Is Mindcrime considered to be the greatest metal album of all time?

JayKeeley said:
Forget Lars today, I'm talking about the first four albums.

When that double bass drum kicks in for "One", fuck me, the metal world had never heard anything like that before. That is what you'd call a 'machine gun' riff. Utter excellence.
So does that mean anything else than that Lars is able to play semi-fast double bass with (probably) 7000 takes and a few tons of studio trickery? Praise the songwriting if you will, but Lars is a shitty, shitty drummer with no feel, no sense of groove, no inventiveness, no nothing. He can just barely keep time on the studio albums, but NEVER adds ANYTHING to the music. Granted, he doesn't really take away anything either, but that's because he basically doesn't DO anything but go 4/4 4/4 4/4
I love boobies said:
disagree by like, a schmillion points. Holy Wars... The Punishment Due is like, way better than 99% of what i listen to.

no fucking way dude ... I am talking about something that talks to the masses ... fucking Holy Wars my butthole ... great song ... but not something that ever will be remembered
lurch70 said:
most of his peers are the same age I think ... Lombardo, Sep guys, Sandoval ... his suckiness has no excuse.
okay true. but those dudes ALWAYS killed Lars in terms of drumming. i mean Igor and Sandoval are fucking machines, and Lombardo is a god damn arTEEST.
JayKeeley said:
Megadeth =

Metallica =

At least, by comparison. :loco:
hahahahhaa fuckin awesome.
lurch70 said:
most of his peers are the same age I think ... Lombardo, Sep guys, Sandoval ... his suckiness has no excuse.

Yeah, but they're all broke. :lol: I mean, Lars doesn't NEED to prove anything anymore which is reflective of where Metallica's mindframe is today.

Haha, Pete Sandoval, what a fag, getting his leg broken by Dave Mustaine when defending his "little Danish friend from nasty Pete". :tickled:
lurch70 said:
no fucking way dude ... I am talking about something that talks to the masses ... fucking Holy Wars my butthole ... great song ... but not something that ever will be remembered
i remember it!!! :lol:
i can forgive Erik that because i know he doesn't like teh 'Deth that much. why? well i always assumed gayness, but i could be wrong. :dopey:

he should listen to Wake Up Dead regardless, although he think he did and the whole gay thing creeped in again. :loco:
oh yeah i listened to St. Pooper for the first time a few months back, because i was really feeling the new Metallica vibe and decided to give it a whirl. so god damn shut it off after 5 songs. shit shit shit.
OK let me put some emphasis on that

It's not THAT good (as in as good as JayK NAD and co. make it sound)

I mean it's half decent, it's a mostly coherent song that rocks a fair amount but what? I mean I swear some of you people have some seriously thick nostalgia goggles here because having tried to get into Megadeth the past two years or so I'm just not hearing any true greatness here.
I love boobies said:
i can forgive Erik that because i know he doesn't like teh 'Deth that much. why? well i always assumed gayness, but i could be wrong. :dopey:

he should listen to Wake Up Dead regardless, although he think he did and the whole gay thing creeped in again. :loco:
I've heard Wake Up Dead. It's boring. Needs more thrash.
JayKeeley said:
Yeah, but they're all broke. :lol: I mean, Lars doesn't NEED to prove anything anymore which is reflective of where Metallica's mindframe is today.

Haha, Pete Sandoval, what a fag, getting his leg broken by Dave Mustaine when defending his "little Danish friend from nasty Pete". :tickled:

i don't think those guys need to prove anything either ... it just shows that they love their craft ... Lars ... well all the videos I always see of him in the studio ... he seems and acts like he does not want to be there
Erik said:
OK let me put some emphasis on that

It's not THAT good (as in as good as JayK NAD and co. make it sound)

I mean it's half decent, it's a mostly coherent song that rocks a fair amount but what? I mean I swear some of you people have some seriously thick nostalgia goggles here because having tried to get into Megadeth the past two years or so I'm just not hearing any true greatness here.
you make me sad.

but seriously, Megadeth is the only band of its kind that i can listen to today and not think "yeah this makes me think of _____" with ______ being something that happened 20 years ago. but i dunno, could be nostalgia anyhow. not really sure.
Erik said:
So does that mean anything else than that Lars is able to play semi-fast double bass with (probably) 7000 takes and a few tons of studio trickery?

Erm, Metallica were possibly one of the greatest live acts of all time. To add, they released four (out of maybe 15) of the most important metal albums of all time. If Lars was shit, it would have come through in the music / songs...unless we've all been under some mass hypnosis* in thinking that those 4 albums had any real value.

*note the clever Sepultura reference. :loco:
what Metallica had is a great team ... this is where Megadeth failed ... it was always A guy with OTHER musicians helping ... let's not kid ourselves
OK just chalk up Megadeth to "I DON'T FUCKIN GET IT" if it makes you feel better. I mean when you get down to it I'm basically Motörhead, I don't like flashy shit and fluffy hair, I like blood fire death, focus on ATMOSPHERE and SONGWRITING and RIFFS THAT BEAT YOU OVER THE HEAD. Megadeth is noodly, it beats me over the head with a sponge at most. "In the Sign of Evil" over "Rust in Peace" any god damn day, I don't care if the riffs are hard to play and shit.
JayKeeley said:
Erm, Metallica were possibly one of the greatest live acts of all time. To add, they released four (out of maybe 15) of the most important metal albums of all time. If Lars was shit, it would have come through in the music / songs...unless we've all been under some mass hypnosis* in thinking that those 4 albums had any real value.

*note the clever Sepultura reference. :loco:
Yeah OK he probably pulled off "One" live (and it's NOT really all that fast), but there's a reason they never played Dyers Eve live, and it isn't that it's a poor song