intel i7 980x

Well it's good to know my case purchase hasn't been made obsolete at least. One thing the P183 seems to need is some aftermarket fans. I can hear it humming along quietly next to me... granted it is the dead of night at the moment. Might go for the U12P and some Noctua case fans then see how she fares. Thanks Kev.
Foiled, I assume you work in the computer industry to be able to try out these processors so easily?

Yeah I get to play with all the new toys, can't afford one of those CPUs though!

I'm going to load up my biggest project on this system, I reckon it will hit about 10-15% CPU usage.
How long til' you pull the trigger then dude?

Probably not long. I want to make sure the motherboard I get is the right one. For that I need a bit more research. And With my new store and everything, time is pretty slim.

But soon! Hoping to see nuendo and cubase update come out first, before I go all the way. Low level improvements from steinberg are being talked about, for even better multicore and specifically low latency performance.
lol check this out

Crucial get good reviews, their stuff tends to perform as well if not better than more expensive, theoretically higher performance stuff. Also, be aware that (within reason) RAM frequencies don't make a huge amount of difference, at least if it does then the benchmarks don't show it.
Cool, just thought the extra headroom might help. Glad to not have to spend another few hundred bux, that's for sure.

Was thinking about running BCLK at 181, with the multiplier at 21 for a goal speed of 3.8ghz. Not too ambitious to start, but enough to get a marked performance increase. That leaves DRAM Freq at 1086, which is a fairly hefty underclock for the RAM. Just thought for some reason that 1600mhz RAM might yield better stability for some reason, or that the latencies actually matter.

Was thinking about following this guide, since i"m not a huge OC junkie (and it's a perfect CPU/Mobo match for me):

Everything apart from running the DRAM Bus Voltage at 1.66V. I prefer to stick under Intel's recommendation at 1.64V
Oh yeh dude, one thing to watch out for with these i7's is the turbo mode. Not sure if you are familiar with it, but its a bit of a "con". As I recall 920 is actually 20x multiplier and 930 is a 21x multiplier they can both go 1 more up (21 and 22). However, its only 2 cores that can do it and they will only shift into that multi if cpu is being utilised @ 100%. Its also viewed as a bit of an instability in the OC world.