It's Christmas! Where's my gifts??

LOL!! Yeah!! Any gift will be unimaginabLEE much appreciated:)) Merry X-mass Lee and everybody, and happy new year as well! I guess I've got something worth sending to you, Lee:) And Crab-Crab-Pig-Stomache nameLEE "Thanks, everybody!" (that was in Chineese) :lol: LOL!!!!!!
How loveLEE:))!
P.S. Hehehehe... actualLEE, this thread is a proof of my suggestion that Lee speaks a different kind of English, lol. Witnesses of this crime you are, but isn't that right that one should ask "Where ARE my giftS?" and not "Where IS my giftS?" which is the case here:) LOL!! So now I am compLEEteLEE sure Lee speaks a different English, which is presumabLEE called engLEEsh, lol. Well, if so, then I can forgive him his endless SoMns :)
Merry X-mass and Happy New Year dear Lee and JuLEEa :) :wave:
*ROFL alone*
Sonm... I have sent 200x "Happy" pills for you. Please take one and lie in a darkened room with a damp cloth on your head... :)

And nothing wrong with that English, you mentalist! I guess it technically looks wrong, but it's spoken that way. So there! :loco: