internet waves of black metal hype


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
gay. i love how during a few months everyone on the internet is all like "OH THIS BAND IS AMAZING" and everyone listens to them and everyone buys the album and then a bit later almost noone talks about them anymore:

* xasthur
* astrofaes
* negura bunget
* blut aus nord
* velvet cacoon
* drudkh
* deathspell omega


gay. what will be trendy to listen to next? i think probably neige related projects® like alcest, amesoures, celestia, peste noire etc?
hmm, out of those bands i own full discographies by drudkh (minus the new one) and negura, and nothing by any of the others

i lose the trendy game!
Negura Bunget, Blut Aus Nord, and Drudkh are still great. I'm pretty underwhelmed with Velvet Cacoon and Deathspell Omega is still new to me. Haven't heard the others.
I don't think it's that no body talks about them, but more that everybody already knows about them, so why talk about them again and again.
Erik just doesn't like trends, even the ones that only 46 people follow. :loco:

Either that or he's pissed that Urkraft sold "under 20 copies" of their last album.
Thanatopsis123 said:
All good bands there. I'm not sure what this thread is getting at though.
well basically "have you noticed how 200 people keep fellating a band for a few months and then they forget about them and have you noticed how gay that is"
But without the internet, presumably hardly anyone outside of the band members' immediate friends and family would have bothered to listen to them at all... so surely the increased exposure (limited though it may be) is a good thing... and maybe it's not so much a case of 'noone cares anymore' as 'what else can we say about them really?'
Most bands only get talked about when they release new material or when they're just 'discovered.'
swizzlenuts said:
I don't think it's that no body talks about them, but more that everybody already knows about them, so why talk about them again and again.

That nails it, although beyond the obvious peaking of interest when these bands have new releases, I wouldn't say they've become obscure all over again...if anything, I've seen increased awareness of these bands among non-BM obsessives.
Erik said:
well basically "have you noticed how 200 people keep fellating a band for a few months and then they forget about them and have you noticed how gay that is"

Are you simply annoyed at the increase in popularity? Do you think they aren't deserving of such praise? Do you think people aren't listening to them because they aren't talking about them? Is a passing fancy a bad thing? I don't know if you actually have a point here or if you're just being Erik.
i was gonna start a thread the other day about how utterly brilliant "blood in our wells" is, man it still fucking ruuuuules, damn near flawless disc :kickass:
Erik said:
actually its more of how these bands get hyped to ridiculous amounts like "SERIOUSLY THIS IS THE BEST SHIT EVER SINCE 1993." and bullshit like that because when everyone starts praising the same band its like people feel they must outdo the last guy and sorry guys but astrofaes was just never that good and THAT'S why you stopped listening to them after 2 months
Velvet Cacoon have always sucked.
Astrofaes are okay.
Xasthur is only good for about 15 minutes at a time.

The rest still rock my cock regularly.
swizzlenuts said:
I don't think it's that no body talks about them, but more that everybody already knows about them, so why talk about them again and again.

Hit the nail on the head, but I know what Erik's talking about.
The internet killed Black Metal. Even I didn't get into fucking Black Metal from the internet and I use the internet for EVERYTHING.