ITT people get swedish caviar (no noobs)

so i am at work today, and what do i get in the mail?!? this beautiful package from SWEDEN!


i hastily tear apart the envelope and what do i find?!


orange hats and swedish caviar!@


thanks sweedy :blush:
i work with UV printing ink. colour blends, shipping, delivery, etc. we dont do any printing, just the ink (all those pics were taken at home).
so i am at work today, and what do i get in the mail?!? this beautiful package from SWEDEN!


i hastily tear apart the envelope and what do i find?!


orange hats and swedish caviar!@


thanks sweedy :blush:

WOW! Through the magic of forum space time, the boo boo lip worked!

:D I knew you guys wouldn't be able to resist the ever so effective boo boo lip!

I love older threads, you don't have to wait for the happy ending.