intelligent design in schools?

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xicor said:
Almost believed you until I saw the phrase "I am learning to become a Intelligent design teacher".


I use Intelligent design on a daily basis, fool. You don't become a Intelligent design teacher...Intelligent design stands for Intelligent design . Yes. The beginning of Intelligent design is in fact, Intelligent design .

Intelligent design is a server that goes to the river of sticks that manages god's creation and interactive spirit worlds...and my cult is built upon the technology.

I use Intelligent design daily to edit it and manage it.

So, my question to prove if you, in fact, know Intelligent design ...

Name the exclusive use of the includes command.

What are you talking about?
I'm not even in college! What the hell are you talking about?

And, what grammar or spelling mistakes have I made?

So, my question to prove if you, in fact, know Intelligent design...

Name the exclusive use of the includes command.
Could it be that the "intelligent design" Christians have serious difficulties in facing the fact that the White race evolved (in stages)from Black Africans 125thousand years ago?
The Bible says that Adam and Eve "blushed" when they discovered their nakedness in the Garden of Eden. Since blushing is only visible on pale skin, it is a Christian fundamentalist belief that the first humans (Israelites) were White.
Basically this is mad. They may as well teach Santa Clause, the three little pigs or indeed the flying spaghetti monsterism on the school science curriculum.
Fairy tales should not be banned, but should only be taught as fairy tales.
Norsemaiden said:
Could it be that the "intelligent design" Christians have serious difficulties in facing the fact that the White race evolved (in stages)from Black Africans 125thousand years ago?
The Bible says that Adam and Eve "blushed" when they discovered their nakedness in the Garden of Eden. Since blushing is only visible on pale skin, it is a Christian fundamentalist belief that the first humans (Israelites) were White.
Basically this is mad. They may as well teach Santa Clause, the three little pigs or indeed the flying spaghetti monsterism on the school science curriculum.
Fairy tales should not be banned, but should only be taught as fairy tales.
Indeed my friend. I also always love how Jesus is portrayed as a white guy. He was born in the middle east...surrounded by middle-easterners.The J-man would have had brown skin, simple as that. Id also like to point out my love of FSM. For halloween, my plant biology instructor wanted to get a bunch of us to dress up as pirates and hurl pasta at people.

Also, in response to your comment about the white "race" coming from african stock, thats why many white scientists like the "multiregional" hypothesis in which the human race evolved 3 separate times and with three different lineages: caucasoid, negroid, and mongoloid. Works out nicely eh? ha.
Well its clear that different races can almost be considered different spieces. I could quote Darwin for hours on that topic, but im not to sure about how your forum would react to that cause im new, lol i just dont wanna get banned quite yet...
LRD/zygote/Scott W, I have read all of your posts to; norsemaiten, Judas69,Nichrome ,Vatil Remains & and I have to say that your grammar is appalling, your I.Q. is obviously below the 90s and you obviously have way too much people crammed into that tiny little brain of yours. I agree strongly with the others when discussing your weak and feeble attempts at defending your dignity and self-esteem by concocting extra personalities and then when discovered you merely claim to be a schitso in an attempt to cover your tracks. To be blatantly honest- I think you are making alot of enemies without just cause and are digging yourself a very deep hole with out any flawless means of getting back out again. I have to admit, although you're very naive and gullible (Intelligent design classes) you are also considerably knowledgeable. You should put it to good use. Believe me- I also would love there to be a Intelligent design class, but just face the facts- there isnt one. It's all just fake and religion. The kid who "created" this site is obviously just as gullible as you (although I have to admit that he's probably considerably more intelligent). Anyway cheers for readin' and I hope you heed my words. Oh and don't quote what I said in your reply and try to turn it around on me because that's called hypocracy. if you want a "scrap" then just arrange to meet in person and we'll settle things there. bye
Well...I deleted his posts, so until he comes up with something better to say...lets not worry about it, and get back on topic :)
Well, hello again, LRD.

I see your still pretending that you are NOT Intoxicater, when you are, in fact, the same person.

I am impressed with one thing however: your grammar and sentence formation has improved quite a bit. However, you are still completely full of shit.

Anyway, for those of you who are new, let me explain something.

Intoxicater= LRD(Lord red dragon)


Above each "post" on here, you will see one of these...

16-12-2005 - 07:19 - from if you go to the IP.

The first part, is the date, then the time in the 24-hour standard, and then "from". After from is the IP address and the ISP.

My IP Address and ISP is...

Intoxicater and LRD has identical IP addresses.

What does this mean? The posts are coming from the same Internet connection (aka, one computer, and one person).

Oh, and LRD. Your bullshit has nothing to do with IQ, philosophy, intelligence, or anything else you will surely pull out of your ass when you click the "Submit reply link" or "Post Quick reply link.
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