ITT people get swedish caviar (no noobs)

There's an expiry date on it, that's about a year from when you probably received it.
yup. if you open it, then all you need to do is pretty much just have it refridgerated.

awww kev, a shame you didn't like it... but I'm convinced your judgement was clouded due to seeing that other guy vomit :p
Probably haha... and when I had to shake the tube to get the string to disconnect.... that turned me off a bit too :lol:
well first things first you need to use the head of the top to get the hole a bit bigger. har har har

as for the shaking? just make a nice bendy movement and it'll go off on it's own D:
i requested some serving suggestions and you didnt really elaborate besides 'put it on a sandwich' i need more specifics than that! there are all different kinds of sammiches!! MORE SERVING SUGGESTIONS, and i will happily respond with multiple pics of multiple dishes! i dont know what to put it on!!

(its been sitting on my desk this whole time, but unopened, so i assume its still fine)
I've only ever eaten it with eggs, on fried eggs, between bread with sliced hard boiled eggs, etc. I'm afraid to venture further, but eggs make a great serving suggestion.
my favorite is pretty much the one that Derick did, sticking it on hardboiled egg slices on bread... mmm
otherwise under a fried egg, or on a cracker like on the picture on the tube used to show! works totally fine.

when you get the great taste for it you can try with some mild cheese slices on it

but yeah, good starter is the hardboiled egg one.