internet waves of black metal hype

out of those, only Negura and Drudkh are even worth bothering with.

and yep, when BAN and DsO relase their new crapsterpieces, ill be there letting you all know better bands did it better before.

jeebus....velvet cacoon...the ultimate in lame.
Someone talks up a good band. Someone else takes notice, checks out said band, enjoys the music, and similarly talks them up. Repeat process.

Lots of people get into the band. But how many bands do you listen to consistently for years? That is to say, weekly at least, without fail.

I fail to see the problem.

Also, add Weakling to that list.
Erik is your rant directed at the bands or at people? Cause you know those bands still rule (Velvet Cacoon has escaped my liking so far) no matter how strong and passing the hype. People, though, suck frozen horse shit at the best of times.
most internet black metal dorks are like 13-16. they go through drastic personality changes three times a week at that age. downloading 40 billion albums a week certainly doesn't help.
lurch70 said:
the band was born on the internet and it will kill it as well ...

Agalloch will kill the internet!!!!!!!!

I listen toall those bands except Xasthur and Astrofaes regularly still, I just donät want to flog a dead horse about them. Xasthur I just havenät been in the mood for lately.

edit: ä = ' , damn german keyboard
I like 3/4 of these bands. Internet definitely brings the most obscure bands to a wider public. Can't do anything against that. I'll agree to some extent that it sucks, especially when you hear some jerk mentionning Xasthur in a conversation just trying to show how 'true' he is (sadly this doesn't happen only on the internet) .
The topic of this thread is retarded. As many CDs as a lot of us buy, it is only logical that we would talk about Drudkh when it is fresh, Blut Aus Nord when it is fresh, Agalloch . . . an so on.

Blut Aus Nord's new one is coming soon, BTW.
i believe erik is ranting about flavors-of-the-month. none of these bands will be regarded as classic (except by diehards who never venture earlier than 1998)
Some bands mentionned are definitely worth mentionning in the (recent) history of bm so yeah , lies.
It's all about availability of distribution

Xasthur is mega-prolific. More new product or reissues = discussion
Negura Bunget is not. Therefore. Not much discussion
Deathspell Omega is not, but they're getting up there. Therefore, discussion
Drudkh might be prolific for all I know or care. But they're a new band in the last 5 years. Therefore, discussion
Velvet Cacoon is an elaborate hoax, so it will continually get discussion about guillability of the listener.
BAN isn't prolific, but they have been reissuing their earlier catalogue, and getting press for it. Therefore, DISCUSSION.
Never heard of Astrofaes, but I imagine they have nodiscussion because of weak distribution.

Whether you want BM bands to be kvlt and gr¥m by selling less copies of their product or not is irrelevant.

But, I do see your original idea about flavours-of-the-week.
Dev said:
I like 3/4 of these bands. Internet definitely brings the most obscure bands to a wider public. Can't do anything against that. I'll agree to some extent that it sucks, especially when you hear some jerk mentionning Xasthur in a conversation just trying to show how 'true' he is (sadly this doesn't happen only on the internet) .

Agreed with this post, the greater accessibility of the Internet is one of the best advantages for music lovers in general, but it does contribute to the here today forgotten next week mentality people object to here.