intelligent design in schools?

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Maybe, maybe not. Let's just not call it science. I'm really amazed by the sorts of simpleton arguments that get thrown around on both sides of this debate. Watch any TV program covering this issue and you'll see some evolutionary biologist guy get on there and say something like "It's just not science", and nothing more is ever said. This is the kind of shit that's getting out to the public! How is anybody supposed to take an informed stance on this when you've got people on both sides merely stating the conclusions of their arguments and not providing any real argument!! This is a really simple issue but it gets portrayed in the media as so fucking inherently difficult. Put me on the fucking television and I'll tell everyone exactly why intelligent design is not legitimate science. Then it wouldn't even be considered an issue anymore. Case closed. Of course I didn't exactly address your question and this post is retarded but too bad.
Teach it if you really must. But it belongs in a religious class because it is a religious theory.
It should never be taught in science classes, it's not a scientific theory, nor is there any proof for it.
It's only taught in schools because the fundamentalist christians want ot get rid of evolution theory.
Keep the science and learning in our schools and the religious teachings to the churches please.
conversly, we could discuss the pros and cons of both arguments in an objective manner without attempting to denigrate either end and, perhaps like philosophers, arrive at an unbiased understanding.

Maybe I'm too optimistic, but it's because I don't know enough about this debate, what affects it has on today's desensitised, technological youth, to personally see what the trouble is, outside of sorting artifactual anecdotes sportingly, by which I'm in agreement with the two previous posters.
Intelligent Design is definitely not science. There's no proof. All it says is that "the universe is too complicated, so someone better than us had to have made it AKA God" Giving up on finding the reason for everything's existence and replacing it with such an idea doesn't sound like science to me.
I'm glad religious classes are taken out of our educationnal programs. But, we still question the subject in philosophy classes, especially in the one called " The human being" where we actually try to argument whether man comes from an intelligent design (no god named or whatever, only the expression superior intelligence is used) or from an accident. The good move is that they teach us that when we're around 18-19, and the teachers don't actually want to force their view into our minds, they want us to argue (the goal of a philosophy class!)
It seems that the intelligent design question belongs in a philosophy class. People who denigrate the theory of evolution as "just a theory" don't understand that the word "theory" means something different in science than it does in common speech. A scientific theory is an idea that is widely accepted as plausible due to extensive research that supports it. It's not simply an idea in someone's head. Intelligent design is not a scientific theory because there is no research to support it.
teach it in theology, even philosophy, but not biology. the reason being is that it does not get past the hypothesis stage of the scientific process.
they can teach me it if they want. I dont care if they teach it or not, only if they use it to brainwash kids at a young age. If people are stupid enough to swallow that crap, then so be it.
I am opposed to teaching anything as dogma in schools, but see no reason why a sane Christian would oppose the theory of evolution - if taught as theory. It's God's method, and doesn't diminish His wisdom, in that view.

Intelligent design as presented is completely insane hogwash, but there is some truth to the germ of inspiration behind intelligent design as theory: emergent properties define much of how life comes about and refines itself. Evolution in the kneejerk sense doesn't. There will be a convergence relatively soon, I think.
Final_Product said:
they can teach me it if they want. I dont care if they teach it or not, only if they use it to brainwash kids at a young age. If people are stupid enough to swallow that crap, then so be it.

Ah, the wonders of tolerance. Lol.

