"Deep Inside" - already used this as lyrics in In Plain View, but whatever. Maybe it's a song about a dildo.

"Deep Inside" - already used this as lyrics in In Plain View, but whatever. Maybe it's a song about a dildo.
What is this aong about? I don't get it. This is our house... Fight for our lives... ???
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the effect is some kind of pitch correction. To be fair, It's probably used in most modern productions, but in In Flames case they have to use it so much it's like putting lipstick on a pig.
ciko_gfb said:Wow this is amazing, lyrics make me feel so close to Anders. I totally get it. I'll stand with him in any fight. Down with the haters.
Krofius said:Best song since OFTW. Love it. In Flames are back.
Jester Slave said:[post too long to quote, but is about 15,000 words of praise for the song]
Seriously doubt it.You know what, this might be the the song that even their most devoted fans are going to dislike.
You know what, this might be the the song that even their most devoted fans are going to dislike.
Yeah it is a pitch correction, but it's pitched his voice up to make it sound more funny than good. I can't understand why he'd do this. He can't honesty think that sounds OK?
Oh, and to save the suspense:
I think that krofius actual words were: "I'm cool with it".