hahahaahahahah Thanatos, muuuuuuy bueno, de dónde eres....
and as I'm a gentleman, I'll translate my post, not as othere (*cough cough*)
badbody badoby Thanatos, very rude of you, you should get punished

see??? :p

fathervic (as once said, found in threaten a multicultural way of satisfaction)
Originally posted by Melancholia
oh,i couldn't agree more,thanatos :p

tha elega kati tora,alla exe xari :muahaha:

Those are computer file extensions right Mel???

En todo caso, no te pongas celosa Mel, hay suficiente lugar en mi corazón para Siren y para tí, Thanatos siempre cumple con sus mujeres :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
FatherVic: Soy mexicano, y tú? de España, me parece...

Astarte: Sorry, I was just saying hi to the fellow spanish speakers in the forum, as for the last part of the post...that´s top secret.
hmmm i'll have to think about it :rolleyes:

guess it.. the end of the world, we were conquered by the spaniards (you'll pay for forcing Xtianity onto us :mad: ), we had a really whacky (read: psycho senile) "president" and it's... red hot :err:
Ti sto dialo leei o Thanatos, mel? :mad: :mad: :mad:
Stadar kati kako eipe... :/
Ama tou g@mhsw tpt.... :p

Siren (rude and not translating...)
Oh, and Thanatos, you can forget the mast thing, and I'm outta your heart and I'm not your woman, I'm really mad at you now :p

Siren (who thinks that net-dictionaries can do miracles ;) :lol: )

Edit: (and who thinks it's better not to translate at all, than to translate in a false way, FV ;) )
Beware you spanish people! I'm mastering your language on this forum! :muahaha:
Hi there people!

Yup It seems you are more crazy than my fellows in IF forum:)
I can´t stop my tongue saing something in my language:

Jste tady všichni parta bláznù, ale baví mì to, protože trèím v práci a moc mì to tu nebaví. Ale neva. Dorazím domù a udìlám si nìjakou veèeøi. Taky si dìláte veèeøe sami???

All answers appreciated in my native language only.:D :D :D :cool:
Thanatos, stop annoying my beloved women and trolls of the board!!! If you wanted for some kind of insult or nasty words adressed to your person... just ask me, I'll do the best I can. *agressive robotic face here*

Astarte, are ya developing that conquer of the spaniards? I didn't noticed... /me puts his sword and helmet into the washing machine...

|ngenius (Quién no sólo cumple con sus mujeres, sino que lo hace con excelentes resultados, a pesar de lo reprobable de su egocentrismo. Bienvenido, Thanatos) <---- Just a big lie, ladies and gentlemen. :grin:
/me runs into |ngenius' protective arms

Uhhh, wait a minute... :rolleyes:

I'm nobody's woman!!! :mad: :p :grin: :lol:

Siren (posting useless posts)
Originally posted by Siren
Ti sto dialo leei o Thanatos, mel? :mad: :mad: :mad:
Stadar kati kako eipe... :/
Ama tou g@mhsw tpt.... :p

:lol: :lol: Thanate,ton pairneis!! :p :grin:
oooooooops,very rude :grin:
uff,exoume mplexei edo mesa....
kai na prosexoume tous antres,vromofates :p
oh kai na milame poli slang,giati o Malveaux ta pianei ;)

aaaaaaaaaah,what a wonderful feeling :p

|ngenius@ oh,you're such a gentleman!! ;)
Oxi re, den ta pianei, apla katalabe oti ebriza :P

Oso slang 8es omws, exei plaaaaaaaaaaka :PPP

Siren ( :muahaha: )
Siren, nos jugamos mil duros que me las arreglo para que no pilles na de na??? por que serían 5 talegos la mar de bien ganaus!


and hey, I could go on this way....I guess not even thanatos nor astarte would get this one, oh! yes, |ngenius will :p

Thanatos: Yeap! I'm from Spain, welcome to this multilingual userfriendly forum...we still someone to speak in Batusi or something.....

@Siren: you're the women of yourself....

@astarte: gracias por la ayudita :D

@mel: jooooo no se vale!!!!!

fathervic (100% biodegradable)
Ok FV, I'm not doing it again :(

And as for the "woman of myself" part, science still has its doubts...

Siren ( :cry: )
net dictionaries nor real dictionaries won't help you if you did :)
we have many many many slang words even a dictionary is affraid to translate! :)

well when has been science sure about something????

fathervic (made out of a 3D 1000 pieces jigsaw)