IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

Holy shit. I never thought I'd see the day. Krofius has finally joined the dark side :cool: we made it boys.

I genuinely might cut the intro and outro from the song in an editor. I can't stand them. They make me want to punch Anders in the face.
I mean it would have SLIGHTLY helped the intro and outro if it was a band group shout or something instead of Anders and probably the same females that did choir/group vocals on Battles.
Also lyrics that aren't garbage
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Actually song grew on me a little, still hating the chants or whatever that is. I love the bass sound actually, its really loud, specially on the outro.
Honestly the album titles tell the tale of an adult traveling through the life stages.

Reroute to Remain — “this is the new me!”
Soundtrack to Your Escape — “fuck the system”
Come Clarity — “now I found a gf/wife that’s serious about having a kid, I see where this is headed”
A Sense of Purpose — “I have to wake up every day to provide for my kids and family. It’s for them, not me.”
Sounds of a Playground Fading — “Now even my kids are growing up and they aren’t just babies anymore”
Siren Charms — “I’m now preoccupied with fantasy as a way to escape my relationship problems.”
Battles — “My life is cruising, I got my battles, you got yours.”
I the Mask — “Can’t deal with my home life anymore, she’s trying to get me to act out and make me look bad but I won’t cuz I’m above. And this is our house, not just hers. I get equal custody!”
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I mean it would have SLIGHTLY helped the intro and outro if it was a band group shout or something instead of Anders and probably the same females that did choir/group vocals on Battles.

It's just horrible. Really annoying and obnoxious. I didn't mind the group shouting on Battles, even though a lot of other people disliked it, but this is just plain bad. It's worrying that the band, producers and various others heard this and thought it was OK. There's just so much in this song that objectively sounds bad. Why are Anders' vocals being pitched up and down all over the place? What happened to making songs to play live? How exactly is Anders going to alter his voice every ten seconds as seems to be the case in this song?
Krofius is Carl Näslund. It’s my theory.

Okay, going to listen to “(This Is Our) House” now. Blistering hot reax to follow.

I'm nervous. I'm about to hear the worst In Flames song of all time. o bby
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Sometimes I think back and remember a band I used to be sort-of into in high school or college — anything from Breaking Benjamin to Within Temptation to Kamelot — and then I'll go on Youtube to see what their latest material is like. Usually it's just weaksauce, generic music and I'm disappointed and go back to listening to their old stuff.

That's "(This Is Our) House" in a nutshell. Like, I don't like that new Within Temptation song at all because it's just so blah, and I was thinking that at least the new In Flames wouldn't sound like that. Well, sadly, this song does. Doesn't sound like In Flames in the least. I get that that's the point, that every album is different, but like Battles, it lacks the IF charm that's present on every album.

It's No Good, but I will say this: that "THIS. IS. THE. TIME." autotuned section? I know what they were going for by making Anders sound like a pitch-shifted keyboard. It's very electro-pop — think late-90's stuff like Eiffel 65 or Daft Punk — so I get it, and I have to confess that it's a fucking hook and stuck in my head now. Fuck you, In Flames. You got me.

It's not good. It's not bad. It just doesn't register. Like "Underneath My Skin" it's a song that I can't picture myself thinking about.
For me this song really is bad, but I get what you mean. I listened to the song about six or seven times before I realised I can't deal with the chorus. The "this is our house" part just makes me cringe so hard. It's not a great song to begin with but the chorus combined with the chanting just makes me ashamed to be listening to it. There are some good and catchy parts in the song but they are brief and, for me, utterly ruined by the bad parts of the song which are REALLY bad. I don't think they've ever released a song that made me cringe like this, and I include Bottled and TCP in that.

I would genuinely be embarrassed to tell somebody I listen to In Flames if this was the only track they'd heard from the band.
I'll admit it was slightly less bad after a couple listens, but still very boring track. Intro and outro garbage, verses are just weird, and chorus is really meh. And I heavily dislike the lyrics as well, they are just plain bad.
I will say this: that "THIS. IS. THE. TIME." autotuned section? I know what they were going for by making Anders sound like a pitch-shifted keyboard. It's very electro-pop — think late-90's stuff like Eiffel 65 or Daft Punk — so I get it, and I have to confess that it's a fucking hook and stuck in my head now. Fuck you, In Flames. You got me.
Yeah they did a good job with that part. Good review overall. This song is better than Underneath My Skin too.

