Is Mindcrime considered to be the greatest metal album of all time?

Dark One said:
I think that RIP was the one album where everything came together and clicked for a short period of time. Truly Mustaine & Co.'s shining moment in the sun.

Well, yeah, but short period of time? More like a lifelong ongoing revolution (at least from a musicians point of view).

Mustaine, Friedman, Menza, and Ellefson all at absolute perfection. Songwriting and musicianship on that album just can't be perfected.

I literally bought Marty Friedman instructional guitar videos and would just watch the fucker play, haha. So much emotion in his playing, it's ungodly. Add that to Dave Mustaine's hellfire riffs and you get the perfect balance.

The way they trade those solos on "Hangar 18"....jesus H. Or Friedman's solo on "Tornado of Souls".

Of course there's a technical aspect to it all, but first and foremost, it's the songs. Friedman and Menza just brought them to life.

Oh and if you want to talk about lasting appeal, as bad as they both might be:

Risk >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> St Anger

Case closed.
see even Erik gets it. :dopey:

oh yeah my guitarist wants us to cover Hangar 18 and obviously i'm GO GO GO about that proposition. convincing the singer and drummer are an entirely different story though.
okay so i bitch about metal bassists being 99% UTTER SHITE right, if they all listened to Rust in Peace as much as i do/did/have bass would still be a viable instrument in the metal realm, past say 1993. seriously, Ellefson was such a fucking master back then.

NP: Rust in Peace :kickass: x2394587293457
i just realized that the Megadeth supporters are looking at these discs from a musicians point of view ... hmm
lurch70 said:
i just realized that the Megadeth supporters are looking at these discs from a musicians point of view ... hmm
what other point of view is there? :dopey:

seriously though, i recognize this as a limitation/benefit but at the same time, it's nothing i can change. i've been a musician for 18 of my 26 years, obviously it comes into play with ummmmm i dunno, everything i've ever done or thought about. :loco:
I love boobies said:
what other point of view is there? :dopey:

seriously though, i recognize this as a limitation/benefit but at the same time, it's nothing i can change. i've been a musician for 18 of my 26 years, obviously it comes into play with ummmmm i dunno, everything i've ever done or thought about. :loco:

i dunno, musical prowess never impressed me, especially if I recognize that individually musicians are great, but as a band they do not gel ... not really talking about Megadeth here, but maybe I am in some instances :loco:

let's put it this way ... they might be good at giving head ... but they never made me come.
lurch70 said:
i just realized that the Megadeth supporters are looking at these discs from a musicians point of view ... hmm

Well, yeah, but let's face some reality here: [not that it makes a hoot of difference] but you do realize that you're in the vast MINORITY when it comes to RiP right? I've seen that album listed in so many top 10 lists of all time (mainstream journals included) that you have to figure not everyone is hearing it through a musicians's ears.

That's gotta count for something. At least, it's worth revisiting the album if you haven't heard it in many years.

When NAD says he "dissects" the album, I think most metal musicians did when it came out. I spent hours transcribing them shitz. It's like the bible of metal. [/cliche]
question to you guys in bands ... when you are involved in songwriting, do you write to impress and to make your instrument stand out, or do you write to make the song as great as possible ... for the sake of the whole picture?
JayKeeley said:
Well, yeah, but let's face some reality here: [not that it makes a hoot of difference] but you do realize that you're in the vast MINORITY when it comes to RiP right? I've seen that album listed in so many top 10 lists of all time (mainstream journals included) that you have to figure not everyone is hearing it through a musicians's ears.

That's gotta count for something. At least, it's worth revisiting the album if you haven't heard it in many years.

When NAD says he "dissects" the album, I think most metal musicians did when it came out. I spent hours transcribing them shitz. It's like the bible of metal. [/cliche]

ok so MUSICIANS and CRITICS like it :loco:
hahaha it rules because the best blowjob i ever received i didn't nut. :loco: too god damn drunk.

anyhow, while since probably 1999 i haven't cared much for musical prowess, at the same time it's sort of in my blood so i can't help it. but then again some of my favorite songs and bands have like -4295 points toward musical ability, like a group like Sunn O))) who play like 4 power chords over the course of an entirely musical career. so i dunno. there's no doubt i respect all in Megadeth for their talent, but that's never been the reason why i've loved them.

i mean okay, Les Claypool is my hero right? well i could name 20 other bassists that would totally whoop his ass in terms of chops. in facts, in faggy bassfag fagcircles (see the pattern?) Claypool is pretty disrespected for being so sloppy. well, they are right, he is sloppy. but i never loved the man for his chops, so it doesn't matter.

oh man, i'm on my 7th beer tonight, how much fucking sense am i making??!
Erik said:
Exactly, which is why I basically see nothing in it

But you say you want more thrash in 'Deth? I guess we're talking about different bands because whether it's a song like "Mary Jane" or "Poison was the Cure", that's more thrash than Metallica ever was!
OK but I haven't heard those songs. Megadeth look and act like fuckin poofters and would sooner listen to Aerosmith than Motörhead, you know.