It was a time of great change...

That's how it always ends... I meet a nice girl, we get to know each other, and then I terrify her with German smileys, and she runs away crying. u_u, Sometimes she'll send her relatives to severely beat me, but that hasn't happened for a while.
Ormir said:
That's how it always ends... I meet a nice girl, we get to know each other, and then I terrify her with German smileys, and she runs away crying. u_u, Sometimes she'll send her relatives to severely beat me, but that hasn't happened for a while.

i think german smilies are just really hard to understand in the beginning, their great beauty and deep meaning are something that can scare until someone manage to understand them completely :p
Hiljainen said:
i think german smilies are just really hard to understand in the beginning, their great beauty and deep meaning are something that can scare until someone manage to understand them completely :p
I feel like I'm alone with rahvin on this. Maybe I should start courting him instead.
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Dark_Jester said:
Thanks Seventi :grin:
And 1783 is NOT a useless number, you better inform us as soon as you reach it, because, uh...1783 is like this big, powerful magic number that...the wizards of...hmmm...Tir Naka used to, uh, summon dragons of...great might.
Yeah. That's the one ;)

:lol: Yeah, it's a magic number, even more magic than summoning a great wizard, being the 45th neighbour of the great something in that way :grin:
Congrats. Meep. Like red wine?

Ahh, yes. The mighty Bal-Sagoth. :notworthy
"...none dare defy us, none will deny us" or whatever they're writing in their last album booklet.

Though I was thinking of Baldur's gate 2 when I read the tread topic line at first. :grin:

"tyrannic I am where the serpent dwells/ like the lissome embrace of the succubi/ like a wolf in the fold/ red of thooth and claw/enthroned beneath black netherskies" and so on.
Qsilver said:
Hah, I borrowed BG2 from a friend yesterday. Now I only need to delete something from my HD to get enough free space for it :)
Ahh great game... I just got it earlier this year. Althoguh I got stuck at a certain part, got frustrated, and stopped playing.
Tebus said:
Ahh great game... I just got it earlier this year. Althoguh I got stuck at a certain part, got frustrated, and stopped playing.

I played it a little during last summer but I had just finished BG1 so I got bored almost in the beginning. Now I'm going to get through it :)
Tebus said:
Ahh great game... I just got it earlier this year. Althoguh I got stuck at a certain part, got frustrated, and stopped playing.

In which part did you got stuck?

Congrats Dark_Jester, soon I'll have a party for my 2000th post too! :rock:

Ormir, german girl? Now you like girls?? :yell: You never told me that you are hetero :waah:
_Zsuzsa_ said:
In which part did you got stuck?
It was in the Windspear Hills (I had to look the name up at a web page :p). There's a part when you get into the castle where you have to kill 2 stone golems, but I didn't have any weapons that worked. How do you kill those bastards?

Welcome the the BG2 thread.:loco: