IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

Don't be so rude. Remember that they worked on this for three months and, since they don't play or listen to their old albums, how would they know?
According to they last played it 9 times in 2015. I doubt Bjorn actually knowingly ripped it off. My question is does he know yet?
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Fuck me, I want to hear the leaked stuff. AAAAAGH.

All I’ve skimmed so far is that some solo is plagiarized from Square Nothing. People want Clayman? There’s your Clayman, lmao.

Technically, though, you can’t plagiarize yourself.

I saw the album artwork. Looks okay. A little Korn-esque but also a little SOAPF, so it’s consistent.

The track titles are a more than a little generic.

It seems to me that this thread might go the way of the Battles thread, and while that’s fun, I think I’d rather enjoy my In Flames in a vacuum this time. Nothing against you guys, of course. I’ll be checking for new stuff here and there.
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I Am Above reminded me of Take This Life somehow, so I had some hope that maybe the new album would be better than SC and Battles (not really setting a high bar, huh?)
Hearing this, though, RIP hopes and dreams, somehow it sounds even more generic and cringy than the last one
And those song titles and lyrics? I don't like what that sculpture made of clay molded into D:

P.S. hi again, everyone, I'm usually always read-only here, but I wanted to join in the mass outrage, lol
2016, here we come again
I would really like to hear this song instrumental only. There are some parts I really like. The chanting and auto tune is blah. Overall I don’t think it’s THAT bad, just the cringy parts kind of really drop it lower. Compared to say pinball map, then yea it sucks.
I wouldnt be surprised if we see another couple of leaks over the next month and the album leaking early February. That long of a delay has only made it easier to get digital fingers on it.
I also work night shift so I’m a little delirious right now. My opinion may take a 180 after I sleep lol
I Am Above reminded me of Take This Life somehow, so I had some hope that maybe the new album would be better than SC and Battles (not really setting a high bar, huh?)
Hearing this, though, RIP hopes and dreams, somehow it sounds even more generic and cringy than the last one
And those song titles and lyrics? I don't like what that sculpture made of clay molded into D:

P.S. hi again, everyone, I'm usually always read-only here, but I wanted to join in the mass outrage, lol
2016, here we come again

I think I know exactly what those clay sculptures molded into, but as this is a family forum I'll leave that as a mystery (of time) :D

I would really like to hear this song instrumental only. There are some parts I really like. The chanting and auto tune is blah. Overall I don’t think it’s THAT bad, just the cringy parts kind of really drop it lower. Compared to say pinball map, then yea it sucks.

Hmmm... I dunno. There are a few nice bits here and there but most of it sounds pretty bland. The drumming is super boring. God damn they really do miss Daniel.
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I am Above was genuinely OK, even though it's still quite generic and the production fucking sucks.
This is just.. It's sort of catchy? I like the harmonized leads. The chanting is awful. The production is awful. It's just boring.

...Can't wait for Soilworks' Arrival.
I don’t know, I’m not that offended by House. But I liked The Truth as well. At least the song has some energy and while the production isn’t amazing it’s a lot better than Battles. I still feel good about the album. We’ll see.
It’s weird as fuck at first but it does grow after a few listens, I think it comes as a big shock too when you compare it next to I Am Above and we all hoped the whole album would scream aggressive all the way through. It reminded me of their EP they did recently but this grew on me whereas I could never get into that..
Intro was the hardest part to digest as it’s nothing like they’ve previously done, kudos for being different and having some fun, it’s a fun track, it’s catchy, not one to be taken too seriously I’m sure.
Reading through the reactions because I have no self control.

So what I gather here is that this is another post-Reroute In Flames album. The cycle continues! I’m sure there are reasons as to why this is worse than the ones before, but that’s what you always hear.

I doubt it tbh. The IFWT crew (aka JesterHead crew) are partially responsible for this mess in the first place. Every time IF produced a turd like Bottled, Scream, TCP, Delight & Angers, All For Me, and Siren Charms and Battles in their entirety, the IF fanclub would slobber over how incredible and amazing it was. Even though it was obvious to people outside of the IF bubble that the band were going downhill fast, especially after SOAPF, the "hardcore" IF fans continued to lavish Anders and Bjorn with praise. I'm pretty sure it's helped make Anders immune to criticism and caused him to believe that it's acceptable to release shit like this because the mindless drones will still eat it up and beg for more.

He needs to show this to someone he respects. Then that person needs to pause in silence for a few moments after the song ends, turn to face Anders with a look of embarrassment and disgust, and say "what the fuck is wrong with you?"

Two possible outcomes. Either Anders comes to the realisation he's embarrrassing himself and turns it around, or he runs into his room, cries a lot and becomes even more infantile. Could go either way, but to quote Dave Mustaine in Washington is Next! - something needs to be done.

This is pretty extreme, lmao.

In all seriousness, Anders is in his mid-40s, and seems content with his life. I doubt his peers are judging the guy too much on his music, except for Jesper, because really, who does that? That’s for bands just starting out with members in their 20s and early 30s. He’s embarrassing himself in the eyes of people who used to like the band, and it’s pretty clear that they’re not his priority anymore.

idk, too much of the criticism of modern IF comes across as conspiracy theory and projection to me. You’d think we were debating who did 9/11. They just commercialized and have weird music tastes. I think it’s that simple.

All I’m saying is, in the year 2030, IF will put out their 20th album and we’ll all be pining for the glory days of “The Truth”.

Also I still think All For Me being a bad song is the weirdest take I’ve seen on this board. I can see Delight and Angers, I can see *maybe* Scream, but AFM? Really? Unless it’s the main riff that’s the problem, but I really can’t see why that would be such an issue. At worst, it sounds like a Chevelle song (which I wouldn’t consider a bad thing at all).
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In the next interview:

Anders: "we have not change that much. We're the same band doing the same music. Well, not the same band since there are only two of us left. And our music today has nothing to do with how it was in the old times (2006). But we still have two guitars, a bass, drums and I still cannot sing live. So there it is."
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All For Me is actually the best of all those SOAPF songs that sound the same. Better than Darker Times, Enter Tragedy, The Puzzle. It’s also better than all the weird shit like Liberation, The Attic, Jesters Door.
I don't think it's much of a conspiracy to think that they just do it for the money and fun lifestyle. Nothing wrong with it either.

I'd actually be worried if House was a result of some kind of love for the art.
All For Me is actually the best of all those SOAPF songs that sound the same. Better than Darker Times, Enter Tragedy, The Puzzle. It’s also better than all the weird shit like Liberation, The Attic, Jesters Door.
Not as good as a new dawn...
I don't think it's much of a conspiracy to think that they just do it for the money and fun lifestyle. Nothing wrong with it either.

I'd actually be worried if House was a result of some kind of love for the art.

I don't know if they're making as much money as they could with this kind of releases.
All For Me is actually the best of all those SOAPF songs that sound the same. Better than Darker Times, Enter Tragedy, The Puzzle. It’s also better than all the weird shit like Liberation, The Attic, Jesters Door.

AFM, The Puzzle, and A New Dawn are my top three from SoaPF. One of my criticisms of that album is that some of it kind of blends together, so AFM stands out for me.

I do like The Attic a lot, though. Love those bluesy and nostalgic guitar melodies, and great use of accordion. Sounds like a low-key jam session.