IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

I like All For Me, it was nice to hear it live last year, Anders sucked ass tho
A New Dawn is fucking great, shame they don't play it
AFM, The Puzzle, and A New Dawn are my top three from SoaPF. One of my criticisms of that album is that some of it kind of blends together, so AFM stands out for me.
Yeah it stands out and that’s why I like it too. It’s slow paced but not weak. Also the chorus is a good example of how to be very melodic but still use mostly screaming vocals.

I could never get into The Puzzle. But the good thing about SOAPF is there is something for everyone. On Battles the quality is more uneven.
Reading through the reactions because I have no self control.

Welcome back :D

In all seriousness, Anders is in his mid-40s, and seems content with his life.

Well you wouldn't know it from his fucking music, would you? :D

He’s embarrassing himself in the eyes of people who used to like the band, and it’s pretty clear that they’re not his priority anymore.

True, but still, if I think it's embarrassing I have the right to say so, no? I wouldn't expect Anders to give a fuck about my opinion tbh, if I thought he did then I'd feel guilty and stop saying mean things :D

You’d think we were debating who did 9/11.

Anders, obviously.

All I’m saying is, in the year 2030, IF will put out their 20th album and we’ll all be pining for the glory days of “The Truth”.

Nope :D I still hate the shit songs from back in the day - Bottled, Scream, TCP, etc. If a song is shit then a song is shit. Will Battles age better if IF are still releasing albums in 2030? Possibly. It still won't be good though. I don't rate ASOP for example any higher than I did back in the day. I still think the vocals and lyrics suck as much now as I did back then, probably even more so. I actually liked ASOP when it came out and now I can barely listen to it, so, things don't always swing in a positive direction.

Also I still think All For Me being a bad song is the weirdest take I’ve seen on this board. I can see Delight and Angers, I can see *maybe* Scream, but AFM? Really? Unless it’s the main riff that’s the problem, but I really can’t see why that would be such an issue. At worst, it sounds like a Chevelle song (which I wouldn’t consider a bad thing at all).

Well, it's mainly just me (and possibly A88?) who doesn't like AFM, so no need to drag the whole board into it. I posted a detailed critqued of why I don't like the song back in the SOAPF thread, but not going through that fucker to find it :D suffice to say I had valid reasons and very much stick by them. I very much dislike that song and consider it the worst on SOAPF by some distance.


I don't know if they're making as much money as they could with this kind of releases.

If they've made a single fucking Euro off Siren Charms or Battles then the world is broken.
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Was Soundtrack of a Playground Fading their midlife crisis album? Anders sounds good, lyrics aren't ass, extended acoustic intros, Some good solos that actually fit the overall mood of the song and even fucking violins on The New Dawn. It's like they we're trying to prove something.
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Was Soundtrack of a Playground Fading their midlife crisis album? Anders sounds good, lyrics aren't ass, extended acoustic intros, Some good solos that actually fit the overall mood of the song and even fucking violins on The New Dawn. It's like they we're trying to prove something.

It's kind of funny that you're considering their midlife crisis album the one they did a good job on :D but yeah, I'm pretty sure it was a message to Jesper saying 'we can do this without you'. They've not come close to that level of quality since.
Here’s a science experiment. What do you think of Everything’s Gone (SC) and Through My Eyes (Battles)?

I’m ok with everything’s gone overall. Through my eyes I cannot stand the production quality. It’s actually the first time I ever wrote a post about a song review on iTunes. Basically I said that it could t be the final product. How can a guitar solo sound that much louder without raising any flags? HOW???

Also new song from CoB isn’t too bad.
Ok interesting. My observation is that The Puzzle, Everything’s Gone, Through My Eyes all have these fast and kind of chaotic parts. And somehow every single one of those songs are my least favorite on the album. But you like them, and other people like them. But I don’t and I never understand why. Oh well haha.
Ok interesting. My observation is that The Puzzle, Everything’s Gone, Through My Eyes all have these fast and kind of chaotic parts. And somehow every single one of those songs are my least favorite on the album. But you like them, and other people like them. But I don’t and I never understand why. Oh well haha.

Through my eyes I do not like at all. Just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
@DE4life Haha, all fair points. I’m not saying you or others can’t be critical — I’m just thinking that people might be taking things too seriously. Like the Dream Theater fandom. Holy shit, now *they* get worked up over band drama, etc. IF has it easy in comparison.

And nah, I wasn’t trying to bring the whole board into the concept of disliking AFM. I meant to say that while I disagree with some of what’s said here, that sentiment from you is the one that stands out. :p

Here’s a science experiment. What do you think of Everything’s Gone (SC) and Through My Eyes (Battles)?

I like Everything’s Gone a lot, and it was fun to hear it live in late ‘15 — the problem is that it’s sabotaged by SC’s poor production and has a weak solo. Otherwise, it’s a dead ringer for a Reroute song...and not only because it has a “Black and White” riff in it. :p

Through My Eyes is also ruined due to the flimsy production. I like the main riff a lot, and the pre-chorus is actually pretty good, auto tune aside. Other than that, one of IF’s weaker songs for sure, because 80% of it sounds like some other band.

tl;dr: Daniel Svensson is irreplaceable. His little touches on EG makes that song so much stronger than TME (like that off-the-beat drumroll just before the second verse in, that can’t be replicated. That’s the kind of subtle flair that I love.)
Well, it's mainly just me (and possibly A88?) who doesn't like AFM, so no need to drag the whole board into it. I posted a detailed critqued of why I don't like the song back in the SOAPF thread, but not going through that fucker to find it :D suffice to say I had valid reasons and very much stick by them. I very much dislike that song and consider it the worst on SOAPF by some distance.

