IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

wonder if it's just bad English on Anders' part? Maybe he meant to say "home" which would make more sense thematically.

That's is about the building itself. "Home" has a wider meaning and it would make more sense.
When I read the title of this song, Bon Jovi and Scorpions came to my mind :p

Also, according to a bulgarian site, both singles will be released next Friday...that's why they leaked so close to each other. It also says that the new album title is just "The Mask" (maybe it's a typo) and it confirms 1st March as the day of release.

They are doing the same thing with their latest albums. First, they release a more "In Flames" song and then an experimental one to show diversity. Think of it :

Rusted Nail, Through Oblivion ( Siren Charms )
The End, The Truth ( Battles )
I Am Above, House ( I, the Mask)

If they follow the same pattern, a "heavier" song with bad production is coming ( Everything's Gone, Through My Eyes ).
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When I read the title of this song, Bon Jovi and Scorpions came to my mind :p

I thought of this movie: :D

I don't think the song was that bad. Not a fan of the chanting but the pre-chorus and the chorus were pretty catchy. The song doesn't sound very original though and I wonder how Anders is going to pull it off live, but so far it looks like we might be getting something better than Battles (yes, as I said before, I'm not setting the bar high :p )
The thing is, in a year nobody will be listening to this song. On here at least it will be universally held in contempt. The only reason people are forcing themselves to try and like it now is because it's new. Once that newness wears off there is no substance to this song and, like pretty much every track on Battles, it will fade into irrelevence. I mean, why would you listen to this? Even if you want commercial metal and you're stuck on IF, why not listen to Cloud Connected, Trigger, The Quiet Place, My Sweet Shadow, Come Clarity, Deliver Us.... I'd go as far as to say even Delight & Angers or The Truth. All of these songs are better than This is Our Shit and even if you've heard some of the older songs hundreds of times they're still going to be a better listening experience.
Something interesting I came across on YouTube:

Siren Charms, completely instrumental. Apparently it was officially released like this in some kind of special edition.

I'm going to listen through it now, but first thoughts are that the guitars in the In Plain View chorus sound really cool when not being smothered by Anders' vocals.
Boy have I missed out on a lot

Song is the truth 2.0, it's like marmite. I can't stand the chanting, but I like the rest of the song. It's nothing special by any means, but it's okay.

Album art is awesome, the (this is our) house single art is even better, song titles vary from predictable to cringe, but overall I cannot wait for the details to drop next friday
The issue with this song, apart from being pop garbage with guitars, is that, whenever I listen to it, I havebthe feeling that I have heard that before. And that goes for every part of it. It's them again loosing their own path to emulate what others have done before. It does not have a personal essence. And it doesn't suit with the previous one. They do not fit into the same album.

I must say that almost the first time I did after listening to it was search on the internet to see if it was a cover. Because it sounds like a cover.

And lets be honest. The only way that Anders can perform this live is using his voice in a prerecorded tape. There's no fucking way that he can sing this.
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Something interesting I came across on YouTube:

Siren Charms, completely instrumental. Apparently it was officially released like this in some kind of special edition.

I'm going to listen through it now, but first thoughts are that the guitars in the In Plain View chorus sound really cool when not being smothered by Anders' vocals.

I think someone posted it before, maybe mistaken..
When you listen to Siren Charms instrumentally you hear so many cool little things you didn’t hear before, it actually sounds fantastic and super creative with the layers that are buried under the vocals, Through Oblivion is a big one, Paralyzed also comes to mind.
The album isn’t as bland as people make out, just the production and vocal mix bury a lot of the good stuff imo.
I’ve got the instrumental vinyls of this album, a couple that are misspresses :rofl:
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I think someone posted it before, maybe mistaken..
When you listen to Siren Charms instrumentally you hear so many cool little things you didn’t hear before, it actually sounds fantastic and super creative with the layers that are buried under the vocals, Through Oblivion is a big one, Paralyzed also comes to mind.
The album isn’t as bland as people make out, just the production and vocal mix bury a lot of the good stuff imo.
I’ve got the instrumental vinyls of this album, a couple that are misspresses :rofl:

I’m genuinely stunned by how much more I enjoyed Siren Charms as an instrumental album. I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s nothing musically mind-blowing – but there’s a lot of classic IF melodies here that aren’t easy to hear on the normal album. It’s amazing how smooth almost everything flows when the vocals are taken out. I remember saying at the time that it felt like the vocals were at odds with the music, and that is incredibly apparent when you listen to SC instrumentally. I remember this as a really fragmented and jarring album musically, but in actual fact the instrumentals flow together absolutely fine on pretty much every song (Rusted Nail is the exception, something weird going on with that one). It’s the vocals that create that fragmented, jarring effect across the album, because they don’t fit in properly with the music beneath on a significant portion of the songs. Not to mention the vocals are often hiding some really nice melodies and electronics.

This really makes me wish they’d release a remastered, instrumental version of ASOP. That would be awesome.
And lets be honest. The only way that Anders can perform this live is using his voice in a prerecorded tape. There's no fucking way that he can sing this.

