HI, all.
Yesterday i was at Roncade New Age for the final concert of the 9 months Opeth journey.
As i have told in the top of the topic, i am going to post my impressions and i would really be happy that
Mikael will read this after , of course,
cleaning his home and
have a good time with his family
I mean that for the whole band, obviously.
1) i really loved the
setlist, the night and the silent water, blackwater park, Windowpane, some pearls that i didn't "collect" in the other 2 shows.
The pub, new age, was too small and it didn't made justice of the greatness of our Opeth heroes
but in the same time it was a "familiar" way to enjoy the show close to the members. Infact, i think it was great but for one that has never seen Opeth it was not the best situtation...
3) the
sound was good, but in the first part the clean parts were a lot dirty , but later they have been fixed in deliverance.... not a great problem
the people were not good -.- I don't now how Mikael can say that italian people are the greatest fans beacuse for all the show i heard idiots saying silly gags like "28 euros!!!" or " play DELIVERENCE" in the beginning of the show... -.-
Another thing, "HEADBANGING"
METALCORE crap and this peolple dont understand a dick ( i got some elbow strike from this idiots when i was compleatly lost in contemplation of the song -.-')
I think that Mikael say that beacuse he heards noise and thinks that is appreciation but for all the 2 shows i saw in italy there was the same type of italian idiots. ( i am italian but i know that the most part are idiots imagine that the most part voted for berlusconi wich is a mafia involved, but the people dont care -.-' ok i stop.)
5) OK and now the worst thing.
We really get angry for
the after show.
Why the fu*k do we have to wait
2 hours (maybe more) in the cold freezing humid s*it of Roncade (probably worst place in the world) for seeing the members, and in the end, when we were disappointed and decided to quit only PETER and Martin Mendez came to us for the autographs and photos?
I MEAN, IT'S THE FU**ING LAST DATE! O_O the LAST date and Mikael does'nt come out from the bus??? THE LAST DATE OF THE 9 months tour and Mikael don't go to his fans to shake a hand?
We weren't 40 people! we were like 18 or something so i dont understand that!
We were really disappointed for that and we would like to have a reply from Mikael.
Anyway, me and my friends thanks you all for the great show and particulary Peter and Martin Mendez for be with the fans ( i said to Peter " Thanks Peter, you are the bravest" because he has been very nice and friendly with us.
Thanks bye bye if you have any opinions please write down.
This is a photo i made