IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

Music: shitty generic rip-off
Lyrics: grown man with the mind of a 12 year old girl
Kids yelling: P.O.D revival (Oh,yeah: "We are, we are...")

Final verdict: Ugh!

That's like 4 shitty releases in a row now for Anders+Bjorn duo.
Seriously, what is going on with the vocals in this song? It's like Anders got hold of one of those voice changing pieces of software and went crazy with it. 00:51 - 00:56, for example, what the fuck kind of effect is this? It sounds awful. Autotune gone very wrong.

The chanting just makes me cringe. It's really bad. The chorus would actually be okay if not for the embarrassing "this is our house" shit... what adult goes around yelling things like that? I know they're supposedly writing for teenagers these days but, still, I've got to think even teenagers would find this corny and weird.

The song is all over the place in terms of tempo, too. Slow, speeds up a bit, then slow again. Random solo then back to being slow. It never really gets going.

This makes The Truth sound like it came off fucking Whoracle in comparison. WTF were they thinking?
What is this aong about? I don't get it. This is our house... Fight for our lives... ???
What is this aong about? I don't get it. This is our house... Fight for our lives... ???

It's about nothing. It's a vapid collection of cliché's that has absolutely no meaning. It sums the whole In Flames enterprise up, an empty vessel with no purpose or direction.
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the effect is some kind of pitch correction. To be fair, It's probably used in most modern productions, but in In Flames case they have to use it so much it's like putting lipstick on a pig.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the effect is some kind of pitch correction. To be fair, It's probably used in most modern productions, but in In Flames case they have to use it so much it's like putting lipstick on a pig.

Yeah it is a pitch correction, but it's pitched his voice up to make it sound more funny than good. I can't understand why he'd do this. He can't honesty think that sounds OK?

Oh, and to save the suspense:

ciko_gfb said:
Wow this is amazing, lyrics make me feel so close to Anders. I totally get it. I'll stand with him in any fight. Down with the haters.

Krofius said:
Best song since OFTW. Love it. In Flames are back.

Jester Slave said:
[post too long to quote, but is about 15,000 words of praise for the song]
What is the target audience for this kind of music?

It is not heavy, it is not mellow, it is not catchy, it doesn't contain a single piece of decent music, it is not slow, it is not fast, it is not angry, it is not beautiful... I really struggle to find a reason for someone to like this shit.

It just sounds like a tired, random collection of elements they've come up in the studio in the middle of the night after a really long, boring day of recording, 45 minutes before they had to pack and fuck off back to Sweden.

Oh, and what about live performance? I will just be Anders butchering the song over some basic riffing. How exciting.
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You know what, this might be the the song that even their most devoted fans are going to dislike.

I doubt it tbh. The IFWT crew (aka JesterHead crew) are partially responsible for this mess in the first place. Every time IF produced a turd like Bottled, Scream, TCP, Delight & Angers, All For Me, and Siren Charms and Battles in their entirety, the IF fanclub would slobber over how incredible and amazing it was. Even though it was obvious to people outside of the IF bubble that the band were going downhill fast, especially after SOAPF, the "hardcore" IF fans continued to lavish Anders and Bjorn with praise. I'm pretty sure it's helped make Anders immune to criticism and caused him to believe that it's acceptable to release shit like this because the mindless drones will still eat it up and beg for more.

He needs to show this to someone he respects. Then that person needs to pause in silence for a few moments after the song ends, turn to face Anders with a look of embarrassment and disgust, and say "what the fuck is wrong with you?"

Two possible outcomes. Either Anders comes to the realisation he's embarrrassing himself and turns it around, or he runs into his room, cries a lot and becomes even more infantile. Could go either way, but to quote Dave Mustaine in Washington is Next! - something needs to be done.
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Yeah it is a pitch correction, but it's pitched his voice up to make it sound more funny than good. I can't understand why he'd do this. He can't honesty think that sounds OK?

Oh, and to save the suspense:

I think that krofius actual words were: "I'm cool with it".
The funny thing is that, after Anders stated that only him and Bjorn write the songs for whatever reason, we're gonna find that the producer, his assistants, his wife, his mother, his brother in law, his four adopted ethnic children, his handmaid and his cat were also involved in the writting process.
Wow, another leak? Already?? First of all I love the album artwork, looks pretty cool. Song titles meh, some of them good, most of them classic song titles. I wonder how "In This Life" going to sound. Take This Life part2 maybe? :D

Now about the new song. The intro was bad. It was so bad that I had The Truth flashbacks. I hate choir things. They used it at Battles, it was cool for them to try new things but using it again, I hate it. After that awful choir intro, the riff was cool but drumming behind it didn't bring the riff to another level, so it was meh. Another thing I hate is that autotune. I Am Above had something like that which I also hate but this one is far worse than the other one.

Even though I'm not used to song and have negative point of view, it had some elements I liked. Pre-solo vocals and solo was pretty good. Verses are fine. (Except autotune'd parts.)

I get why they write songs like this. I'm pretty sure this one will attract younger audience and will work on live (Dunno how they gonna do the autotune parts). I think this one is sing-along type of song. I'm certain that I wont sing-along but I'm sure a lot of people will do that, so I'm not really mad at them.

Btw maybe its because I'm not native and don't have any idea what is song about. Does anyone have any idea what song is about?