I's a shame

Iron-Flames said:
I hate all religion because it is the sole cause of everything bad in this world.

OK, it's not the SOLE cause of everything band. There are an infinitely number of small things wrong in other places, but religion sure as hell is an awful thing. If only people could believe in spirituality more than religion. The aborigines did it, Buddha did it, the Native Americans did it, the Mayans did it, and they were some of the most prosperous and pain-free civilizations in the world. But then of course religious Europe conquered everything... Well, western europe, eastern europe rules. :) Except for some exceptions... I'll stop now...
I'd like to see these guys thrown in an american state prison and see what they think about survival of the fittest then.
I tend to be anti religious but these guys are pure wingnuts..Now they are neo nazi's..Yes, I would love to see them in the American prison system as 21 to life would be the sentence..
They were/are very misgiuded youth who murdered to prove themsleves then beacme nazi's..Terrible morons..
I have no pity for them, as they made ass clowns of themsleves..
And lets not forgot Jon of Dissection as I've loved Dissection for quite some time..
Those guys made interesting music but were pure wingnuts..
those churches are really beautiful but....... for the few minutes while they were burning they must have looked even cooler
I have actually read quite a bit about the Church burnings. The kind that I read most about before was done by a few Asatruist cults (if my memory serves me correctly) and I read their motives and I actually sympathized with their cause. Now that I have read a bit more about who's behind the majority of the church burnings (the BMers) I can see that it was pretty foolish to support the burnings because these guys quite obviously have no clue why the Church burnings occurred in the first place and they probably know next to nothing about Asatruar. They seem like a bunch of immature attention whores who just want to bother people. Sometimes actions aren't as important as the reasons behind them, I think.
illbeleavinnow said:
It also gives people faith and a strong will.

Not saying it's good, but there is some good coming out of it... unfortunately the bad overcomes it.

I have faith in myself, and anyone that knows me, knows I have a strong will.

Religion is for the weak minded.
Iron-Flames said:
I have faith in myself, and anyone that knows me, knows I have a strong will.

Religion is for the weak minded.

While I'm glad your confident to the point of being an asshole and while there is some truth in your little epigrammatic statements, you're acting like a moron. Religion is used as a crutch very often, but it's not like irreligious people are pillars of confidence all the time. :lol:

I just thought I'd mention that because you couldn't shut up. By the way, religion is certainly has not caused all the evils of the world. Religions tend to make them worse, but they are essentially the inherently bad things about human nature first and foremost, rather than religion's nurture-esque influence.