Yeah, AFM is the weakest track on that album with Darker times (not so close) second.

The Puzzle, Enter tragedy, Liberation, all good songs.

SOAPF and A New Dawn being the tracks any decent and self-respecting human being and musician would release in later stages of his career. Not this House, Truth shit we're getting for the past 3 albums.
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@DE4life Haha, all fair points. I’m not saying you or others can’t be critical — I’m just thinking that people might be taking things too seriously. Like the Dream Theater fandom. Holy shit, now *they* get worked up over band drama, etc. IF has it easy in comparison.

And nah, I wasn’t trying to bring the whole board into the concept of disliking AFM. I meant to say that while I disagree with some of what’s said here, that sentiment from you is the one that stands out. :p

I like Everything’s Gone a lot, and it was fun to hear it live in late ‘15 — the problem is that it’s sabotaged by SC’s poor production and has a weak solo. Otherwise, it’s a dead ringer for a Reroute song...and not only because it has a “Black and White” riff in it. :p

Through My Eyes is also ruined due to the flimsy production. I like the main riff a lot, and the pre-chorus is actually pretty good, auto tune aside. Other than that, one of IF’s weaker songs for sure, because 80% of it sounds like some other band.

tl;dr: Daniel Svensson is irreplaceable. His little touches on EG makes that song so much stronger than TME (like that off-the-beat drumroll just before the second verse in, that can’t be replicated. That’s the kind of subtle flair that I love.)

Tbf I think most people on here know by now not to take me that seriously :D in a lot of ways I am the truth that hurts the most, but I exaggerate to amuse myself at times too. It's all in good fun.

Production has downgraded and outright ruined a lot of IF songs since Clayman. Minus on R2R is an example of a song that should be legendary, but isn't because the production is shit. Every song on STYE is screwed over by the production too (seriously, listen to the live versions of STYE songs, they sound SO much better live).

ASOP's production is a joke too. No production could save the vocals, but the guitars in particular are butchered by that shitty, weak production. Such a shame because much like Reroute there's a lot of awesomeness buried under the hatchet job that is the production on that album.

They got it right on SOAPF, somehow, but then it all went back to shit on SC and Battles. We wait to see how the new album fares, although early indications suggest a slightly improved version of Battles production.
Krofius and slave are still in shock.
Nah was busy with work and other stuff

Song is fucking garbage. First minute is absolutely atrocious. I mean I'm a fan of group shouts when they're done like the way Children Of Bodom uses them, but the way they are in this song is just pathetic, especially combined with the lyrics in the start. Just a boring fucking track to say the least. Solo nothing special at all. And the fucking 5 second chorus into the 5second verse into the 5second chorus repeated throughout the song too. Weird fucking song structure, and not in a good way.
I hope it's the most experimental track on the album or it's gonna be a big yikes from me dawg. Intro and outro is literally 2/10

Also, Liberation is still one of the most boring and bad tracks In Flames has ever done. It's better than THIS IS OUR HOUSE, barely.
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Am I too late for the party?

First of all, I find the artwork of the new album and the two singles pretty cool. The song titles are totally generic with a few exceptions...the best one is I, the Mask.

Now about the new song: The general feeling is negative. I don't like the intro-outro shit, which is cringy. Verses are kinda weird. Solo is similar to square nothing and the intro riff reminded me slightly of when the world explodes. I can live with all of that, but the lyrics bother me to no end. I feel bad for the 10 year old kid that Anders stole the lyrics from. "Please join me in the fight for our lives. Scream out loud: This is our house" ( and not even screaming ).

I have to say that This Is Our House is unevitably compared to I Am Above and that makes it even harder to digest it. There are some parts which I think are good. I love the melody before the chorus ( "This is our time...") and the chorus is big. Actually, if you take out the intro and the outro and write some better lyrics, then you have a decent song.

Finally, I'm sure that This Is Our House is a song that Benson and lots of co-producers and other people where involved, while I Am Above was written totally on their own.

We'll have to wait and listen to the rest of the album so we can jump to safe conclusions.
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Nah was busy with work and other stuff

Song is fucking garbage. First minute is absolutely atrocious. I mean I'm a fan of group shouts when they're done like the way Children Of Bodom uses them, but the way they are in this song is just pathetic, especially combined with the lyrics in the start. Just a boring fucking track to say the least. Solo nothing special at all. And the fucking 5 second chorus into the 5second verse into the 5second chorus repeated throughout the song too. Weird fucking song structure, and not in a good way.
I hope it's the most experimental track on the album or it's gonna be a big yikes from me dawg. Intro and outro is literally 2/10

Holy shit. I never thought I'd see the day. Krofius has finally joined the dark side :cool: we made it boys.

I genuinely might cut the intro and outro from the song in an editor. I can't stand them. They make me want to punch Anders in the face.
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