is melodic death metal ready for the mainstream?

I think the question should be "Is the mainstream ready for melodic death metal?". There's a slight difference there.

Anyways, I agree with a post on that other board that said I'm in favor of melo-death getting more exposure, but VERY against the bastardization the genre will be subject to when tons of shit clone bands start trying to capitalize on the trend if it takes off.

Even now, while melodic death is still fairly underground, we see lots of clone bands. How many In Flames clones have I heard these past few years? More than a handful. These clone bands are good at what they do (copying In Flames' sound almost exactly), but do they really contribute to innovating or improving the genre?

Just think what will happen if melodic death metal suddenly becomes the new anthem for rebellious youth who think nu-metal isn't rebellious enough...
This scares me. I agree with that thread. If I see some damn wannabe rebel 13 year old wearing an Opeth or DT shirt, saying "Opeth rocks, I've been into these guys from the beginning", its gonna piss me off. If he likes the band, fine, great, grand. But don't try to be something you're not.

It was the same way when Korn became mainstream. All these damn teenagers thought they were cool just for wearing a Korn t-shirt. But these same teenagers couldn't tell you one damn song except the MTV songs.

If Primordial go mainstream, I'm committing seppuku.
With bands like In Flames playing pussy ass music, yeah I'd say it's going mainstream...fuck In Flames though..they haven't released anything worth a shit since fuckin' JEster Race..end of story.
Originally posted by Soilent Goat
With bands like In Flames playing pussy ass music, yeah I'd say it's going mainstream...fuck In Flames though..they haven't released anything worth a shit since fuckin' JEster Race..end of story.

Look, I respect your opinion. Really I do.

But take this argument to the In Flames board with the rest of the teenagers, ok? Thanks.
The hardcore DEATH METAL Scene is perpetuated by Musicians in the scene for the most part.

At least it is around here.

You don't see too many people into Death Metal who aren't musicians, and you see bands, many of the members with their "side-projects"... Malevolent and Hateplow, Testament and Dragonlord, Morbid and Hate Eternal, etc... and a lot of bands that broke up are making comebacks... Vio-Lence and Exodus that I can think of.

Hopefully it gets back to where the Thrash scene was in the late 80's, but doesn't become POPULAR, like it did shortly before it's death in the mid ninties.
The Death Metal Scene in the Bay Area is growing, and there are a number of bands on the rise, or that are popular now... Exhumed, Impaled, Severed Savior, Disharmony, etc...

Only time will tell.
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markgugs: Look, I respect your opinion. Really I do.

But take this argument to the In Flames board with the rest of the teenagers, ok? Thanks.

Don't give me that bullshit attitude, "with the rest of the teenagers" shit. I'll say whatever the hell I want regardless of how you feel about it. And who are you to assume I'm some dumb teenager who doesn't know anything. Face it, the new In Flames album is meant for a mainstream crowd and with their tour with Soulfly we will see them on Mtv..mark my word. And you can't tell me that a few others won't follow..because they will...and hopefully that won't consist of greats like Arch Enemy, Soilwork, Opeth..etc..
Originally posted by Soilent Goat
Don't give me that bullshit attitude, "with the rest of the teenagers" shit. I'll say whatever the hell I want regardless of how you feel about it. And who are you to assume I'm some dumb teenager who doesn't know anything. Face it, the new In Flames album is meant for a mainstream crowd and with their tour with Soulfly we will see them on Mtv..mark my word. And you can't tell me that a few others won't follow..because they will...and hopefully that won't consist of greats like Arch Enemy, Soilwork, Opeth..etc..

Hey, I'm not giving you 'bullshit attitude.' The pro/anti In Flames argument has been done to fucking death ALREADY, and the fucking album is still 6 weeks away from release. Enough already. The In Flames board is chock full of plenty of retarded threads for you to discuss your dislike of the album.

And as for me "assuming" you're a teenager. Hmm, being born on June 1983 makes you HOW old? Oh, nineTEEN. That's right.

Now please, spare us any more of your angst, thanks again.
Damn, I feel more than the actual 29 years when I read posts like some of these here....

" - I like this band, this band sucks, fuck this band, they are not brutal death metal, but this one is, etfuckencetera".

How do you find the strength losers?
Originally posted by Lord K
Damn, I feel more than the actual 29 years when I read posts like some of these here....

" - I like this band, this band sucks, fuck this band, they are not brutal death metal, but this one is, etfuckencetera".

How do you find the strength losers?

Besides being a 'hellbilly', who are you again?

Also, I love posting after posts such as yours, because I can just say...please look at my avatar. Then look back here. Then look at the avatar. Then look to see who's above me. Then look at the avatar again. Get it?
Kenth, we've heard it before. This is a discussion forum. We discuss things. We're not here to jerk off.

We can't help it if teenagers come in here to spout off idiotic comments.
I wasn't spouting off idiotic comments..only facts. And what's wrong with Soilwork besides the fact that their latest release was kinda weak..I still love the older stuff.
Originally posted by Soilent Goat
I wasn't spouting off idiotic comments..only facts. And what's wrong with Soilwork besides the fact that their latest release was kinda weak..I still love the older stuff.

Hey look, no one's saying you're an idiot. But how do you proclaim something that is CLEARLY your OPINION is a fact? That's idiotic, like it or not.

Make all the comments you want, but don't think you can simply state they're facts and expect them to be.

For the record, Soilwork owns. New and old.
What's really so bad with becoming mainstream??? People becomes pissed because "bands" no longer strive towards peoples musically subjective directions... A simple soultion would be to "Avoid that kind of music". I haven't heard the new In Flames stuff but as I understand from what peole has written they would have taken somekind of step towards mainstream... I say good for them as long as they're satisfied with their!!!
"What's really so bad with becoming mainstream???"

Nothing, by definition. It's just that mainstream music has a track record of turning everything into crap. If you have one hit, there is tons of pressure to make every song sound like it. If you don't have any hits, there is tons of pressure to change your sound completely. Creativity and art take a backseat in the corporate world.