IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

As I said to Eochaid, I'm pretty sure it isn't about anything. It's just one of those mindless "stand up and join me in a vague, undefined fight against something" songs that so many shit bands release. It's funny though because the content of the lyrics make it sound like this should be a fast-paced, pumping, energetic song. But it's the exact opposite. Anders imploring everyone to fight with him over a slow, lazy melody with him singing like he's serenading somebody on a cruise ship. Nothing about this song makes any sense. At least The Truth actually had some energy behind it.
Wow, another leak? Already?? First of all I love the album artwork, looks pretty cool. Song titles meh, some of them good, most of them classic song titles. I wonder how "In This Life" going to sound. Take This Life part2 maybe? :D

Now about the new song. The intro was bad. It was so bad that I had The Truth flashbacks. I hate choir things. They used it at Battles, it was cool for them to try new things but using it again, I hate it. After that awful choir intro, the riff was cool but drumming behind it didn't bring the riff to another level, so it was meh. Another thing I hate is that autotune. I Am Above had something like that which I also hate but this one is far worse than the other one.

Even though I'm not used to song and have negative point of view, it had some elements I liked. Pre-solo vocals and solo was pretty good. Verses are fine. (Except autotune'd parts.)

I get why they write songs like this. I'm pretty sure this one will attract younger audience and will work on live (Dunno how they gonna do the autotune parts). I think this one is sing-along type of song. I'm certain that I wont sing-along but I'm sure a lot of people will do that, so I'm not really mad at them.

Btw maybe its because I'm not native and don't have any idea what is song about. Does anyone have any idea what song is about?
Welcome to the Anders manhate crew:rofl:

About the theme. If they were a political themed band I would say this is about nationalism. Since they're not then it's probably Anders telling his children to not enter into his room.
I'm out of reach
I don't sympathizeeee yeah turu tu tu tu tu turu

For a while I thought the lyrics in the second verse were "here in my room, I'm behind a wall, away from the fucks, closure will come" - turns out he's actually saying flock :D

I think the only time Anders has actually used fuck in his lyrics is Watch Them Feed? During his edgy American bad boy phase.
I blame the delayed release. Leaks always happen but when you delay a product that’s literally ready to go for an extra 3-4 months you are going to take damage. I have no idea why they didn’t think of that before delaying it so long. Wouldn’t be surprised if CoB and others also delayed see the same.
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The last time I can recall this much early leakage was Come Clarity back in 2006. I think the entire album leaked about 3 months before release. The band were seriously pissed off.
The funny thing is that, after Anders stated that only him and Bjorn write the songs for whatever reason, we're gonna find that the producer, his assistants, his wife, his mother, his brother in law, his four adopted ethnic children, his handmaid and his cat were also involved in the writting process.

:D not sure about their maids or cats, but on "Battles" the producer and/or the co-producers were involved in every song.
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Btw its pretty good to see new faces around this thread. I though we were 10 people max here, but with new leaks I see new faces and its pretty good. Otherwise we would be 10 lifeless people talking about IF, which wouldn't be cool. :D :D
It's still mostly just me and Eochaid to be fair, but sure, the more the merrier :D

Why is the title stylised like "(This is Our) House" ? Usually brackets are used to extend the meaning of a song, but in this instance without the brackets the song would just be called "House". The title should really just be "This is Our House". Like the rest of the song, the brackets make no sense. I think they're just being used so the title looks "cool" :D what a bunch of dopes.
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Btw its pretty good to see new faces around this thread. I though we were 10 people max here, but with new leaks I see new faces and its pretty good. Otherwise we would be 10 lifeless people talking about IF, which wouldn't be cool. :D :D
Talk about yourself. I'm here because I'm running away from family.
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It's still mostly just me and Eochaid to be fair, but sure, the more the merrier :D

Why is the title stylised like "(This is Our) House" ? Usually brackets are used to extend the meaning of a song, but in this instance without the brackets the song would just be called "House". The title should really just be "This is Our House". Like the rest of the song, the brackets make no sense. I think they're just being used so the title looks "cool" :D what a bunch of dopes.
F(r)iend ....
F(r)iend ....

F(r)iend makes sense because of the duality between friend and fiend, basically suggesting that one may not be too different from the other (or those who consider friends may actually not be).

The brackets for "(This is Our) House", as far as I can tell, convey nothing. It's just the band trying to look cool, but ultimately looking like dunces. Quite common these days. We've come a long way from the days when Anders could get away with looking like this.


Cool socks bro.
The brackets for "(This is Our) House", as far as I can tell, convey nothing. It's just the band trying to look cool
Yeah maybe. . Or it was idea to show how important is ( this is our) if we still fighting for something , don't give up ..this is our house
So, what, Anders is getting evicted? Is this another song penned to his family? No wonder it sucks.
I like the chanting, I like the baritone singing. The solo is cool but I swear it is copied and pasted out of another (classic?) song.

Found it! Is this right? From Square Nothing (Clayman) starting around 2:39.

I don’t like the bland riffs or the weak generic choruses.
The solo is cool but I swear it is copied and pasted out of another (classic?) song.

Found it! Is this right? From Square Nothing (Clayman) starting around 2:39.

Haha, you're right. They've managed to plagarise themselves again. Now we know what Clayman songs would sound like with shitty, modern IF production. That is way too similar to be a coincidence. If you needed any more proof that they're totally out of ideas, the fact they are literally lifting music directly from their back catalogue is as conclusive as it gets. I think this one might be even worse than when they copy and pasted the opening of Black & White into Everything's Gone.