be at ease
Whenever I saw Jesper smile in live shots, I always wondered if he was really enjoying himself or grimacing due to an ulcer or something.
If they ever play ASOP in its entirety I hope they also record it. The #1 reason I'm not a big fan of the album isn't the music itself really, but the poppy production. When the songs are played live they instantly sound better imo.
I'm still wondering if he's being sarcastic.
So he's lost his mind.That's because he is lol, don't forget he said some tracks on Battles are some of the best songs IF has written. He's just being pathetic imo.
Btw according to Jespers instagram reason he didnt tour with Cyhra it seems he had a stroke.
Also he doesn't seem to be sarcastic judging from him liking all the posts praising the song.
It was during some 1 hour Q&A thing he did on Facebook in 2017 sometime I believe, he said something along the lines of "there are some fillers but there's also some really good stuff, some of the best they've written" (that's me paraphrasing).So he's lost his mind.
I don't remember him praising battles. Just things like "do you own albums" and "they should change their name".
But if he likes it, could it be a sign that sweden is becoming a country of pussies?
I think when he rants like that is when he's depressed or something, and writes out random frustrations. Could be his true feelings, but could also just be saying shit cause he's mad.
Sweden sadly like most of the western world is becoming more pussified and politically correct, yes.
While we don't know the exact level and depth of his problems, one can only imagine that he had at least sparks of genuine enjoyment on the stage. It must be an out of world experience to see so many people being in an ecstatic state over the humble songs you have written. That has to be such a confidence boost. The problem is that between two shows you still feel like a piece of shit.Whenever I saw Jesper smile in live shots, I always wondered if he was really enjoying himself or grimacing due to an ulcer or something.
Talking shit is fine. Deleting it is not. Being offended when others talk shit about you is not.I assume he is. Slave will be like:
Kanye and Jesper are both insecure fucks. The difference is that Kanye is still an extremely talented artist and he still puts out good music between his mental breakdowns, while Jesper hasn't done anything remarkable since ASOP - that is, if you consider his work on that album remarkable. And don't mention Cyhra, because while that record was good imo, it's really nothing special.Jesper’s the only musician I know who will wade into the comments sections and respond to posts that talk shit about him. He’s a little unusual, lol. In a way he reminds me of Mike Portnoy. Still, he writes good music.
Maybe he could be the Kanye of Gothenburg.
Also, how come Anders gets pages long, seemingly endless comments talking about how he is an old dude writing teenage lyrics, when Jesper is around the same age and acting like a teenage bitch?
Good question, the way he said it could be interpreted that way but I don't think he was only talking about SOAPF and after. If you got time check his facebook, should be those long videos from January 2017 I believe. I also think he said he had plans to do/write a DZ album this year, which obviously didn't happen.Did he mean Battles was some of the best stuff IF have ever written, or just the best stuff Hipster Hamster & Bjorn have written? Obviously quite a big difference between those two statements...