be at ease
I’m genuinely stunned by how much more I enjoyed Siren Charms as an instrumental album. I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s nothing musically mind-blowing – but there’s a lot of classic IF melodies here that aren’t easy to hear on the normal album. It’s amazing how smooth almost everything flows when the vocals are taken out. I remember saying at the time that it felt like the vocals were at odds with the music, and that is incredibly apparent when you listen to SC instrumentally. I remember this as a really fragmented and jarring album musically, but in actual fact the instrumentals flow together absolutely fine on pretty much every song (Rusted Nail is the exception, something weird going on with that one). It’s the vocals that create that fragmented, jarring effect across the album, because they don’t fit in properly with the music beneath on a significant portion of the songs. Not to mention the vocals are often hiding some really nice melodies and electronics.
This really makes me wish they’d release a remastered, instrumental version of ASOP. That would be awesome.
I especially like the title track with no vocals. I like Anders’ delivery in that song, but instrumentally-speaking it’s got such cool atmosphere (i.e. those twin harmonies in the second verse; nothing too flashy, but it doesn’t need to be).
It’s a pretty spare and restrained album, but musically very solid. I always thought it was a good example of the “less is more” approach that I didn’t think IF was really capable of. Probably why I like it so much. But ultimately, yeah, one’s enjoyment of SC really depends on one’s tolerance of Anders as a vocalist.