In Flames new single Cover

hahaha,the guy on the cover looks like one of these adult comic shows here in norway...still cool ;D
It's a funny album cover. Actually, i like the music they make too, i dont find them bad.

Dude, are you seriously from fucking Beirut? That place is nuts.

oh yeah, and that cover is made of fag and suck and such
In Flames sucks now, will contin ued to suck, and all they're material sucks, and I think the band can go fuck themselves with steel shafts. Wouldn't be the first shafts up thier asses.
everything up to and definitely including colony is fucking awesome. clayman is great not THAT great, though, as their more commercial side started to show pretty glaringly on that record.

anything after clayman sucks moose cock.
to be honest, I gave up on them making any new good music a while ago...Lunar Strain - Clayman is enough for me, anyways.
Then I suggest changing your username.

I still love everything from Lunar Strain to Clayman...just because they've released some crap doesn't make me hate them, unlike most people, who fall into 2 categories:

A: In Flames have released some crap and therefore they are gay cocksucking faggots gay suck asshole
