Intros to death metal albums

Yeah, Immolation's anti-religious lyrics are among the better. They often write from the perspective of 'we', which although very simple, is also very refreshing and effective because it just demonstrates from the band's point of view that they themselves are all part of the mess (being members of humanity). Still though, they don't really argue any point, but then again, thats not really the realm of lyrics, so it doesn't bother me. I just often find it slightly irritating when so many bands throw all this criticism around in their lyrics (the classics; 'you're all sheep' or 'what you believe/the bible is all lies') and don't qualify any of it. But like I said, they're just lyrics.
SculptedCold said:
:lol: you'd LOVE Still Born Feast/Festering Maggots by Sikfuk then, hehe.

'Jesus loves me yes I know! Cuz the bible tells me s...'*BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM*!!!

I don't think I've heard that one..
Ageless said:
Check out December Wolves' intro to 'Blasterpiece Theatre', "Warning". The rest of the album is shit but the intro is quality.
I love that album. I find it genuinely hateful and disturbing. The samples and electronics are sheer genius.
I like the intro to Behemoth's Zos Kia Cultus a lot. It's funny in a way, but fits the band's anti-religious lyrical standpoint very well. I also like the intro to Decapitated's Nihility because it is nice and short, and it would be too sudden to begin the song with the abrupt blasting of the introductory riff. Polish metal rules! \m/