I think these things have to be taught at some stage, and as long as a school doesn't make any particular creation theory seem like the "correct" one, but only a possible one, then it's fine. I guess one of the many things you're doing while you're at school is making your mind up about these things, and biased "facts" from teachers/government curriculums shouldn't get in the way of this. I think it's a shame that some people become so ignorant towards other philosophies and beliefs that they dont care, and dont want to know. I'm not a devout christian, but i am fascinated by the way some christians find the creation story so compelling; to go so far as to dismiss 2000 years of natural scientific observation. It makes me laugh.
NOOOO RELIGION IN SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have never forced it on my kid but guess what he is brain washed from society anyway his future is cast already! GOD is absolute to him. PISSES ME OFF
troopsofdoom said:
Religion is a outdated concept PERIOD
you'll all know that I agree whith this ^^^ from some of the posts that I was doing about 24 hrs ago
as for the "inteligent design/evolution theory debate" I've always seen it like this WE REALLY DO NOT HAVE FREEDOM OF RELIGION (possible topic for new thread) we (USA) have always been and (sadly) always will be a "Christian Nation" think about it like this we will never ever get to the point of being able to have a public shcool teacher even suggest to the students that it might be possible that the real "god" is really Shiva or Allah or that it's possible that "god" is really the FEMALE goddess that the Practioners of the Wiccan Craft refer to as "Mother" or suggest the possibility of "polytheism" and as long as the public schools aren't allowed to expose the students to any non-Christian religion then there will always be Christian extremists (yeah I really did say extremist) trying to cram Christianity down the throats of America's youngest generation ("get 'em while their young" is a phrase that preacher's use to justify trying to converting the kids of "pagans" as young as the first grade)
but on the other hand we'll always suppossedly have our sacred "freedom of religion" (which originally only merely ment the freedom to belong to different "denominations" of Christianity) so we'll always have some of the pagans/atheists/scientists/chaos theorists trying to teach the youngest of the Christians' children that "the Christian's Bible is a cult" and they've gotten to a point where "evolution" is the corner stone of their argument saying that evolution disproves the "Christian Creation Myth" and that the EXTINCTION of the dinosaurs actually happened SEVERAL MILL YRS BEFORE the date that some 11th century monk calculated to be the "creation date" whith astronamers calculating the age of the Earth to 4 BILLION YEARS OLD where as the monk (can someone find out his name for me???) says the ENTIRE UNIVERSE is ONLY A FEW THOUSAND YEARS (can someone get this exact number for me???) OLDER THAN JESUS!!! I think that there's probably the possibility of this argument going on forever... or at least untill my grandchildren's grandchildren have grandchildren...
LDGuy said:
Ah, the wonders of tolerance. Lol.

I think these things have to be taught at some stage, and as long as a school doesn't make any particular creation theory seem like the "correct" one, but only a possible one, then it's fine. I guess one of the many things you're doing while you're at school is making your mind up about these things, and biased "facts" from teachers/government curriculums shouldn't get in the way of this.
Here is the thing, I just graduated from a life science program at university level, and teaching ID in high school biology has no positive side to it. The problem lies in the intent of those pushing it. Are they trying to spark honest debate? Are they trying to be fair and provide all possible explanations for life? Hell fucking no. The entire of purpose of pushing ID in biology is to undermine evolution. Thats the reason the scientific community has backlashed the way it has. Im all for open debate, hell in an ideal world, I wouldnt have a problem mentioning the creation beliefs of the different world religions, but Im against blantant attacks on evolution, because our school boards (and white house) are run by fundamentalist christians. that simply isnt right. if they simply wanted open debate, lets make a "current controversies in society" class a requirement and talk about evolution vs creation there, and keep it out of the science class. The ID people wont like that, you know why? because it doesnt undermine science in the science classroom, which is exactly what they want.
Scott W said:
Here is the thing, I just graduated from a life science program at university level, and teaching ID in high school biology has no positive side to it. The problem lies in the intent of those pushing it. Are they trying to spark honest debate? Are they trying to be fair and provide all possible explanations for life? Hell fucking no. The entire of purpose of pushing ID in biology is to undermine evolution. Thats the reason the scientific community has backlashed the way it has. Im all for open debate, hell in an ideal world, I wouldnt have a problem mentioning the creation beliefs of the different world religions, but Im against blantant attacks on evolution, because our school boards (and white house) are run by fundamentalist christians. that simply isnt right. if they simply wanted open debate, lets make a "current controversies in society" class a requirement and talk about evolution vs creation there, and keep it out of the science class. The ID people wont like that, you know why? because it doesnt undermine science in the science classroom, which is exactly what they want.
the people pushing ID aren't merely trying to undermine evolution that's only the means to an end what they're really trying to do is push chritianity down everyone's throat they just kinda assume that if they could prove ID to the world that everyone would accept the rather ludicrous idea that "the father of Jesus" is actually "the one true god" with out really realising that all the nihilists and chaos theorists would start worshiping pagan deities
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