So far this album looks like a serious upgrade to Battles. Yeah, we don’t really like some of the pop elements, but they seem much better executed this time. And at least we aren’t dealing with super boring intro verse chorus verse chorus solo chorus structure. Ok maybe we are. But they have made the verses and choruses more varied with very different parts so it seems more interesting.
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I still say the song title makes no sense. It should either just be "This is Our House", no brackets, or "(This is) Our House". It's like they've named the track without really understanding how brackets work.
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For me this song really is bad, but I get what you mean. I listened to the song about six or seven times before I realised I can't deal with the chorus. The "this is our house" part just makes me cringe so hard. It's not a great song to begin with but the chorus combined with the chanting just makes me ashamed to be listening to it. There are some good and catchy parts in the song but they are brief and, for me, utterly ruined by the bad parts of the song which are REALLY bad. I don't think they've ever released a song that made me cringe like this, and I include Bottled and TCP in that.

I would genuinely be embarrassed to tell somebody I listen to In Flames if this was the only track they'd heard from the band.

I wonder if it's just bad English on Anders' part? Maybe he meant to say "home" which would make more sense thematically. I guess I'm just so desensitized to his weird lyrics that it doesn't bother me at this point, lol. But anyway, the little synth arpeggio that comes after "fight for our lives" actually makes the chorus for me. Just a small detail that makes that section stand out.

The guitars during that "this is our time" section are actually really good. I wouldn't mind hearing them isolated.

For me it's the intro/outro and the slow-tempo verses that drag it all down for me. I'm not huge on the main riff, either — it's reminiscent of "When the World Explodes", but I thought that kind of riff worked much better in that song.
So far this album looks like a serious upgrade to Battles. Yeah, we don’t really like some of the pop elements, but they seem much better executed this time. And at least we aren’t dealing with super boring intro verse chorus verse chorus solo chorus structure. Ok maybe we are. But they have made the verses and choruses more varied with very different parts so it seems more interesting.

I completely disagree tbh. I prefer "The End" to "I Am Above" (although both are fine as modern IF tracks), and I think "The Truth" is FAR superior to "(This is Our Inability To Understand) Brackets". I can't believe I'm even saying that, considering my reaction when I heard The Truth was to shake my head in disgust, but here we are. Just when I think the band can't sink any lower, they prove me wrong.

The only thing that's better so far, for me, is the production. The songs themselves sound worse to me and I think if anything we're looking at a downgraded Battles which is pretty sad if true.
I don’t think we have enough info. The Truth and The End were two of the better songs on Battles but we don’t know if these two new songs occupy the same position.

The Truth is better than () House except for production but I don’t compare the two head to head. It’s natural to do that because of the gang vocals but I compare () House to the average Battles track. If you compare House to more than half the Battles tracks it’s better in all ways. We don’t even know if House is the next single or if it was just randomly leaked or even maliciously leaked.
Nah was busy with work and other stuff

Song is fucking garbage. First minute is absolutely atrocious. I mean I'm a fan of group shouts when they're done like the way Children Of Bodom uses them, but the way they are in this song is just pathetic, especially combined with the lyrics in the start. Just a boring fucking track to say the least. Solo nothing special at all. And the fucking 5 second chorus into the 5second verse into the 5second chorus repeated throughout the song too. Weird fucking song structure, and not in a good way.
I hope it's the most experimental track on the album or it's gonna be a big yikes from me dawg. Intro and outro is literally 2/10

Also, Liberation is still one of the most boring and bad tracks In Flames has ever done. It's better than THIS IS OUR HOUSE, barely.
I gotta agree with this. So now I'm the shocked one.
Fuck this. I've changed my mind. This song is silly in the same way that Anders' jump in the Cloud Connected music video was silly. It's stupid but somehow I can't help but like it. Can't believe what this band has reduced me to.

Will never get over the chanting, though. Swear to god.
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