Italian Metal

Oh yes!!! Opera IX!! I can't belive I forgot to mention them. Tha Black Opera (2000) is such an atmospheric BM album. Cadaveria is my type of woman!!

i guess they aren't around anymore but i can say for sure that the singer ruined the whole band.
My favorite italian band is Void of Silence (too bad that they disbanded) ! Also, Consummatum Est is a great funeral doom band from Italy.
You all kind of forgot Calvary. But otherwise there's about NOTHING in Italy that I like.
Italy has tons of great bands. How about:

Funeral Oration (symphonic black metal)
Legion of Darkness (black metal)
Zora (brutal death)
Schizo (thrash)
Arcana Coelestia (doomish black metal)
Cadaver Mutilator (death metal)
Waffen SS (NSBM)
Mephisto (very old school sounding bm)
Coram Lethe (tech death)
Mater Tenebra (black metal)
Necrotorture (brutal/slam death)

I'm not too familiar with Italian bands, but I am really pleased that you put Zora on this list. Everyone should try to procure a copy of UVA. One of the best death metal albums I heard a few years back. Very innovative.