Agree. It's literally impossible because hardly any of this is his voice at a natural pitch. I imagine live he'll just "sing" it normally, and it'll probably sound "better" as a result. Obviously sing and better are in context, as he can't sing and the song still won't be any good.
I will be stunned if there's not a video of this song with someone breaking walls with a maze.
Songs that benefit the most off Siren Charms from having the vocals removed: In Plain View, Everything's Gone (without vocals it sounds like it could have come off STYE), Siren Charms, When the World Explodes, Monsters in the Ballroom.

Pretty much every song on the album sounds much better without vocals, but these ones really benefit. Through Oblivion is a pretty cool track as an instrumental too, although I actually don't mind it with vocals either.

What sucks is that they packed a lot of the best riffs and melodies into the choruses, which also happens to be where Andurrz vocals are the loudest and therefore these riffs and melodies end up getting buried.
I've heard ipv and it's still boring. Maybe because I was aware of the instrumentals behind Anders but probably because of the total lack of energy. TO is the same riff played 1000 times and the problem with rn is that the guitar solos are poorly written. Still one of the songs with a best rythm on that album.
It is so funny watching you guys force yourself to like the new song just because it's IF. If this was some random unknown band, you wouldn't give it a listen past the 30 seconds mark.

The song has two decent moments: a few seconds around "This is the time..." and guitar/key melodies buried under "Join me in...". Everything else about this is bad beyond comprehension.

And, as my Blackburn Rovers loving bro, DE4life pointed out, this song and prob. the rest of the album, just like Battles or SC will fade to oblivion a few weeks/months after release. Big, empty nothing. Music for the sake of doing music. New album because it's time for the label to release a new album.

Now, I dislike a number of IF albums. STYE comes to mind. It just sounds ugly to me, although it has a number of good songs, and that infamous live rectified a lot of my issues with that album. ASOP felt weak and washed out, but again, there were some great tracks, and frankly if Anders was a less of a whiny pussy, and had production sounded less plastic and had more punch, that album would be up there, just behind the classics. This new stuff, just sounds forced, rehashed and fake. I'll give it a few spins, try to like it, cling to every good melody or catchy chorus... but ultimately after a few days I will get tired of it and that's the end.
I've heard ipv and it's still boring. Maybe because I was aware of the instrumentals behind Anders but probably because of the total lack of energy. TO is the same riff played 1000 times and the problem with rn is that the guitar solos are poorly written. Still one of the songs with a best rythm on that album.

I don't disagree, but as easy listening whilst you're doing something else, Siren Charms instrumental is quite nice. There's a few good melodies in and around the album, and nothing is intrusive enough to take your attention away from whatever it is you're doing. I'd happily listen to this whilst I was writing. Anders' voice disappearing makes everything so much more tolerable.

It is so funny watching you guys force yourself to like the new song just because it's IF. If this was some random unknown band, you wouldn't give it a listen past the 30 seconds mark.

The song has two decent moments: a few seconds around "This is the time..." and guitar/key melodies buried under "Join me in...". Everything else about this is bad beyond comprehension.

And, as my Blackburn Rovers loving bro, DE4life pointed out, this song and prob. the rest of the album, just like Battles or SC will fade to oblivion a few weeks/months after release. Big, empty nothing. Music for the sake of doing music. New album because it's time for the label to release a new album.

Now, I dislike a number of IF albums. STYE comes to mind. It just sounds ugly to me, although it has a number of good songs, and that infamous live rectified a lot of my issues with that album. ASOP felt weak and washed out, but again, there were some great tracks, and frankly if Anders was a less of a whiny pussy, and had production sounded less plastic and had more punch, that album would be up there, just behind the classics. This new stuff, just sounds forced, rehashed and fake. I'll give it a few spins, try to like it, cling to every good melody or catchy chorus... but ultimately after a few days I will get tired of it and that's the end.

Completely agree. I'm already resigned to the fact that this will be another Battles. It isn't going to add to In Flames' legacy, but at the same time it won't be as infamous or "unique" as Siren Charms. It'll just be there. Existing for the sake of existing, but bringing nothing new, exciting or worthwhile to the table.

Time for Hipster and Bjorn to give it up, at least as far as releasing new music under the IF banner is concerned. By all means keep touring and performing the classics for as long as you're able, but it's time to stop producing new albums for a while - maybe forever, unless in the far future Jesper, Peter and Daniel return to give us a comeback album.

Reroute To The Jester Race - Release Date: April, 2025.
I agree. They could try to create something deep and emotional. Instead they're making meaningless radiofriendly shit with a total lack of personality. Once again, as it happened with battles, they have a label called In Flames but their music has no label. It could've been done by anyone with a decent producer.
I don't disagree, but as easy listening whilst you're doing something else, Siren Charms instrumental is quite nice. There's a few good melodies in and around the album, and nothing is intrusive enough to take your attention away from whatever it is you're doing. I'd happily listen to this whilst I was writing. Anders' voice disappearing makes everything so much more tolerable
Anders has become such a nuisance...
Have you noticed how TO riff is a variation of RN's? I wonder wich one came first.