IN FLAMES new album being released on 1st March, 2019

Do you know if any bootlegs of that exist? I would love to compare the 2006 to the 1998 to the album.

The Club Citta bootleg, although on this vid it's incorrectly labelled as '97, when it was actually '98. WWTM is roughly 37 mins in.
If I recall correctly, they played it after Whoracle in like 1998 a bit on tour, and they played it during a North American tour in 2006 I believe, don't think they've played it anytime else than those tours, could be wrong though.

According to that's the case indeed, WWTM has only been played on the Whoracle tour and the North American tour in 2006. After that there is no mention of the song.

Plus, I believe Björn said they haven't played WWTM again because in the long run it's not rewarding to play something that only 15-20 people react to, if you can instead play another song that everyone in the audience reacts to.

The Club Citta bootleg, although on this vid it's incorrectly labelled as '97, when it was actually '98. WWTM is roughly 37 mins in.

Thanks. Unfortunately no growls. But since Anders has been talking about how great death metal is lately I still have some hope he will look back at his recording and say “holy shit I was awesome” and do it right.
btw, a few days ago I was reading the book "100 greatest metal guitarists" by Joel McIver. I noticed Björn was ranked #34. Niclas and Jesper didn't make the list (or if they did, I managed to completely miss it.)

Here's the main part:

"Björn doesn't consider himself a good player. When I interviewed him in 2008 he said 'I don't know any scales save for the E minor scale and the pentatonic one. We just play whatever sounds good over the rhythmic parts. I am not very spontaneous in my solos, because I have to think them through and arrange them. Even though sometimes they may sound improvised, but they aren't. I am not some Chris Amott, Alexi Laiho or Zakk Wylde who just make stuff up as they go and somehow it always rocks. I have to think about things and write them down on paper.'

He adds: 'Jesper has a great understanding for melodies, it's almost insane how good he's at rearranging the rhytmic parts. He knows music theory even less than I do, and I practically don't know anything about it. He can barely even tune his guitar - that's something I at least am able to do. I have been forced to work on my speed and technique because I've took up playing solos since the last couple of records, but Jesper hasn't done that because there has not been a need to. We're not the most technical or progressive guitarists, even though we like it when music sounds progressive.'

This is a rather good overview of In Flames's attitude - or of lack of any consistent attitude. Gelotte and Strömblad want to expand their musical expression on every new release. It doesn't matter that deep down it's a death metal band, they just might take any direction they feel like taking. Gelotte doesn't have much technical knowledge, but his ability to play fluent solos is apparent, and he's helped in that by his choice of guitar: Gibson Les Paul and its EMG 85 microphones. The guitar gives out a warm, thick sound, which supplies sensitivity for harmonic solos played together with Strömblad, and enough power for the hard riffing parts."

It was mentioned that In Flames received the "Swedish Music Export" prize in 2006 and that it was at least partially because of Gelotte's songwriting skills. And that whatever direction they take with their albums, some people are always complaining, usually about the same issues. (Now that's surprising... I mean, at least no-one of us has been doing this, right? :p )

Björn also said he suffers from nickel allergy, and it was a long haul to find nickel-free electric guitar strings. Before he finally found suitable strings he used to attach contact lenses to his fingertips with super glue to prevent bleeding blisters from developing. 'The only problem with that workaround was that it took two months to get them removed.'
Really interesting tidbits there, thanks for posting that.

Is Bjorn trashing Jesper there, or are those just facts that everyone agrees on?
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According to that's the case indeed, WWTM has only been played on the Whoracle tour and the North American tour in 2006. After that there is no mention of the song.

Plus, I believe Björn said they haven't played WWTM again because in the long run it's not rewarding to play something that only 15-20 people react to, if you can instead play another song that everyone in the audience reacts to.
I know also on that North American tour that Johan Larsson filled in on bass on a couple shows, which was pretty cool. I believe he was living in the states at that moment
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Really interesting tidbits there, thanks for posting that.

Is Bjorn trashing Jesper there, or are those just facts that everyone agrees on?

You're welcome.

Maybe a bit of friendly trash talk there in form of that "he can barely even tune his guitar" comment, but I don't think he was seriously putting Jesper down, as Björn has always struck me off as a very diplomatic guy. And he wasn't exactly praising himself there either.
I wonder how there aren't 100 metal guitar players better than Bjorn. If we talk about influence him and Jesper are probably among the top. But technique? Lest be serious... Or honest.
Yeah, it wasn't all about technique, but the author was using several criteria for rating the guitarists. He put Dave Mustaine as #1, and even though he can play fast he's probably not THE BEST technically. But no-one will deny his riff writing abilities and that he's been a great influence.
You can hear him singing it thoo :rofl:
Pretty high scream/sings even for Anders territory. Haven't really heard him hold notes like that before, so how was the show?
It would probably be better if he let the backing track do the work :D

I'm going tomorrow. Will upload some video afterwards. Won't be of TCP.
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It was honestly an amazing show, great energy, Anders bossed it.
My phone got pinched about 3 songs in so that was shit. But made the most of it nonetheless
I was just looking at their setlists so far and I don't think they've changed up any songs. Normally they swap a few out here and there, especially in smaller venues. I'm guessing that's due to the absence of Niklas, and the new guys either not being able to change up songs so easily. That's a shame. Scotland especially used to get some rare songs played.
OK lads, I'm here. I can see why they moved it... don't think it's going to be a big crowd tonight. I strolled over pretty late and could walk right up to the front barrier. I'll stand further back to get better video... Just for you guys. This venue is very intimate by the way, so if I wanted to I could genuinely tell Anders that Howard Benson sucks and to visit the UM forums and I'd literally be an arm's length from him :D
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