I literally can't think of any other reason why they'd be so popular. I mean, their music isn't exactly groundbreaking or revolutionary. They sound like every other MDM band you heard in the late 90s/early 00s. Still do. Just with a female vocalist who does screams.
Have you actually seen them live? Pretty much "the usual", except from dem tiddies + waving a flag. Slayer's farewell tour is a spectacle. Rammstein is a spectacle. Flying whales in middle of Gojira is spectacle. AE is average. Except from tiddies.they are a spectacle live
Take a hint, Anders?they have lyrics that an average angry teenage girl or a fat metalhead can both relate to
How far is that from (This is Our) House? I'd say those two are next doors.Self hatred I know it well
It's dragging you down
Listen to me now
There's a reason to believe again
There's a reason to go on
Always keep on fighting my friend
There's a reason to believe
Now, have you actually heard the latest album? It made lot of people angry. In comparison to Root of Evil, it's closer to power metal. Probably Amott did his best to stop Alissa, but in the end he had to adapt.They did it all without throwing their trademark cheesy melodic style away.
AE is a great business, and there is a strong core of members and one guy, guitarist-primary songwriter in control.
They keep the music rooted in the same place and similar melodic ideas as they did since the beginning, they keep the things simple enough for the crowd to like it, tr00 enough for the older fanbase to stick around and they have great PR stunts like hiring growling hot chicks (who can also actually sing, take a hint Anders) or getting one of the best guitar heroes of modern age to play second fiddle for the older Amott brother.
They look great, they look like a metal band, they have music videos people want to see (ahem, take a hint Anders), they are a spectacle live, they have lyrics that an average angry teenage girl or a fat metalhead can both relate to.
They did it all without throwing their trademark cheesy melodic style away.
Decent band I have nothing against, even though they've past their prime by mid '00.
They kinda did. At least some members. Carcass —> Arch EnemyIS THIS TIME TO CHANGE THE BAND'S NAME??!!
Russians are above.https://m.vk.com/wall-13623631_16032
According to this russian group, next single will be the title track I, The Mask and it will be released on 11th January, the day preorders will start.
( Russians seem to know a lot about this album )