ITT people get swedish caviar (no noobs)


bonus picture

:lol: That's the stuff. When I was over there we ran into some trouble on the tram for engaging folks in conversation about it. A Finn got punched, no less. That's fine, though.
I was with some Swedes and a Finn travelling out to a BBQ when the tram stopped in what seemed like a predominantly black neighbourhood. The Finn (who had a Swedish girlfriend and spoke Swede) asked some of these fine black chaps if they liked it. He got a swift punch to the face and it all ended in back slaps and laughing.
I was with some Swedes and a Finn travelling out to a BBQ when the tram stopped in what seemed like a predominantly black neighbourhood. The Finn (who had a Swedish girlfriend and spoke Swede) asked some of these fine black chaps if they liked it. He got a swift punch to the face and it all ended in back slaps and laughing.

Was this back in -06 when you visited gothenburger together with Gavin? And did the punched finn happen to be named Tommi or Patrik?