ITT You All Recommend Recent Death Metal Albums


I'm sure this has been mentioned, but I'm doing it again.


Swedish death metal

More Swedish death metal

More Swedish death metal

More Swedish death metal, kinda mixed with melodeath, not sure if you'll like it

More Swedish, again. Pre-Entombed
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I'm sure this has been mentioned, but I'm doing it again.

Swedish death metal

More Swedish death metal

More Swedish death metal

More Swedish death metal, kinda mixed with melodeath, not sure if you'll like it

More Swedish, again. Pre-Entombed
This post is ungay.
Check out
Hour of Penance
Decrepit Birth
Odious Mortem
Spawn of Possession (tech. death with a descent sense of melody imo)
Hour of Penance is one I really need to check out
Decrepit Birth is pure shit. at least the new one is
Odious Mortem is a little better than DB
and Spawn of Possession rocks my buttocks.

Dead Congregation needs to get rid of the stupid ass chants.
If you like old Cannibal Corpse at all, check out Severe Torture. decent brutal death.
Deathevokation is good stuff too.
I'll forever dig stuff like Deeds of Flesh.
Never been able to get into the swedish death though
Godfuckingdamnit I love Deeds of Flesh. Probably my favorite American death metal band. Good call Krig, can't believe I didn't think of them sooner.

The part at 2:42... :kickass: :kickass:
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Hour of Penance is one I really need to check out
Decrepit Birth is pure shit. at least the new one is
Odious Mortem is a little better than DB
and Spawn of Possession rocks my buttocks.

Dead Congregation needs to get rid of the stupid ass chants.
If you like old Cannibal Corpse at all, check out Severe Torture. decent brutal death.
Deathevokation is good stuff too.
I'll forever dig stuff like Deeds of Flesh.
Never been able to get into the swedish death though

I am a big unique leader fan. Pretty much anything that comes out on that label is :rock: imo.
Definitely check out the new Hour of Penance cd, it's awesome!
Also if you like that kind of stuff check out Beheaded, they are pretty solid.
Max didn't you say you just wanted somewhat straightforward death metal?

I'm surprised no one mentioned Hour of Penance

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Let's keep this thread rolling:

Intestine Baalism -



Believe it or not, these are some old school riffy death metal playing japs... and their latest album? Released through No Colours (L-O-Fucking-L)
Neverboarders: what, in your opinion, is the best immolation album? I have a few, but i never really gave them a thorough listen. And now that I'm into death metal again, I figure I should probably make myself more familiar with their material.