It's Official: COREY TAYLOR Is Working With ANTHRAX On New Album

Corey Taylor will be great for Anthrax. Forget Slipknot and Stone Sour for a minute. Taylor has got an awesome set of lungs and I reakon could do both Thrax eras great on stage. Would've preferred Bush, but give it a go.


WHat a fucking joke. And the reaction on this board is even more of a joke. It seems a lot of people think this is "interesting". One of the greatest metal bands ever, kicking out a great vocalist, reuniting with a vocalist they all hated only to kick him out and enlist a nu-metal twat with a mask.

Sweet christ, this band becomes more of a fucking sell out joke every day. I thought Metallica were bad, at least they didn't get Fred Durst to join the band.
well my 2 cents on this Corey Taylor/Anthrax story is...

Corey HAS A GREAT VOICE to make the next Anthrax album a killer record.

He IS limited in my opinion, compared to Joey/Bush. Especially the clean vocals. But the guy have a "nice" aggressive voice tone.
To tell you the truth a couple of days ago I saw a video of a Stone Sour recent Am Ring performance and Corey reminded me a combination of John Bush and Phil Anselmo. He is as talkative as the last, with plenty of MFing compliments to the public. And in interviews he seemed more down to earth than I thought he would be.
He seems to be close to the guys and honored. That contributes for a good outcome I believe.

PLUS the album would be aggressive that´s for sure.
With some melodic parts probably but he would pump things up with them.

BUT (now the other 1 cent)

He is already the fucking VOICE for Slipknot AND Stone Sour!!

I mean it´s almost like Phil Anselmo getting into Black Sabbath!
That´s not quite Black Sabbath!

So my biggest concern is that FOR ME it will not sound like the NEW ANTHRAX but Anthrax WITH Corey Taylor singing.

As an old time Anthrax fan I would rather see Bush with them, that´s for sure, but I also feel a killer record is coming. Whoever the singer.

Also (now the cheap bastard spamming part)... please take a listen to INDIANS...NOT! The Brazilian Tribute to Anthrax.
WHat a fucking joke. And the reaction on this board is even more of a joke. It seems a lot of people think this is "interesting". One of the greatest metal bands ever, kicking out a great vocalist, reuniting with a vocalist they all hated only to kick him out and enlist a nu-metal twat with a mask.

Sweet christ, this band becomes more of a fucking sell out joke every day. I thought Metallica were bad, at least they didn't get Fred Durst to join the band.

AMEN!!! I couldn't agree with you more. I will say that Corey can sing damn well, but if this ain't another poor attempt for some quick cash I don't know what is. If I were you Corey I'd stay the fuck away. Don't be honored that they would want you as their singer, be cautious. They're gonna use your ass just like they did Belladonna. These guys will do anything if they smell a quick buck involved, and Corey you reek of $$$$$.
Holy crap, I mean the hell is Corey Taylor even an option for the vocalist of Anthrax? Have they completely gone insane? He's not anywhere near the same style vocally for the band, plus the guy is an almost talentless nu-metal clown.

Just break up, Anthrax. You're done.

belladonna and bush had completely different vocal styles to each other people had also thought maiden were done before brave new world but they managed to pull it back with a change of vocalist (back to dickinson) but look where they are now headlineig donnington in a few days

so anthrax may pull it back
Maybe "Anthrax" can go on tour with "Megadeth" and "Sepultura" all of which are old bands trying to keep going with rediculous line up changes

With Megadeth it could be argued that since the original member they still have is the songwriter, the singer and guitarist, they they're as intact as they need to be... and it's "ridiculous."'s my two cents worth.

Back in 92-93, I didn't think John Bush could do the Joey songs juctice.
BOY WAS I WRONG. John Bush is the shit.

I don't have the highest regard for Corey Taylor but I'm hoping to be proved wrong once again.
A true Iron Maiden fan would know all about line-up changes!
I have to admit that I'm a little curious about what will come of this.
Anthrax has not let me down yet with their line-up changes in the past,
so Lets Rock:kickass:
Its actually kinda laughable... I really wish it was a joke. Not just because Slipknot is a distant memory for me, still rotating around in my playlist somewhere, but its definitely a cash in. All the Slipknot kids are going to switch on Anthrax and pretend they've liked this band, and bands like it, when they never really have, probably never will... and its just to suck more of Corey's cock. I don't know about you, but noticing that shit is going to piss me off.

No matter if he has good vox... there are better choices out there, some that aren't even anywhere near as famous. And better yet, they'd fit the style. Nice knowing you, Anthrax.