In Flames


May 22, 2003
Visit site
hey, i think someone on this forum posted the In Flames setlist for their tour, but i can't remember what thread it is... can someone post it again, or tell me what thread its in?
RP posted it in the nevermore vs ie thread...

set in order

Cloud Connected
Watch Them Feed
Episode 666
Bullet Ride
Coerced Coexistance
Only for the weak
Behind Space
Clad in Shadows
Pinball Map
Black and White
"Watch Them Feed" -- what album is that on? sounds like a line from dreaming neon black rather than in flames.
Watch Them Feed is the song on their new EP, it's not on an album.

They have too many R2R songs on there.
i just take R2R for what it is compared to the other crap offered to us in the US. but as an in flames fan, im really dissappointed.
thebigyetti said:
i just take R2R for what it is compared to the other crap offered to us in the US. but as an in flames fan, im really dissappointed.

I must be in the minority here. I really like Reroute to Remain. I didn't like In Flames til I saw them live on the Clayman tour. They totally blew me away. So I went out and got Whoracle, Colony, and Clayman. I dig 'em all. When Reroute came out I was skeptical. But I found it to be heavier than anything they've done in the past. To me they graduated to the next step. They didn't get commercial IMO. Hell, I turned my nephew on to In Flames because of Reroute to REmain.

What is it that everybody finds dissappointing about RtR? I'm curious cuz I think it's very very good.

God of the 1st Dominion
HemiGTX said:
I've threw away two discs this year. One was Reroute, and the other was Sentenced, the cold white TURD.

Yep. Trashed them in severe disgust. One, I didn't see coming (RTR), and the other I was warned against, but bought anyway. My fault. See? Those that download save themselves some serious fucking money.

Hahahaha Cold White Turd hahahaha
You are on a mission!!!Keep up the good work Hemi
I have a great video of H.R Giger being interviewed.
The grey and white attack

mostly the fact that inflames has changed there style to suit the more commercial nu metal population of metal today. Down tuning your guitars and playing 4 power chords over and over again dosent make you heavy.
Count me as another in the minority that liked RTR....I wasn't a big fan before, but that was the cd that finally got me interested in getting the back catalog and wanting to see them on tour. I think RTR has better production, and more concentrated songwriting than previous efforts. I'll make the trip to L.A. in July to see them with Soilwork and Chimaira and we'll see how it all holds up live....
Whoracle destroys anything In Flames has put out since, but, that being said, to say that they sold out with RtR his hilarious....especially since the records sales aren't really any different than Colony or Clayman. These guys barely make enough to purchase tp to wipe their ass with after dinner. They changed their style adding some more clean vox and some electronica. I wouldn't call it 100% all out nu metal by any stretch of the imagination and if they were trying to sell out it sure didn't work.

if you think RTR has better songwriting than their previous albums, i guess 'skin flute' is the only insturment you play becuase its obvious you've never picked up a guitar. RTR is simple, dumbed down, and boring. thats all there is to it. gone are the delicious melodies and moments of heavyness/brutality/melencholy. its just really bland. its not becuase they 'sold out' or whatever, its just not a very good record. theres a few decent songs but overall RTR is a piece of dogshit stuck to the bottom of jester race's boot.
I'd have to say TJR is their best album.

But I'm anxious to hear their upcoming album to see what route their taking.