreads fast, and if I’ve learned anything in my life, it’s to have your own experiences forge your opinions. Not the opinions of others. That’s why I always keep a grain of salt handy.
I'm never affected by other people opinions. But I must admit that the past two albums have made me reluctant to listwn to them as frequently as I used before sc was released.
Interesting. The current releases don't change my opinion or enjoyment of their older work. In fact each new release that comes out makes albums like STYE and ASOP seem even better.
Man it has been awhile since I've been on this thread. How's everyone been?

Been listening to I Am Above a lot, digging the track. Has aggression in there and a chorus I can be okay with. In regards to the album art, I like it. Track listing seems interesting, wondering how Burn is gonna sound.
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There they go, loosing any sign of their own personality. This song sounds like something you have heard before elsewhere. I don't know why they keep on imitating what other people does. As if it will bring something good...

As a single this one is more catchy than I Am Above, so I can only think that they'll release this as the second one to not inmediatly raise a reaction of rejection. Something like releasing the end and the truth.

The solo is the best part of the song.

The lyrics suggest that Anders has lost, definitely, his inspiration.
UK ISPs basically block anywhere I can download stuff from these days, so I guess I'll have to wait for it to come on YouTube, or someone on here to upload it. Sounds like it sucks anyway.
OK, this is just weird and pretty awful. Vocals are some of the worst Anders has ever done. Lyrics are the usual collection of trite cliches. It's a pretty embarrassing song. Flashbacks to Battles where we had one good single and one embarrassing single. Same pattern here. The only positive thing about this single is the artwork, which actually looks pretty cool. It in no way reflects the song, though.

Google search.

Two singles leaked weaks before they're released. Wtf is going on?

Yeah this is unusual. Both singles leaked (w/artwork) over a week before the first single is even due to be released. Either IF are leaking it on purpose or somebody really doesn't like them :D

Supposedly this is the album info:

Release date says March 1st. Definitely loving the album art, and some of those song titles sound interesting.

I don't like the look of this.
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Neither do I. It does not seem as if Anders has put a real effort into the titles.

Agreed, it's all very cliché.

"Voices" and "I, The Mask" are fine, I guess. "Call My Name" is an Amaranthe song. I hope it's a cover, that would be hilarious. "I am Above", meh, OK. "Follow Me" is a Gamma Ray song. "(This is Our) House" is just cringeworthy, both the song and the title. Like a bunch of old dads trying to be "down with the kids". Just stop it, Anders. You aren't cool. The total opposite, if anything. "We Will Remember" - how to make a decent album? Doesn't look like it. "In This Life" - sequel to Take This Life? "Burn" - Boring. "Deep Inside" - already used this as lyrics in In Plain View, but whatever. Maybe it's a song about a dildo. "All the Pain" - Anders Emo Alert. "Stay With Me" - I can already tell this is going to be horrible.

Can we re-seal the leaks and pretend this album doesn't exist?