internet waves of black metal hype

My experience only goes as far as this forum does, so perhaps things are worse elsewhere, but it's a bit extreme to equate lack of discussion to lack of interest. DsO is the only band on that list that I care much about, but a few others are certainly noteworthy. I still feel the same way about this band that I always have, it's just that I don't feel the need to blurt it out in every thread I enter. I'm sure the same can be said for others, just because you're not talking about something doesn't mean it doesn't interest you anymore.

The same can also be said about non-BM bands. I'm sure everyone here still loves Hammers of Misfortune as much as they did a year ago, but there's been a lack of activity from the band and what there is to be said about their albums has already been said a hundred times over. They still listen to them I'm sure, but if you're judging from what's been said about them on the forum recently, you'd probably consider them a "flavor of the month."

The internet is a great thing in that it exposes these sort of bands to us and a lot of the time that a new band is hyped, they're worth taking a look at. It's a good way to find quality bands. If a hyped band is good, we will like them and continue to, if they aren't, we won't. There are always those who are in it to "look cool" and will jump on the next bandwagon soon enough, whatever type of music it is, but since when does anyone really care?
Anyone who owns a Velvet Cacoon CD is a victim of hype.

Drudkh and Deathspell Omega will be future classic.
Opeth17 said:
My experience only goes as far as this forum does, so perhaps things are worse elsewhere, but it's a bit extreme to equate lack of discussion to lack of interest. DsO is the only band on that list that I care much about, but a few others are certainly noteworthy. I still feel the same way about this band that I always have, it's just that I don't feel the need to blurt it out in every thread I enter. I'm sure the same can be said for others, just because you're not talking about something doesn't mean it doesn't interest you anymore.

The same can also be said about non-BM bands. I'm sure everyone here still loves Hammers of Misfortune as much as they did a year ago, but there's been a lack of activity from the band and what there is to be said about their albums has already been said a hundred times over. They still listen to them I'm sure, but if you're judging from what's been said about them on the forum recently, you'd probably consider them a "flavor of the month."

The internet is a great thing in that it exposes these sort of bands to us and a lot of the time that a new band is hyped, they're worth taking a look at. It's a good way to find quality bands. If a hyped band is good, we will like them and continue to, if they aren't, we won't. There are always those who are in it to "look cool" and will jump on the next bandwagon soon enough, whatever type of music it is, but since when does anyone really

You are a good man, You make some damn good points *thumbs up*
Dev said:
Add Red Sparowes or Colour Haze and you got a top 3 :kickass:

JayKeeley said:
The new Drudkh and Agalloch are the two best albums of the year so far. (That's right, Hammers is at #3).

One out of three ain't bad, though Drudkh is in my top 10, but lower than Agalloch, which is at #1. Hammers is probably my 49th favorite album of 2006, with several more releases yet to surpass it. ;)
fads are unavoidable
and generally a fad is created by the wake of 2-3 good bands being followd by a load of misconstrued shite goes for carcass
faith no more- a brilliant band who generated a fucking wave of shit bands
same goes for carcass, same ges for nuerosis, same goes for godflesh
so obviously its going to happen with the diferent approaches of black metal

I think theres bound to be a buzz around a band when theres a release iminent
sometimes the hype is unbearable like with slayer or tool
and can be almost offputting but things are bound to calm down and people will move on to talking about the next anticipation
doesn't mean everyone has stopped listenng to things theyve stopped talking about
I've listened to 10,000 days twice this week but talked to noone about it